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(PRP) Double Trouble! (Usoa/Esti/Ishara/Dysi)

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Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:24 am
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It wasn't just everyday that the twins were able to sneak past their cubsitter! The two had snuck out early in the morning, while the young leopon still slept in their temporary den, and had run like the hounds of hell had been nipping at their ankles. When they had branched off the two had continuously broke into laughter. Esti couldn't stop grinning. He bounced with large paws over a patch of small twigs, and attempted to leap over a larger log, only to get caught with a great 'umph!' when he only made it half way.

Usoa bounced around him and grinned, putting his paws on the log in front of his brother so that they were nearly touching noses. "You lose again!" Since games were so few and far between in their travels, any little slip up was called a 'lose' where as successfully duping their sitter was a 'win'. As far as Usoa was concerned he was the better player, since he had more wins than his brother. He was the smarter one, or so he thought. "You can't even walk straight." He laughed. "It's a wonder we got away at all with you!"

Esti frowned and reached forward to n** at his brothers ear, giving it a good enough tug to drag his brother up on the log with him, despite his squalls of protest. "That's what you get for poking fun! You can only do that to others, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah." Usoa rubbed his ear and stuck out his tongue. Some brother! "Though, it's not much fun out here on our own...is it?" Looking at the two of them, hanging on either side of the fallen log, they realized they had made a grave mistake. In their rush to leave their sitter and her rules behind they had neglected to notice how utterly alone they were. No one to pick on, to poke or prod. "We've got to find something."

Velveteen Angel
PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:18 am
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Dysi was taking Ishara out again, because really, he missed having a daughter and what was the point of Sukanya settling nearby if he couldn’t babysit every once in a while? He was sure that Sukanya appreciated it, as she was getting more and more tired. He doubted that Ishara appreciated it though.

“Why do we always walk places?” Ishara sulked as she padded along next to Dysi.

“Because we don’t have wings,” Dysi responded promptly with a broad smile. Ishara’s returning look was not amused at the response, and clearly showed it. She huffed at her uncle.

“You’re lame,” she responded blandly. She was struggling to keep up with Dysi’s long strides, puffing slightly her small chubby legs not quite keeping the pace.

He chuckled loudly, amused at the sulky cub. She was in the awkward stage of being between two species, and being still young enough that it was obvious. A bit gangly, a bit more weight on her bones than most her age, Ishara was the epitome of ‘weird looking’ to most. Dysi adored his niece though, but she was really isolating herself from others.

What she needed was friends her own age – preferably ones that didn’t try to kill her, like the wild boy.

Painted Moose

Velveteen Angel

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 7:01 am
Esti blew a spit bubble towards his brother and laughed when it popped in his face. His ears twitched around and he held his claw up before his face to shhh his brother before he even spoke. "Do you hear that?" He turned his head, climbing to the top of the log in a show of flailing limbs. Rump twitching, he started laughing under his breath. "It's time to play, brother!"

Usoa nodded and led the way away from the log while staying as crouched low as possible. They came around in the brush to the side of a peculiar sight. What kind of creature was this? The boys looked at each other and back to the pair. They knew leopons, since Makoto had leopon daughters, once of which was currently supposed to be watching the boys, but what was the big one? "Looks like a slug."

"Definitely a slug," Esti murmured. "Do you think it's a male? Kind of looks wussy to me." In truth he wasn't sure at all if it was the father or the mother, though the two looked nothing alike. Maybe he was her caretaker like Shiemi was theirs? Bored already, he shrugged. "This isn't fun. Watch this."

Sneaking out around them, he tried to sneak up behind Dysi and Ishara, reaching forward to tug on Dysi's tail before diving into a bush.

Usoa, in the meantime, appeared before them and blew a raspberry before dodging into a bush of his own.

Velveteen Angel
PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:41 pm

Dysi was quite cheerful, padding along, enjoying the scenery when he felt the pull on his tail. He frowned and glanced back, slightly concerned as his niece was walking by his side, and couldn't have touched it. What the?

He shook his head, brushing off the thought and turning back, only to be confronted by the male appearing before them and blowing a rather disturbing raspberry at them.

He flinched back, eyes wide, before he laugh. Oh! Youths! That explained it all!

Ishara, however, was not as impressed. She scowled at the male who appeared in the bush, bristling her fur up in annoyance.

"Stupid boys!" She groaned in annoyance, just getting frustrated with young male cubs! Why couldn't they all just GO AWAY.

Painted Moose

Velveteen Angel

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 6:48 pm
Esti frowned from his own bush. The slug was laughing? That wasn't right! They should be panicking by now or at least getting nervous. He moved around in the brush to circle the three, then came out to appear at his brothers side.

"These two are bad, brother." He turned towards Usoa, who nodded his head in agreement. "We should show them what to do." The young cub smiled.

Usoa just smiled at Ishara's obvious annoyance and stuck his tongue out at her while his brother appeared. "I don't know brother, the leopon's mom might get angry." He turned to look at Dysi, a little teasing grin on his face. The facts were obvious that these boys knew little of restraint or discipline.

"What's wrong? Beetle got your tail?" The boys snickered in unison, but it was Usoa that moved a little closer to Ishara. "Are you sure you're a girl?"

Esti laughed at his brothers questions, but his comments were addressed to the pair as a whole. "Anyway, you can't come this way! This is our lands and you haven't paid the proper fee." He stood tall and proud, his odd eyes strong. Though he and his brother were separated, the distance was never father than tail length. Often the tips of their tails would brush against one another.

"You both have to give us something to go past, or you'll be bad."

"And then you'll be in trouble."

Velveteen Angel
PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:59 pm

Dysi was feeling slightly dizzy trying to keep up with which of the two cubs were talking, glancing between them as they chattering like little trouble-makers. Oh gosh, what had they got themselves into? However, Dysi was quite used to cubs, and he was even more used to troublesome cubs, so even as they threw comments at him, he just smiled at them.

"What do you want us to give you?" He asked, latching onto their last comment, because the rest of them were hardly of importance, just childish bluster and teases.

However, as he had expected, Ishara took their words more to heart than Dysi ever would. She bristled at their comment of her gender and her eyes narrowed in pure anger. "Of course I am a girl! Can you smell me stinking like boy stink, or being stupid like boys are? Clearly I am a girl!" She growled in frustration.

Oooh, she could never understand how boys and girls could live together. Never ever! "Don't give them anything, Uncle!" Ishara protested. "Just step on them, they're a lot smaller than you!" It was mean, but hey, they would stop harassing them...

Painted Moose

Velveteen Angel

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 7:03 pm
Velveteen Angel

Esti grew agitated at the leopards constant smiling. He should have been worried, not amused! The game just wasn't any fun that way.

The twins moved to sit closer to one another, their tails unconsciously molded to one another as if they had been braided from birth. They look to each other, sharing a link that only they knew of before turning to the other pair.

Usoa was the first to speak. "You have to give us something sweet. Our sitter won't let us eat any treats, but-" He stopped to grin, shaking a little silent laugh with his brother. "-we eat them all the time anyway."

After a moments paused, Esti moved closer to Ishara and gave a long, drawn out inhale that resulted in him fake gagging. "Ugh, you're right, you smell so much worse than a boy! She must be a girl, Usoa."

"Must be." Usoa nodded gravely.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:46 pm

Dysi could tell that the boys were getting agitated at them but continued to smile. They were actually quite endearing; he mused to himself. They were trying so hard to be big and tough but they were only cubs. He didn't doubt that this 'game' would be so much more concerning when they grew to full size, but for now. They were too little to be scared of.

"Sweets, huh?" Dysi remarked casually, ignoring Ishara's command to not give them anything. "I suppose we could give you some sweets, if you let us continue on our way?"

He watched the cubs interact with amusement, knowing Ishara could handle herself; she was loud enough to counter-act the boys anyway.

She bristled visibly at the boys. "UGH! WHY ARE BOYS SO STUPID?" Ishara shrieked, clearly growing frustrated. She was not one for violence, nor was she one for dramatics, she was a sensible child but she had reached her limit with these two.

She pounced on one that was closest to her, trying to shove him to the floor. She was a pit on the pudgy side, so she did have some weight to her advantage, and surprise. She was sure she could take them on.

"Ishara!" Dysi yelled in surprise.

Painted Moose

Velveteen Angel

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2015 12:11 pm
Velveteen Angel

Usoa jumped back at the shriek, raising a paw to cover his ear while Esti merely flipped his ears back with a frown. His brother was more sensitive than he, and was thus the last to react. Esti snorted. "Cuz it takes a brain to be stupid and any idiot can act sm-"

Of course with Esti so close to Ishara he was the one that was pounced on. He growled at her, and tried to kick, but she was bigger than he. It wasn't much of a difference; just enough of one to make it hard for him to fight back!

Usoa watched it unfold with wild eyes. This was the first time the twins had been in a real fight! Beyond scrapping with themselves, that is. "Esti, stop! She's a girl!" The way he said it had more fear than it should have. Before they left, before they were kicked out...Usoa remembered their mother snapping at him for rough housing with his sisters. He remembered her vehement glare.

He moved forward, and tried his best to wriggle between them, which earned him a kick to the face by his brother.

"Usoa!" Esti looked at his brother, but his conflicted nature showed. He didn't want to back down, but if his brother said so..
PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:49 am

It was rare that Dysi was actually upset, it took quite a lot to upset the motherly male and his tolerance was even higher when it came to cubs - they were little and only learning, so it was fair that he give them extra patience to help guide them. But Dysi felt shocked and more than a bit upset at Ishara's dramatics. Thankfully, since he was so much bigger than the three he was with, he simply reached out and pulled Ishara off, using his jaws on the back of her neck to tug her away quickly. He let out a low growl, warning Ishara not to fight with him to get away.

The growl was what settled the young leopon, her movements slowing though her breath came out in heavy pants of pure rage, as she glared down at the boys. "I might be a girl but that doesn't mean I can't kick your butts!" She snapped at them, but fell silent when Dysi once again growled, a low warning noise.

Dysi held on to her for a few moments, before lowering her to the ground, but he placed her between his front paws, keeping a close eye on her. "Apologize to them!" Dysi said, in a no-nonsense tone. "Now Ishara."

Ishara looked furious at being forced to apologize, but seeing the look on her Uncle's face, spat out a half-hearted "Sorry," without actually looking at the two boys.

Dysi sighed. "I'm sorry boys, we didn't mean to start any trouble," Dysi said, adding his own apology to Ishara's pitiful attempt.

Painted Moose

Velveteen Angel

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:50 pm
Velveteen Angel

Usoa sensed the growing tension and moved into intercept his brother. Instead of just standing back and tugging on him, the little cub actually moved forward to sit on his brother's head. That earned him a not so cub rated curse from Esti that colored his ears. It took a bit of finesse to ride the wriggling cub, but Usoa held strong. "Why is she apologizing? We were bad, too." He put his paws on his brother's head and pushed down, hoping to calm his fight.

Thankfully it seemed to work. Esti couldn't very well throw his brother off of him since Usoa was the weaker of the two, so it put him in an unhappy position. His brothers rump was settled on his shoulder blades and he was looking out at the two through his brother's paws. Serves her right. Big, fat jerk. Esti stuck out his tongue and was about to pull down the corner of his eye when Usoa put his paw on Esti's exposed tongue. "eh-ee!"

"He's not going to say it, so I will. We're sorry; to you, not to her." He pointed a paw at Ishara. "If she shouldn't apologize to us then we shouldn't apologize to her. Brother and I fight all the time so it's normal. Cubs do that, right? But adults don't like it so we don't do it often."

Esti nodded and was relieved when Usoa let up off his tongue. They fought all the time so it was just common place with them, and the only ones that seemed to want apologies were stuffy adults. Maybe it was to make them sleep better at night? Weird.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 3:14 am

Ishara continued to remain between Dysi's front paws, sulking, but her eyes drifted towards the duo as one of the boys spoke.

Dysi smiled at the boys. "Well that is very mature of you, I accept your apology. I do understand that cubs fight, but it was still rude of her to do so with the intention of harming. Cubs fight, but often not maliciously." He patted Ishara's head affectionately. "She's fiesty though, which I am sure you and your brother are."

He glanced at the pair. "Are we able to pass in peace now? I'm sure your parents will be worried for you, with us having kept you for so long," Dysi said with a smile. It didn't even occur to him that the cubs might be on their own. Who would abandon such adorable cubs?

Ishara huffed, and glared at the pair, still unimpressed with both of them, although the male who spoke didn't seem like the biggest jerk. They were still jerks, but he didn't seem quite as bad.

Painted Moose

Velveteen Angel

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 9:19 am
Velveteen Angel

"Nah, we would have hurt her too." Esti answered easily. They weren't above scrapping to the point of bringing out blood, though it rarely came to that. Whatever level she had brought to them they would have met it easily. Hell, he still wanted to tear into her hide, and visibly showed his displeasure at being held back. "Our parents won't be worried cuz we don't have any." Shrugging, the snippy little cub moved out of the way and sat closer to his brother. "Nan will though. We're going to get in trouble cuz of her." He tossed a sharp look at Ishara.

"Cuz of her and you, Esti." At least he was acknowledging that half of them had been at fault. Maybe one day he would see that he had messed up just as much as his brother, if not more. "We're on a trip to find a forever home. Nan's taking us there since Mama didn't want us." Now that he thought about it, their nanny did look an awful lot like this leopard. Huh, weird. "So you guys better leave before she comes and kicks both of your butts. She's tough; she'll do it."

Shiemi wouldn't hurt a fly, but they didn't need to know that.
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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