User ImageSeaki
Faudi was wandering, and truth be told, he was hungry as well. He really wanted to eat, but there were no kills lying about. It was summer - hot and muggy - and the vultures found things fast. He never had the heart to chase them away from their meal despite them chasing him away from his own food.

Still, he was hungry. His stomach rumbled and squelched, and he wanted to just lay down and stop his search. He was tired, he waned to cry - and why was it so hot? He gave a small whine. Perhaps if he hadn't felt so inclined not to harm any himself, he'd hunt, but...

He couldn't. That would go against everything he stood for, and he couldn't do that! If it meant he would starve to death, then so be it!

Painted Moose
Taime leaned down so that his face ran parallel with the ground. He licked his lips and leaned in, grabbing a large mouthful of tall weeds and pulled them from the ground. The soil that clung in a ball near the root was just icing on the cake. When he sat down it was to dine on his dish happily. There was nothing better than a full stomach and a little sweet treat on the side. These weeds in particular had a sweet scent, and just as appatizing a taste! Taime shivered a little, his energy levels through the roof. Ah, what a good day it was to be a vegetarian!

It had taken a moment for Faudi to move along, mourning his lack of food. Perhaps, if he pushed on, he could find someone willing to hunt for him as Mati had once hunted for the both of them. She was so kind! But she was gone now, and he had no one!

Of course, that's when he spotted a lion chewing on grass. Grass? "Excuse me?" he approached nervously, unsure of how to ask his question. Would it be rude? Probably. He'd hate to be rude, especially when he had such an important question!

"W-what is that you're doing?" he gestured to the plant, nervously.

User ImagePainted Moose
"Hmm?" Taime turned to see this newcomer. In truth he'd known there were others milling about, but he'd never been too concerned about it. They left him alone, and he was able to eat in peace. But now...? He watched him for a bit, brows furrowed and one cocked to the side. Feeling his mouth become dry, he swallowed on a gulp and nervously responded, "Eating? Don't you usually need know, eat to survive...?" Was this a trick question, or was this lion some type of psychopath? Taime wasn't sure he wasn't to know either way. "Don't you eat?"

Oh no, he knew he appeared rude! He shrank back a little, more unsure of himself than before. "I do, yes, but I've never eaten a plant before," and at that moment, his stomach gave a shrill sound, protesting the lack of food in his belly.

The poor, hungry lion could only wince again. That had been even more rude! If he ground could swallow him now, he would really appreciate it. "Why are you eating a plant?"

Painted Moose
Wha..? Taime looked around him, more positive than ever that he was being punked or something. There would be more lions popping out, start laughing, and then they would all high five each other before walking off. He pulled up quick, though, and looked at Faudi's stomach. "You should try it, if you're hungry. You have to eat more plants than meat to survive, but it's a lot better." Taime nodded, suddenly serious. "That way you wouldn't be committing cannibalism of our brothers in other fur."

Faudi was a bit uncertain still. Maybe this was a bad idea... But maybe not, as well! "Um, are they easier to find? Can I eat just any plants?" he asked, curious. He looked at the plants around them, wondering which ones he could devour. They didn't look... bad after all. Just not something he had thought about before.

"Can-cannibalism?" he gave a distressed noise, echoing from the back of his throat. "Oh, no, I nev-never meant to commit cannibalism!" Oh, no! Oh no, oh no, he was a terrible lion, and an even worse pacifist.

Painted Moose
Taime nodded. "I can show you what plants you can eat, but you need to be careful about poisinous ones. It's the same as eating bad meat. You'll be really sick before you know it." He pointed towards the plants and roots he had just been harvesting. "See these here? They're really sweet, so they make a great snack, but not a good meal." His ears folded back on his head, and he had to force himself to breath calmly before this lions nerves put his own on high alert. He was jumpy enough, thank you! "It's okay, you were only doing what you were told to do. See, we've all been led down the wrong path. Lions weren't meant to eat the meat of their brothers in fur and feather, but rather to share the earths bounty with them. Get it?"

Faudi gave a shaky nod. "I would be forever in your debt," Faudi said seriously, carefully looking at the roots the brightly colored male pointed out. A snack? That would be welcome now, no matter if it was just a snack...

"I think I've got it. Is there anyway to tell, off hand, which are poisonous?" he asked a bit fretfully.

Painted Moose
Taime sat a little straighter than he had before, a proud smile on his face. A fellow vegetarian, he saw! This lion was only the first of many that would change their minds and see the light. "A fair indicator is the bloom. Some of the brighter blooms and attractive leafage are set up as traps. A good way to tell what's good and what isn't is just to watch the plant eaters. Get a feel for what they're doing and go from there."

That... That was actually a solid idea. "So, where the herds graze - the same grasses and such?" He asked, just as confirmation. His tummy rumbled again, and he wondered if he could find a plant to eat quickly.

"What about this one," He posted to a long stocky grass that seemed to be a weed of some sort. If he only knew his plants as well as his speckles, he'd be so much better off..

Painted Moose
"That's how I learned." Taime nodded. "It's going to take you a while to get used to it, especially since you're starting a lot older than I was when I got into it, but don't worry. If you truly believe that what you're doing is right, and it is, you'll pull through." Taime'sooja bent down to inspect the plant and gave his word on it, as well as moving about the weeds and grasses to show this lion how to eat. He'd already begun to prattle on like he was gray in the mane, and that was only the beginning. Surely this dicussion would carry on til night touched the Savannah!