The Horseman
Name: 凰羽藍 (Huáng yǔlán)
Nicknames: Yu (羽), My little Sparrow (小羽) [<----She will definitely stare at you if you're not a girl]
Gender: F
Age: Early 20's

Original Clan: Conquest

Job Role: Artisan - Fragrance related business
Lanyu's family is specialized in fragrance industry, including making incense of different scents, small scent pouches for ladies and such. So her family left the clan before it's destroyed and searched for new sources of scents. Lanyu's specialism is making small scent pouches that you can carry by dried flowers and other ingredients. That's why she always has a unique scent.

Personality: Maybe the surname predict that already, the Huáng (meaning Female Phoenix) family is dominated by females. Females play an important role that males are looked down upon and seldom raise their voices. Being raised up like that, Lanyu doesn't appreciate the males at all. She thinks females can do much better than males, so she doesn't have a thought of letting male to help. You can say she has a big prejudice towards males, in other words, she thinks girls are adorable and deserves all the doting.

She practices battle arts as a hobby in her leisure time, but you might also see her mumbling poems or dancing when nobody is around. (P.S. She might try to murder you if she knows you read her poems, those are the highest secret)

Night is not yet, but heart is anxious.
夜未濃, 心徬徨
Things make me frown heavily.
Wind is getting cold, yet no one to rely on.
風漸寒, 無依傍
When can my heart find the shore?

☆Hard-working: Lanyu is a diligent girl, she has high demand on herself as well as others. Therefore, to compensate her insufficiency, she practices practices and practices. For her, wielding the light spear is like dancing, so she can make elegant moves in battle.

☆Girly: Even though she seems to be a tough pony, from her poems, you can probably know that she's romantic and sensitive. Lanyu, like other girls, loves to collect beautiful stuff and clothing. SHOPPINGGGGGGG!

☆Prejudiced: As mentioned, it's hard for her to appreciate a boy. When she does, congrats, she has a crush on you, boy. Facing a girl she can be shy, but a boy, sorry, you got a poker face. Smile is only given to those males she respects or admires.

☆Skeptical: She doesn't trust outsiders at all, Lanyu even questions what the horseman says. She believes in what she sees and finds, that's all.

Mount Form: I don't know if this has to be a normal horse or can be equine-like creature....so here's my idea: Meg can't draw equine
(So if it's not acceptable, make it a normal white horse will do but with some of the details from below)

Plantium colored horns, a dense fur coat. There are light red tints on four limb, around the eyes and ears as well as the tail. Gold hoofs.

Idea comes from "踏雪尋梅" , meaning look for plum flowers while treading on snow.

Weapon Form: Spear. Long and slender, very light.
★ Main body of it is like made of some mineral material like THIS

With fabrics and bead, tassels decoration in color scheme matching her attire.

FEAR ATTACK: Sparrow Swift
The material that the spear composed of is fear-compatible, by infusing her fear into the spear, it will glow in a weak blue which temporarily make it much lighter that she can wield it like a sparrow & throws it to enemy far far away. The special scent of the spear helps her easily locate and get back her spear.

Physical Description:

exclaim Please refer to this outfit guide for horsemen! exclaim

Eye Colour: Amber gold
Hair Colour/Style: Reddish black, hair forming "loops" on side, how the "loops" go is CC.
Skin Colour: Asian peach-white
Clothing Style/Colours: General idea goes with the chibi shown, but details are CC. But some points would be appreciate to keep:

- A knot accessory on hair, with beads & tassels
- The black & gold border on the outer attire
- Long glove and the bracelet on left hand
- A small scent pouch on waist

Extra: She's slim, slim, slim and kinda tall among the girls
General Idea (Base Credit: PrincePie@dA)
★Color scheme: Velvetine's Reading
★ More color scheme: ONE -TWO -THREE
★ Purple-blue I want : Heliotrope - ----