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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

Tags: Halloween, Demons, Monsters, Roleplay, Academy 

Reply { Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House
[HH 1v1] Ace of Dragons [Agsil+Brad]

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Kaefaux rolled 1 6-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-6)


Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:50 pm

It'd been.... jarring, to say the least. To go from a hall in the Monster Dorm to... white fog. The fog had moved, and the dragon had hissed in response. She'd figured, for a time, that it was someone's magic, a trick. Ability, perhaps? The hall was still around her, and she'd pressed forward. The shapes in the fog hadn't approved of that. Words spoken were ignored, she'd lashed back to each of their attempts. Footsteps followed though she could see no figure. Claws clicked and clacked--away from her own. Agsilved made a note to thrash whomever had caused this mess in the dorm hall.

By the time the fog began to thin, she was snarling, claws flexing and tail lashing through the fog that surrounded her. She'd bolted forward... and stared up at a structure that did not look like the dorms she'd been standing in prior to the fog. Never mind the fact she was now outside. The house was dilapidated, standing not so solid looking and alone in the fog. Her wings shuttered as she drew them back closer to her, straightening somewhat in her five-foot-five stature. This place was.... new.

And as she began to wonder where the dorms were, where the creeple were... she decided it was new in not at all a good way.


Rolling a 4: NO HEALING IS ALLOWED IN BATTLE. Someone is whispering to you about something, but you can't place out what, it is hard to focus. Everything distracts you, even the tiniest flash of light or flicker of movement.

Idk if you wanna roll the 20 next or have them interact a bit first before the gloves come off? Also assuming no mob battle but heeeeey fightfightfight
PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 12:29 am
He'd stumbled into fog. He wasn't exactly sure how he'd stumbled into fog, but yet here he was. Whereever here was.

[[ You got lost again, didn't you? ]]

He let out a sigh and held out his hand. He felt a rush as Yzalin materialized in his hand. It was one of the few times since acquiring the weapon that he'd actually, well, summoned her. He got the impression of the dragon stretching and he glanced at the blade.

Coulda sworn that eye like marking in the middle blinked and looked at him disapprovingly.

"I'm sure we'll find our way out, Yza. It's not like we're in the Sahara again. We'll be fine." The dragon grumbled in his mind, then went very quiet and almost still. Bradley looked around, the death trainee only slightly concerned as to where they were. It was outside a falling apart house, one that ... wait what was that sound. Hmm, no maybe something flickered in the window. Or perhaps.

[[ BRADLEY EVANS WE HAVE COMPANY PAY ATTENTION. ]] Her loud voice startled him almost into a fighting stance as a form moved through the fog that did not vanish on him when he blinked. He couldn't tell much, but whatever it was was short and had something thrashing behind it. He prepped Yzalin in front of him and waited for the form to arrive.

Come out, come out, where ever you are little dragon~!



Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 1:12 am

It had been soft, covered by the fog, but Agsil cocked her head. A voice. One different from the shadows that moved to and fro. Another figment? Her tail flicked, slithering across the uneven ground as she took a few more careful steps in the general direction she thought she'd heard the sound from. Her wings remained folded against her back, scales across her hands and feet all the darker against the pale fog. She was at least grateful she'd bound her hair back that day, a loose braid that kept the locks far from her way. If more of those strange.... fog things came back, she didn't need hair in her face distracting her.

Claws clicked lightly against the ground as she slowly approached, aware of how one figure... didn't move with the others. Stood solid. Strong. An actual figure, not something that swirled with the fog itself. What, exactly? She wasn't sure. But the dragon felt no fear as she drew closer. Not too close, however. She wanted more of an idea of its substance before she got into range. She began to circle. Slow, easy. Drawing up to her full height, tail alternating between sliding against the ground or flicking through the air behind her. Her wings remained where they were though.

Were they like her? Lost? Did they know this building? These creatures? Her eyes narrowed and caught on a strange part of the figure's shape. Long. A staff? No, something protruded from it. Were they... a reaper? She'd seen some around the school carrying weapons.

"Long way from home?" she called lightly through the fog. Keeping herself as shrouded in it as the figure was to her. Silence alone wouldn't tell her if this was, indeed, another lost student or someone from the town. Or perhaps even a figment of her imagination. Speech, on the other hand...

She dismissed the nagging thought that even her imagination could speak sometimes, if she wasn't careful.

One does not simply call a dragon . . . .
PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 3:34 pm
[[ It is of FEAR. ]] The blood dragon spoke quietly to Bradley. While she could not tell what it was, she remembered the feeling of FEAR. She'd been once part of it, after all. But, that was here nor there. She fell silent after that, leaving Bradley confused by the thoughts running through his weapon.

He shifted forward some, the fog thinning more. Eyes flickered around, looking at flashes and shadows that moved. This shadow did not move. It stood still among the apparent chaos of the grounds. He locked on it and moved towards it.

"Could say the same for you, unless you're the keeper of these grounds," he replied in kind, taking note of the added shadow of a tail, extra shadow space to the figure's back. So it was a creature of FEAR then, something he was bound to destroy, right? It spoke... some form of English though, which was... startling. Maybe him curious, for sure.

He dropped Yzalin into a looser grip, much to the shock of the weapon, and approached with caution. His boots clicked on the ground, on the metal of them, and he felt the armor and coat move with his steps.

He wondered what it was, shrouded in fog.




Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:19 pm

Keeper of the grounds? The dragon allowed a smirk to play along her dark lips. No, thankfully. All this fog would ruin her collection of manuscripts, scrolls, and tomes. Never mind it seemed annoyingly boring. Well. Mostly boring. The figures in the fog were ignored for a time, her attention caught by the sound of metal clinking, cloth ruffling--footsteps. It approached? Fascinating. So it was solid. Unless it was just more tricks of the fog.

"A keeper of sorts, yes, but not of these lands." She saw no reason to lie as she lingered where she paused, ceasing her circling for now. Curiosity was getting the better of her, wanting to see the figure in full. Ink stained claws rested on her skirt-clad hip, the slice up both sides allowing easy movement of her legs as simple ribbon kept the sides somewhat latched together. The sleeveless, high collar shirt clung to her, and only a few bangles clung to her arms and ankles--a considerably subdued outfit for her tastes. A stroke of luck, she supposed, there among the strange terrain.

"What was it that brought you here?" Her wings flexed a little at her back, tail flicked, but for all intents and purposes she was at ease. He spoke the same tongue as she, carried a weapon--her mind jumped to the conclusion he was a reaper and stuck there. No reason to believe otherwise.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:27 pm
He stepped through the fog as it parted around him. Apparently the fog wanted him to be seen now. Bradley hoisted Yzalin onto his shoulder, much like a greatsword, and stared at the woman with the (now more clearly seen) dragon bits. His weapon made no comment, growling in his head with slowly increasing volume.

The dragon woman was, well, scantily clad, from what he could see. Covered, unlike some of the human women he'd seen in various cities when he was younger. He sort of marveled at her appearance before realizing she'd asked him a question.

"A hallway... I think. I was trying to find the bathroom and there was fog," he said, distracted by a passing shadow and a whisper. It was also hard to hear himself think as Yzalin grew louder.

"Oi, Shortstack calm the growls. I can barely hear myself think," he half muttered, loud enough for the dragon in front of him to hear him. He glanced up at his weapon and sighed. Whatever Yzalin wanted, he couldn't tell. "I don't speak growl, girl."

[[ She threatens your world with her existence. We should end her here and now. ]]

The hunter stared up at his weapon with wide eyes and blinked.

The hell did that come from?




Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:44 pm

To see the figure emerge from the fog was almost a surreal experience. Quite a bit of armor, she mused, and did not hide for a moment how her eyes skimmed across the bits of metal and fur and ornate designs. Such as those across his--or so she surmised from his voice--scythe. The a corner of her lips turned upward, and appreciative gleam to her violet eyes to the handsome weapon. Were reaper weapons crafted as others, by forge and hammer, or magic and will? Regardless, the source should be commended on a job well done. It was a piece she could easily see in a place of pride among a clan elder's collection.

The slightly delayed response to her question had her give a faint nod. "I was in a hall myself in the dorms. Though it wouldn't have been the same," she murmured half to herself, head cocking slightly as she thought of the distance between the Monster Dorms and the Reaper Dorms. Did the fog appear in all the houses then?

Before she could press further on this thought, he began to speak. Shortstack? Agsil's eyes narrowed, looking at him anew. He was a few inches taller than her, that much was true, but really? "I suggest you learn to speak more cautiously when dealing with a dragon. Nor have I growled," she added with a raised brow. She'd growled earlier, yes, but not in the last few minutes.

A chill ran down her spine, and her wings flexed again, though not quite to the point of beginning to open. The shadows moved every now and then, and for a moment she wondered if one had grazed her. Surely it had nothing to do with the male before her. Perhaps the shadows were confusing him?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:59 pm
His eyes shifted to her and he mentally forced Yzalin to be quiet. Not that it helped much, as the dragon hissed and snarled.

[[ How dare she. I am a blood dragon and far superior to whatever... nest she spilled from. What did she hatch in, an ink well? ]] She huffed, and Bradley got the sensation of a tail flicking in disgust (which was an experience all its own). Brown eyes glanced between the dragon and his scythe.

"I'm afraid I don't taste good with ketchup. Though I am curious... "

[[ There's no sense in being interested in a low blood like her. ]]

"And how exactly would you know she's low blood, girl. You've been out of the world for how many years exactly?"

[[ That's none of your concern. She's not worth our time, unless you wish to practice on her. ]]

"... Practice on her? Yzalin, c'mon, she doesn't even look armed."

[[ She has claws! She has a tail! She does not need to come at you with a ruddy weapon to attack you! That fluke of a mission in the Sahara did nothing for your training. You want to practice wielding me? Then use her as target practice. ]]

Once again, Bradley stood gapping at his weapon, a growl of his own in his throat. What was up with her? Damn dragon was being more insistent than ever, and she was supposed to be the cautious one of the pair!

And once again, he spoke out loud. This was going to be so wonderful.




Unsealed Gatekeeper

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:26 am

Agsil's lips pursed slightly, bemused by this strange line. "And I do not have the inclination to test how you taste with ketchup. If that's what you're curious about, I'd suggest you find another to gnaw on you before you dissipate." Was he... a tad touched in the head? Certainly seemed that way to her for a moment.

...for a long moment, her eyes narrowing again and hackles raising to hear the comment of low blood. Just whom did this hatchling think he was? Everything he said made no sense. Out of the world? Practice on her? Her dark claws flexed, and her tail lashed behind her, striking the ground hard enough to scatter debris behind her. "I have given no reason to earn such commentary, so I strongly suggest you either explain yourself or lose yourself among the fog." She knew reaper familiars could speak aloud... could weapons do similar? She'd heard no voice though, beyond the occasional whisper of the fog-shadows. The thought chilled her and she took a step forward, a clawed hand extending carefully towards him. "If you are having a conversation with one of the fog beings, then cease."

Perhaps that was it. Was she less affected, being a dragon? Or was he a first year and that somehow came into the calculations? Regardless, she took another step forward, hand still extended. Hoping to grab hold of him, lead him out. Somehow. "Come. This place is not without its hostilities. We shouldn't linger here." She kept her voice calm, tried for soothing. Not that she was unfamiliar with the tone, but it was not a highly practiced one with her.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:19 pm
He let out a sigh. "I am talking to my weapon. She thinks you're a---" The tail lashed and he flinched. Bradley took a step back and swung Yzalin off his shoulders, into a defensive position in front of him. Blood pumped in his ears and he felt a touch of fear. " ... threat." He could see that now, that the dragon woman was dangerous. If there was one thing he was realizing, it was that dragons were arrogant, prideful, and not to be trifled with.

Just what did she mean by dissapate, too? "I am pretty sure I dont' disappate, lady. I just die." He eyed her as she took a step forward, then another. Yzalin's voice surged through his head as she made to grab him.


Her voice was so loud, so startling, that Bradley physically jerked. His weapon swung dangerously close to the dragon's outstretched arm. It did not connect from what he could tell. He turned his attention inward and snarled back at Yzalin, impressing upon her that yelling in his head was not the correct course of action.

Should the dragon feel threatened, he was an open target.

Cue battle start?


a-disgruntled-dragon rolled 1 20-sided dice: 7 Total: 7 (1-20)


PostPosted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 4:23 pm
[[ OOC rolling for initiative, cause I probably should have in that post, wHOOPS ]]  
{ Gymnasium & HH } ---------PVP/ Return of the Haunted House

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