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[Public] Mage's singles and plots UC but open

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Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:52 pm

I don't have a lot at the moment but I figured I can always add things later when ideas pop in my mind and when pets become eligible for breeding.

If you are interested in any of my soquili listed here please post this information.

Who you're interested in: Name of my soquili
What you're looking for: breeding, rp, plotting, etc
The Soquili you're offering: preferably a cert/uncerted image
A little about your soquili: personality background yadda yadda yadda
And of course anything else that you think might interest me.

Feel free to chat and ask questions and such though. I may make this into an actual form but I'll probably just leave it up to people coming in to post to add info they think is important.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:53 pm

What I'm looking for:

I figured I'd go through and list what I like as a Soquili pet owner first so I'm not repeating myself with every horse. I'll list things with likes and dislikes. Nothing I list will mean a guarantee or automatically denied just what I'm looking for and what I'm not a fan of. If somethings not listed I'm just not a favorite but I'm not against it.

MIxed breeds XD
Anything windswept
Up dos
Curly (either kind)
Long braid
leopard spots
Skeleton (markings not exposed)
Most wildlife styles
Pawed hooves
wolf/fox tails

Skinwalkers (cursed or pure)
the dolly-like large curly-que do
Pink (little bit in good design is ok)
hearts (just a bit overdone in my opinion)
Jaw edits
taloned hooves
completely feathered manes

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:54 pm

Little about rp and me
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:55 pm


Sylmeria the margay cat

User Image
Single | Taken | In Between | Lifemated

Looking For: Friends, future fling/lifemate
Breeding slots- 1) Edan 2) Open 3) Open 4) Open
Relationship status- single
Sexual orientation- heterosexual

Looking for- Fling or life mate I'm unsure at the moment. Plot not needed for a fling but prefered. At the moment I may do one more flings and then the rest will be with a life mate if I can find one for her. I do plan on trying to max her stats and possibly get her elder status but that's a long way away.

Kade the Wind Clydesdale

User Image
Single | Taken | In Between | Lifemated

Looking For: Friends, future flings possible harem members (still thinking about how I want to play this one)
Breeding slots- 1) Cyanide (attempting to get slots 2) Open 3) Open 4) Open
Relationship status- single
Sexual orientation- heterosexual

Brother aka his wingman (yes I know it's a bad pun)- Bastien/Kyrieko
Budding romance:

Kenrick the Draft Cerynai

User Image
Single | Taken | In Between | Lifemated

Looking For: Friends, future lifemate
Breeding slots- 1) Open 2) Open 3) Open 4) Open
Relationship status- single
Sexual orientation- heterosexual

none at this time

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:56 pm


Dysfunctional family- Sylmeria has her foals now and their relationships are tenuous at best. I'm looking for a parental figure to help her get over her selfish/self-involved ways to help mend their relationships and possibly prepare her for the next time she finds herself with baskets to care for.

Impish ways- Syrina has inherited her mother's self-indulgent ways and it comes out very much in her mean girl type attitude. I'd love for her to meet a not-so-nice Kalona/walker/mutant/just plain evil horse to really show her she isn't on the top rung and how others she treats badly feels.

Lover not a fighter- Kade loves to flirt with all the mares and I'd love to have him have a run in with another stallion that already had his eye on the pretty little thing that has caught Kade's eye at the moment. (not looking for a huge fight just a heated disagreement.

Family connections- Looking for a Cerynai/kirin mare to become/play the part of Kendrick's sister. Someone sweet and soft tempered and can smooth out his rough edges.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:04 pm

And another

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:08 pm

and one for good luck.

Everybody feel free to post possible offers and ideas that could use an addition to your plot idea.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:25 pm


Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

Roarie Desu

Kindly Gifter

20,615 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Snowflake Collector 50
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 12:40 pm

User Image

I know you said you don't like hearts....but...meet Sydan. Possibly for Sylmeria. He's shy and adorable and a lot self-conscious about his girly appearance. His family likes to tease him. He's shown (as of yet) no interest in mating and his family is starting to wonder. He likes girls, he'd just rather not talk about it with his family. He's been thinking about leaving the herd to go find his own thing. He doesn't feel he fits in. Their life is about warriors and honor and true-love. Syban prefers flowers, would never lift a hoof to hurt anyone and is soft-spoken.

There are other perks to Sydan's bloodline that would downplay the hearts. His mother is a mutant mini. Sydan's children have the possibility to pop cat tails and/or quilin tails. Making them real wildcats.
User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image
Mother l Sister l Brother l Grandfather

Master Wild Mage
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:31 pm

Oh wow. Where has that little man been? I'm so surprised that I haven't seen him or his family before. Though I'm not a huge fan of his hearts it's not too bad and he has other redeeming looks that I like. (and more since in throwbacks there's webs and quilian attributes that I love.) The possibility of getting actual cat tails and braids are totally a giant plus in his favor.

I really like his story/personality. Sylmeria's kinda looking for someone that dotes on her. She has a little mean streak when things don't go her way or there's something she doesn't like in general. Though she expresses her displeasure and such she's a follower. Her personality kinda reminds me of Harley Quinn in the old Batman cartoons. That "I want my way! Hey pay attention to me!" mentality.

My has a couple questions:
Were you looking for a fling or life mate?
How do you think they'd mesh personality wise?
What are all the breeds he's mixed with? (if there's anything other than normal/mutant and quilian)
I'd like to see his father and his side of the family if possible.

Teh Roarie

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

Roarie Desu

Kindly Gifter

20,615 Points
  • Generous 100
  • Somebody Likes You 100
  • Snowflake Collector 50
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:10 pm

Master Wild Mage
Oh wow. Where has that little man been? I'm so surprised that I haven't seen him or his family before. Though I'm not a huge fan of his hearts it's not too bad and he has other redeeming looks that I like. (and more since in throwbacks there's webs and quillin attributes that I love.) The possibility of getting actual cat tails and braids are totally a giant plus in his favor.

I really like his story/personality. Sylmeria's kinda looking for someone that dotes on her. She has a little mean streak when things don't go her way or there's something she doesn't like in general. Though she expresses her displeasure and such she's a follower. Her personality kinda reminds me of Harley Quinn in the old Batman cartoons. That "I want my way! Hey pay attention to me!" mentality.

My has a couple questions:
Were you looking for a fling or life mate?
How do you think they'd mesh personality wise?
What are all the breeds he's mixed with? (if there's anything other than normal/mutant and quilian)
I'd like to see his father and his side of the family if possible.

Teh Roarie
Sydan family is rather huge. But then if you're not familiar with the big families or the owners who keep them, it's easy to not know who is who. Jet has all the family mapped out here. I believe his direct line only has regs, quillin and the mutant quillin. The webs come form great-grandma Burryna and grandma Synestra.

My has a couple questions:
Were you looking for a fling or life mate?: Either. I would prefer to lifemate Sydan but I realize they might not work out as a couple.
How do you think they'd mesh personality wise?: I haven't played Sydan much but I can see him in my minds eye. A gentle soul among warriors. Lost and a little lonely. He know his larger family but has never met his mother or her father do to rumors that are not so rumored of the two being evil. He thinks the cat blood from his mother has mostly missed him since he is nowhere near as frisky or energetic as his siblings. It would be a doting and placating relationship. I can see Sydan giving her absolutely anything and everything she wants. He has a backbone and the warrior spirit of his family, but you'd be hard pressed to make him use it.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:34 pm

Wow that's a big family. That's daunting since Sylmeria is just little her.

I don't know if this will impact your interest in Sylmeria but she just won her first breeding from a fling in the raffle. I'm not sure how well she'll be as a momma yet and I since we weren't exactly expecting it the daddy's owner (Phail Ninja) don't have anything planned as of yet.

Teh Roarie

Master Wild Mage

Altruistic Mystic

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