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[ORP-Inqina] A Lesson In Caution [Done; Cubs/Juveniles] Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Ithambo hlabathi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:02 pm

With Surtak missing, the pride is on edge. A few lionesses were vocal about canceling the Inqina. However, some also vouched for birthing cubs within the pride, and sometimes concern vastly surpassed what was necessary. Thus, the Inqina would go on.

Both because it was necessary, and a compromise, many older cubs were allowed to go who might be considered breaching adolescence but had not yet finished becoming Zalwa. These, and other cubs, would begin the Inqina at dusk as opposed to the traditional dawn. The night was cooler and offered the cover of darkness to protect the offspring.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:22 pm
OOC Information

  • Looking for one adult lioness helping to watch the juveniles on their first time out. This will be given to the first person with an adult lioness to post. (Your cue is in the first RP-post) Role filled by Umoya (player: Lethrossen)

  • Unless specified, there should only be posts by players with cub/juvenile aged lions. This is a juve/cub centric event. (See timeline for the age of your cub)

  • There is no specific posting order, and you are free to post as many times as you would like. Interact with your fellow players!

  • A character may jump in at any time, and will be assumed to have been with the group the entire time. No IC late-commers!

  • There may be a prize.

IC Information

  • Timeline: Born in January (6 months of age; very late juvenile, early adolescence), February (5 months; late juvenile), March (4 months; mid juvenile), April (3 months; early juvenile), May (2 months; cub), June (1 month; young cub, recently able to walk and speak). If you are uncertain, please refer to the owner of your cub's mother to determine which age to use.

  • Note: This ICly occurred when Nguvu was still an Inselelo.

  • Beyond hunting tactics, learning will be done by observation from the cubs. The female teachers are out to do their jobs (usually hunting), and the juveniles are coming along for the ride. They will be spreading much further than usual, and taking more breaks than normal, to allow the cubs to see a large region of the plainslands.

  • Because of the above, the cubs/juveniles are expected to be on good behavior! (Not that they will be, but it is still expected).

  • Aged juveniles nearing their adolescence will need to aid the two lionesses in watching their younger brothers and sisters.

  • Juvenilles will not be doing any actual hunting on these outings! They are still too young and too small and would get seriously injured.

Ithambo hlabathi

Ithambo hlabathi

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:41 pm
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Had everything in the pride continued to run flawlessly, it would likely have been Matifa's turn, and first time, to help lead the Inqina. Each willing lioness rotated the responsibility ensuring pride togetherness, the mixing of ideas, and overall unity. With the loss of an Umholi, hairs were standing on end and no room was left for mistakes.

Ulaka may have been a vocal rumor monger with no actual spine, but she knew the Bonelands better than many that had been born there. If a tree had withered, she knew it. If an elephant had moved a boulder, she would complain something felt different. The last Inqina she had been a part of was without incident. So, it was almost under unanimous vote that Ulaka was chosen to lead this one.

The sun burned large and orange in the far horizon, illuminating the tips of a few dunes and scattered shrubs poking from the west. From her distance, Ulaka could make out thin, golden lines along the backs of cubs and their mothers.

The lioness was returning from scouting the lands surrounding the pride's current resting place. Main herds were noted, and watering holes she could spy crocodilian scales lingering in. The cubs would be taken along a route Ulaka deemed the safest when she arrived. For now, however, they had a chance to say their goodbyes, meet new friends, and create a headache for the lioness that had been picked to join Ulaka in leading the Inqina.


  • Feel free to RP with mothers dropping off their cubs in this part of the ORP! When the group moves out, they'll be asked to stay, of course. You're welcome to have them gossip.

  • Ulaka has not yet reached the group, so don't RP as though she is there quite yet.

  • Please feel free to post more than once and RP amongst yourselves until Ulaka arrives!

  • I will post again in 3 days, on June 18th, unless there are a large number of posts to warrant doing so sooner.
PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:25 am
User ImageKokumo towered over the younger cubs after a recent growth spurt. She wasn't as tall as her mother yet, but it looked as if she'd get there soon enough. Surtak was a small male, but Kokumo looked as if she'd become an average sized Bonelands female when she finished growing.

She tried to look calm and collected, since she figured she should try to be a good role model for the kids. The truth was that she was both excited and a little bit nervous. Perhaps she should be more worried about the whereabouts of her father, but for now all the feelings flittering around in her stomach concerned the Inqina. Surtak was her father, but he had always seemed distant and uninterested in his daughters. To be quite honest she wasn't really interested in him either.

She had been jealous about his outings with the boys at first, but mostly because not knowing what they were going to do upset her. Buna and her other female relatives took the opportunity to spoil the two sisters rotten while the boys were out, and that made her feel a bit better.

Today everyone would be going, and no one would be left out. And when they came back she'd be the one telling their mother about everything! This time she wouldn't miss out!


Sparkly Bibliophile


Blessed Hunter

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:09 am
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Umoya had always thought her first Inqina would have been lead with Quiba, though she guessed things didn't always go as imagined. She felt pretty confident she wouldn't mess things up though. Maybe. She hoped she wouldn't. She was fast though and a good hunter, even if she wasn't up there with the best hunters. Quick had to count for something, right? And she was good with cubs... mostly because she still held the maturity of a much younger lioness, sadly. She paced between the mother's and their children, tail flicking and paws feeling restless.

Her stomach definitely felt like it was in knots, but she tried not to let it show on her face. She knew with Surtak's recent disappearance that a lot of the other females had wanted to cancel the Inqina, Umoya hadn't been one of them. Still, she hadn't really considered leading one so soon either. She craned her neck to try and catch scent of the figure she saw in the distance, figuring it was probably the other lioness leading the Inqina. She really hoped it was someone she could get along well with... preferably none of the lionesses with a similar mind set to her mother's, thank you!
PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 12:30 pm
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At the peak of her first growth spurt, little Badriya wasn't so little anymore. Her awkwardly large paws and ears weren't as prominent now; as a juvenile, they almost fit her. Given a month or two, they'd be just the right size.

Those ears were pinned back and those paws digging hard into the dirt. Part of getting older was having your own opinions. This was the one she would remember as an adult, looking back on the day she was here, but didn't want to be. Where was her dad? Why didn't anyone look for him? You know, look better?

Badriya went wherever the crowd was, feeling anxious among so many faces, yet less noticeable than if she'd broke free to stand on her own. Please, let this be over soon.


Familiar Celebrant


Sparkly Bibliophile

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:44 pm
User ImageBuna had been involved in the loud discussions about the Inqina, and if it was a good idea to go ahead with it or not. It was unclear what side she was on, really, but being undecided hadn't stopped her from being just as vocal as ever. In the end her love for tradition had won out and she'd argued that the Inqina should be held as usual.

Today she wasn't so sure it was a good idea, but she kept silent about her worries. Her cubs were rattled enough about their father being gone, and she didn't want to upset them further.

She remembered the Inqina she'd led with Ulaka. Umoya seemed like a strange choice. She was a decent hunter, but she hadn't tried to herd cubs at this level. Buna stared at the other female with a stony expression on her face. She didn't mean to be rude, but she was worried. For better or for worse her precious cubs were being entrusted to Umoya and Ulaka now. Buna knew who she thought was the weaker link.

"Remember to watch out for your little brothers and sisters," she reminded her five cubs. She'd only said the same thing (with minor variations) four or five times today...
PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 5:17 pm
User Image Neze was something of an averagely proportioned male for his age, though his height was somewhat lacking. It was embarrassing to be shorter than one's sisters, no doubt, so he had to make up for it in other ways. He had to make his voice heard some how, and that required being opinionated and stubborn; two things he'd gotten rather good at lately.

"Of course", he replied easily to his mother's reminder. Whatever irritation he may have been feeling toward the constant remark, was drown out by excitement. His tail flicked out behind him and ears swiveled on the alert. He was use going off with his father by now, but the Inqina would be a different kind of adventure. That... and it would distract him from the loss of his father. He still wasn't entirely certain how to feel about it yet, and welcomed the easy escape.

Khanyo was growing, though not quite in the expected way. The young cub had gotten thick around the barrel and shoulders, his limbs heavily proportion with large, unwieldy paws and a heavy-set rump. Baby fat still clung to his belly, and it wobbled back and forth as he trotted from his mother's side to the gathering of youngsters. His stride was short and the jog a bit jumpy, but that did little upset the male's earnest good humor. He was, without a doubt, excited to be going on the Inqina. Unlike the outings with Surtak, his sister's would be able to come along!

Speaking of which, he spotted Badriya not far from where he stood. Regardless of the short distance, the plump cub jogged his way over to her, grinning broadly. "Its a good thing the adults didn't decide to cancel the Inqina, I would have hated to miss it", he told her, cheerful to the core. He couldn't imagine why their grandmother had been so forceful with wanting to cancel the Inqina, especially if their own mother was okay with it. But then again, Grandma Dina was always doing stuff like that.Yes, their father was missing, but he was a strong male and Khanyo wasn't particularly certain what all the fuss was about. Surtak would be okay. He had no doubt about that.

Jovi of Shadows

Dangerous Decorator

7,950 Points
  • Perfect Attendance 400
  • Partygoer 500
  • Team Jacob 100


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:59 pm
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The absence of Surtak was on one hand an utter relief and on the other, a hard pit settled into his stomach. On transferring from milk to meat, Duma had unwittingly swallowed a pebble in his hasty consumption. He had been so convinced it would be forever stuck in his stomach that he'd imagined it rolling around inside his body. He'd attempted to convince Khanyo he could hear it. Duma had eaten slowly ever since. The stone had later passed, but the feeling was back anew.

The absence of traveling into the roguelands made Duma feel anxious and depressed. He attempted to thwart this feeling by talking to others. While he had a great deal of experience with his half-siblings, common sense told him that a repertoire of friendly faces might benefit him. This in mind, his late-juvenile body extended its lanky legs and, fat belly swaying, he made for Kokumo's side.

Even without the age difference, Kokumo would have dwarfed Duma. Whether slow to grow, or simply a small male, no one wouldn't be surprised that Surtak's son wasn't reaching the paramount size of the Lead Umholi. This didn't stop him from offering a slightly uncertain, but genuine attempt at a smile.

"Heard any rumors about where they'll take us?"

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:30 pm
The sun was already beginning to fade. The golden lines had turned into a deep pink, and the western mountains were swallowing up the last rays of sun. Ulaka broke into a jog, head held high and eyes searching for Umoya.

Inquisitive mothers were shrugged off and walked past, with the words, "Later." The Busisa was clearly in no mood for chit-chat. Ulaka's mouth was pulled into a thin line, ears back and low to the ground. At last, she found the dirt colored lioness and squeezed her way by cubs, grandmothers, aunts, and mothers.

"We'd better get started," she breathed. "The wildebeest herd is still at the high watering source. There are three males there as well, so I found a lower route." Mouth still open, tongue dry from the amount of breaths she took in, Ulaka glanced over her shoulder and then the rest of the way around them.

"I'll check for injuries. Make everyone form pairs." Whether Umoya chose to do this by vocally ordering everyone to pair up or she manually sorted them was of no concern to Ulaka. The pale female worked her way through the cubs and juveniles instead. She checked for any injuries or illness that would impair walking. Hard as it may be to refuse them, unfit cubs would need to stay home.

"Buna," she nodded her head as she walked by. She glanced towards Neze, shaking her head.



  • The walk to start the Inqina will OOCly/ICly begin on June 22nd (Sunday) in the evening.

  • You may interact to your hearts' content until the IC call to move forwards. I will continue to post with Ulaka as she is interacted with; her posts are on no set schedule.

Ithambo hlabathi


Noble Cub

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 11:07 pm
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Ukame had not been dropped off by her mother but instead by Mvua, a slowly becoming friend of Mcheni. She was lacking in the size that several other cubs had. This little cub was currently stuck somewhere between cub and adolescent with still some remaining baby fat on her cheeks and belly. It would have easily swayed had she actually been up and moving instead of her current huddled position in the same spot Mvua had left her. Ears back and tail curled against her body, she was obviously afraid. She hardly knew any of the other cubs around; her mother didn't let her talk to them, but Mvua had encouraged her to try and make connections while she had the chance.

Her brown eyes darted around from one to another. They seemed so...calm, comfortable even around eachother. Could she even do this?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:49 am
Kokumo looked own at her little brother with a smile. It was easy to be nice to him now, without the constant sting of jealousy over the many boy-only outings with Surtak. This was something new for them both, and it was better than any boy-trip. The Inqina was proper Bonelands tradition, and much more important.

"Lots of rumors!" she said, "But mom have told me I should try not to listen to them. It could all change if the weather change or the herds move anyway. I hear they don't decide until the very last minute."

She had pestered her mother, and really any Umzingeli she could find, about where they might go and what they might do. No one had managed to satisfy her curiosity completely.

"We might see elephants," she said, since that was the coolest thing any of her informants had mentioned, "Have you ever seen one?"


"Ulaka," Buna said with a nod, and a tense smile. She noticed the glance she gave Neze, wondering how the two would get along. He could be difficult at times, and she almost smiled at the thought of the two butting heads. Ulaka would win, she was certain. Neze could be stubborn, but the lioness had much more practice.

"And don't talk back to Ulaka and Umoya," she added, just in case. "They can only keep you safe if you do exactly as they say. I don't want to hear that any of you have caused trouble!"

She wasn't entirely sure how much her nagging was worth at this point, but she'd rather not be embarrassed by her cubs. She had tried to raise them right, in the proper Bonelands tradition.


Sparkly Bibliophile


Liberal Streaker

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:44 am
Hearing the excitement in Kokumo's voice, Duma shook his head. In truth, he had seen a few elephants in his excursions. Once, in fact, he'd been reprimanded for spending too much time watching a bull elephant strip and push over a shrub-tree.

"I haven't." The occasional white lie kept everyone around him happier. What was wrong with Kokumo assuming she had the chance to be the first to see an elephant? "I really hope we see one." The smile on Duma's face was certainly honest; his half-sister's excitement was intoxicating.

Voice dropping, he added. "People are shifting. Looks like we're getting ready to move out." The apprehension of the Inqina added to the unsettle in his gut. Duma's muscles grew tense and he tried to keep from smiling too large.
PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:44 am
Two young cubs were sent back to the pride: One with a respiratory problem that she'd attempted to hide; the other a male who had cut his paw and the pad had become swollen and inflamed.

Moving to the outside of the group, Ulaka raised her head tall and shifted her weight to her hind limbs. Though she could not stay upright for long, it allowed her to take a broad look at the group in question.

"Once you have a partner, follow me!" Ulaka was known as being loud for her gossip, but the roar she sounded wouldn't have detracted from her namesake. Giving a few moments for the first pairs to start moving, Ulaka turned and headed towards the last hint of red illuminating the far mountains. In just a few minutes, it would be dark. "Keep your eyes sharp. The walk is a long one."

Their path took them just south of the Firekin outpost. The plateau before them was expansive. Looking forwards, one could see nothing but tall grassland and the occasional umbrella tree. To the right, the faint sounds and distant movements of the red-pelts. Leftwards, more grass and distant rocks. Flat as it might look, the land was steadily sloping downwards so that the females they left behind them would slowly disappear from view and get swallowed up by a growing ridge. The trees and shrubs would get more dense, until they were winding their way through them. Outside the pride, who knew what they might meet?


- Find a partner! If there is no partner for your lion, you can either assume an NPC partner or Ulaka can notice and take them on as "her partner".
- The group will reach their first destination on the 27th, Friday
- In the mean time, feel free to have your character spot things on the walk, need to break, chatter, whatever is IC for them!
- You may also roll 1-50 in any of your posts to see if your lion spies something
1-10: Nothing
11-15: One or two zebra scattered through the plain
16-20: A natural rock formation in the distance that looks like a profile of a water buffalo
21-25: Trees, maybe a few clouds, maybe a prairie dog; nothing of note
26-30: A snake! (Oh, that's just another lion's tail)
31-35: An actual snake (Steer clear! Or not to cause trouble. Species is up to you!)
36-40: Trees, maybe a few clouds, maybe a prairie dog; nothing of note
41-45: A group of resting hyenas; stay close!
46-49. The shrieking sound of a nearby bird
50: An elephant

(( As a courtesy, I've quoted everyone who has posted. If you'd like to opt out of receiving quotes, just leave me a note in your next post. ))




Jovi of Shadows


Ithambo hlabathi


Fashionable Bear

PostPosted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:35 pm
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Kodoa walked alongside his sister carefully. They had been dropped off by their mother, inspected for their health, and they were now following Ulaka. His little heart beat heavily in anticipation. Though his mother had explained the Inqina to him, his little mind was not entirely sure what was going to happen. He decided that he would do what he did best and keep his eyes on everyone. He seemed to find out quite a lot from that, it was astonishing what a good stare could uncover.

He had partnered with his sister, Kinga. She had not so much offered it as demanded it. A protective and loyal kind, she was very similar to their other brother, they seemed to take after their dad in that respect. Kodoa would stick up for his family over anything, but he hadn't discovered whether he was strong or a good fighter yet.

User Image

Kinga was also quiet. Usually the more vocal one out of the pair, the young female was just as nervous as everyone else seemed to be, and a little jittery to boot. She hoped that the long walk would calm her down. When their mother was walking with them to drop them off, she could barely breathe for excitement, but now, who knew what was going to happen? She walked just a little in front of his brother, just in case anything were to spring out and attack... Kinga blinked around at some of the older cubs, some she knew, some she didn't.
[IC] Ithambo'hlabathi Lands [IC]

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