User ImageSeaki
Sanii wasn't really important, if he thought about it. He was always in the shadows and his role wasn't grand or hard or anything within the colony. Still, he felt like he belonged here. This was home, and he was already very fond of it. Who cared if he jumped sometimes as the rustling leaves, or ducked away from shadows that looked particularly menacing?

It was home, and that was that.

The leopard, today, was simply searching for a muse. He had no idea what to make - something useful, but what? Maybe if he found someone else, they could brainstorm together and come up with a new design for something. There were very smart members of the pride - much smarter than he was.

He just hoped they weren't scary.

Velveteen Angel
Ardhira'i loved the colony - not for the typical reasons of safety and companionship, but they didn't really think that she was 'weird' (she was). Her experiments which had raised so many eyebrows in the rogue lands were suddenly perfectly acceptable in the colony. Well, mostly.

To be perfectly honest, there was very few circumstances in which her behaviour at that exact moment would be considered normal. The slender leopardess was perched in the tree top, a look of excitement on her face and her heart racing. This was going to work this time! It had to work! She had figured it all out this time! It was perfect!

Reading herself, and stretching her shoulders where a pair of precariously attached 'wings' (made of leaves and tree branches) were attached.

With a yelp of excitement, she launched herself from the tree.

The skittish leopard nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a yelp. He fought the urge to flee in the opposite direction, though his entire body was shaking with fear.

Instead of fleeing like he wanted to, he crept forward - after all, one of his fellow colony mates could be hurt!

He noticed it was, well - he'd never talked to her before, and he saw her plumetting down to the earth. He gave a cry of surprise, rushing forward to see if she was injured.

User ImageVelveteen Angel
Ardhira'i hit the ground with a disappointing thud, her wings breaking behind her as she fell, and showering her with leaves all around her as she sat on the ground. She pouted and swatted at one of the leaves beside her.

"Why won't you fly?" She yelled annoyed. She had changed her formula again, making the branches thinner and the leaves more plentiful but still she couldn't fly. Stupid birds, what did they know that she didn't know?

The arrival of a colony member took her by surprise though and she glanced up at the male rushing towards her. "Uhm, hi."

Sanii winces at the sound of the thud, whining in the back of his throat in sympathetic pain. "Are you alright?" He asked, distress lacing his tone. He couldn't stop shaking, the worry filling his chest.

She didn't seem terribly hurt, but one could never be too sure. He could fashion bandages or slings from the things around him be he hoped he didn't need to.

"Do you need me to get someone?"

Velveteen Angel
It took a moment for Ardhira'i to understand why he was asking if she was alright. Oh right, normal people didn't try to fly. "Did you see if I flew at all? Or was it straight down?" She demanded, rising to her feet. Her paw hurt it a little, but not enough to concern her. She shook her body and all the leaves flew off her body.

She huffed. "I can't understand why its not working. If birds can do it, why can't it?" She was mostly talking to herself at this point,

Oh! she was alright. Sanii sighed, relief quaking through his body and quelling some of the shakes. The question - the question threw him though. Flying? "Um, mostly straight, I suppose?" He told her, but it mostly came out as a question.

He rocked on his paws for a moment, waiting for the adrenaline to push from his system. He looked down at the mess of what he could only figure was a contraption of some sort.

She was trying to make something then - to fly?

"Are you trying to craft something?" he near blurted out, flinching back after it spilled forth.

Velveteen Angel
Ardhira'i bounced on the pads of her paws at his question, excited by his question of crafting. "Not crafting really, my crafting skills aren't fantastic. I'm a potion-maker by trade, but I have always been fascinated with flight! I'm hoping to build my own set of wings soon, and so far it's just not working." She huffed, and motioned to the pile of leaves and branches where she hit the ground.

"The leaves just don't have the same effect as a bird's wings but I don't want to pluck birds feathers, that's just cruel." She frowned. "I just don't know what I'm doing wrong."

Sanii frowned, looking at the mess of what he now understood where supposed to be... wings? He looked at the crude construction. "Maybe I can help?" He asked shyly. He didn't know if he could craft flyable wings, but he could try to help in any way he could.

"I don't think you'll have to pluck any feathers, though. They're probably too small," he said thoughtfully. It was... interesting, if he said so himself. He'd never be brave enough to climb a tree and thrust himself off of it in hopes of not falling. He couldn't even go to sleep without taking account for all the shadows around him...

Velveteen Angel
She perked up at his offer. "Are you a crafter?" She asked, thrilled. "Oh please say you are! I want so badly to find an artisan to help! I love making up ideas but my paws are clumsy when I am trying to construct things and so it makes it all very awkward and easily broken!" She pouted to herself.

"I know that it's possible, it's got to be possible, I just have to figure out how!" She paused for a moment in contemplation, before grinning at him in joy. "And you are going to help me! I won't take no for an answer, mister crafter!"