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Diya wasn't thrilled at being back out in the rogue lands. He had fought his way into the pride, and now he was back in the familiar empty wastelands that he called the rogue lands. It was...not preferably. He didn't want to be here, he would much rather be back with the others, back in the pride, but if he wanted to prove himself, he must prove himself as a reaver. Staying Freeborn was simply not a possibly.

The rest of the band was somewhere else, Diya separated himself out in the hunt for something more intriguing.

What should he bring back? A thrall? Some pelts? Some treasure? The rogue lands was open to him, waiting for him to take what he wanted.

The pale coloured cheetah was bouncing as she walked, kicking her back paws and cheerfully moving. She was rarely serious, but today she was even less so. She was having fun, what was wrong with that? She was allowed to have fun!

She was grinning to herself, unaware of her surroundings.

He easily spotted her, after all, it wasn't like she was trying to hide. It seemed like she was trying to get attention instead. Weird. Still, it was practically like she was falling into his grasp, and he wasn't about to analyse the situation too closely.

First viking and he would bring home a thrall? That would show them. He dug his claws into the ground below him, shoulders stretching in preparation. He threw himself towards his chosen victim with deadly accuracy, aiming to knock her off her paws.

As a small, slender cheetah, it wasn't hard to knock her over. Not to mention, she was barely paying attention and so he caught her completely off guard. She hit the ground beneath him with a heavy 'oomph' noise and the air rushed out of her.

She gazed, wide-eyed up at him.

It took her a moment to get her breath back but when she did, her first words were. "Not fair! I didn't know we were playing! Start again! I'm it this time!"

He stared down at her, expression puzzled as he tried to comprehend her words. He growled, the sound low and rumbling as it vibrated them both practically.

"This is not a game," he snarled, a deadly sound, and his fanged mouth was worryingly close to her face.

She seemed completely unconcerned, however and rolled her eyes up at him. "Yes it is." She pawed at him, trying to get him to roll off of her but he refused to budge. She looked frustrated. "Move, silly, or we can't play!"

"This is not a game," he snarled, his claws coming out either side of her head, his teeth bared. "You are my thrall now, and I will be taking you back to my pride with me. You will be of use to our pride."

Kazuki forrowed her brows and looked baffled. "I don't know this game, silly! You have to explain the rules before jumping into a new game. I mean, really! It's like you've never played before."

"How many times do I have to tell you, this is not a game. I am a warrior, out on a viking, and I am claiming you as my thrall! My prize!"

Kazuki squinted at him in complete silence for a moment. "...So we're playing knights and damsels? I don't get it, who's supposed to come and rescue me, there's only two of us. You have not thought this game through properly, really. I don't even understand why you think it's a good idea to play it. It's a horrible plan."

Diya felt like smacking his head against a very large, very firm rock. How was she not getting this? It was like she was stupid! He didn't want a stupid thrall. If he wanted one of those, he'd just get some hybrid or something.

He scoffed, and stepped off of her. "Forget it! You will be of no use to anyone!" She would probably mess up even the simplest task. He would be a laughing stock if he took her back to be his thrall! She would do nothing to improve his reputation, or, heaven forbid, his standing in the pride.

Kazuki rose to her paws in a rather smooth and graceful movement, glancing at him with a pout. "But I still want to play! You just have to explain it to me." She flicked her tail behind her playfully, her smile cracking through her pout and transforming her face to the image of pure innocence and joy. She would have fluttered her eyes at him, but that was perhaps too much. He did look semi-murderous already.
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'"This is not a game," he roared at her, and she flinched. Woah. Major anger issues, she thought to herself. Not a good playmate!

"Gosh, no need to get stroppy!" She shot back grumpily, her smile and pout disappearing into a sulky look of agitation. "I don't want to play with you anymore! Good day!" She shot him a disappointed look and began to flounce off.

Diya contemplated chasing after her, and forcing her back to the pride, but heaven help them if that pathetic excuse for a female found her way to the pride. She'd be dead within hours, irritating everyone to the point of murder.

"What is the problem with girls," Diya lamented to himself, utterly baffled as he made his way back to the band, empty handed for now but determined to find some bounty to take back with him.

Kazuki giggled to herself as she legged it away from the seemingly dangerous lion. He had been significantly bigger than her, and if he had forced it, she would have no choice but follow him back to whatever pride he called home. She did not want to give up her freedom, not now and not ever.

She wasn't stupid, but people found it hard to attack stupid people, she had found, and playing innocent had no failed her yet! She grinned. Boys were so dumb.

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