It admittedly had been a while since Yves' last visit to the human world. Too many things had happened since then with the Four Clans now merged as one, his family still unaccounted for and the most unusual dream from a week ago that he could still remember vividly today. There was a sister of War whom he remembered making a promise to in that game. Iyari. He had tried to seek her out a few days ago but to no avail - none of the few War brothers and sisters that he spoke to knew her nor where he could find her.

Not exactly the most patient among his brethren, the War Executioner thought it best that he resumed the search another day and got on with something somewhat more productive such as the task that Death had posed to them back when all of them awoke from their dream. Stepping through the portal that Charon had created for them, he blinked at the dimly lit apartment he had stepped into and then at the couple who were cuddled together on the couch, their eyes glued to the images on the television screen as they stretched their hands out towards the bowl of homemade popcorn from time to time.

Apparently someone saw it fit for him to try his hand at scaring these humans on their movie date night. How quaint...

Hope that this works for you~ ^^