User ImageThe Horseman
Name: 俞荷精 Yu He Jing
(To Heal) (Lotus) (Essence)
(Western Order: He Jing Yu)
Nicknames: n/a -- her name is rather short...
Gender: Female
Age: Physically looks early 20's.

Original Clan: Conquest

Job Role: Scholar

"You will learn with time." -- He Jing is a scholar. Part of her responsibilities, then, are to teach their ways to the new and old mares and stallions, and it is fortunate that He Jing is rather good at this. She's a natural teacher, easily slipping into the role like it is her second skin. In this situation, she exhibits good qualities teachers possess: the patience to deal with those who do not learn so quickly, the understanding required to be on the level of the student, and the ability to be thorough in her explanations. It can be surprising, considering she doesn't show some of these traits at other times...

"...Really." -- As soon as the second, official duties skin comes off and He Jing goes back to her normal day-to-day activities, all that understanding and patience she was known for tends to go right out the tower's Death Floor windows. Ordinarily, when dealing with others she isn't exactly known as patient, especially when someone else is having trouble understanding what she is saying. It feeds into an occasional haughtiness about her position -- that is, she's smarter than you, she knows it, and she has no patience for your sniveling idiocy.

"Just because I look small..." -- He Jing might have just as easily become an Imperial Soldier if it wasn't for the fact she possessed a fair amount of brilliance from a young age. She is not necessarily calm like other scholars may be at her base, and in fact can pack quite the wallop if challenged face-to-face. She often trains and fights, and while officially it might be to better her mind and spirit, in reality it's just because she enjoys kicking a fairly constant amount of a**. In personal situations, this can make her sometimes seem more like War than Conquest -- brash, frank, and ready to fight at a moment's notice. (Needless to say, she is quite fond of War.)

"I'm studying." -- But as much as He Jing enjoys some of the lifestyles of an Imperial Soldier, there's a reason why she ended up becoming a Scholar instead--she's passionate about it and good at it. Studying and learning are something she did in her spare time anyway as a child, always curious and always wanting to know more. Becoming a scholar was as natural to her as speaking was because she basically was already a miniature scholar of her own, always reading, always learning.

"It only made me more determined." -- It would be lying to say that He Jing was not devastated when the isles fell -- of course she was, everyone was. He Jing is not one to wallow, though, and when she found out, after getting through her mourning phase, she just poured into her studies more, practiced fighting strategies more, and generally did everything with a greater passion. No stupid humans in white coats could ever take down the mightiness of the Four Clans, and He Jing was determined to prove it.

"The other clans are..." -- Now having to deal with other clans more than ever, He Jing has forced herself to actually interact with Death (so strange with their priestesses...) and Famine (don't they ever eat?) more than before, and has come to tolerate her fellow clans with at least a grudging respect. Personally, she prefers Conquest, then War, then Death, then Famine (though she can appreciate the science of Famine muchly, they sometimes creep her out...) but she will interact on, at the least, an official basis with everyone.

Mount Form: As a Conquest Horsewoman, her mount takes the form of a simple white mare. Her mare has a long white mane and tail, with golden accents there and on her hooves.

Weapon Form: As a Conquest Horseman, He Jing's primary weapon is a ranged longbow. It's rather ornate, crafted with floral patterns and designs echoing calligraphy.

Lotus Knife - Swift Strikes (T2) - He Jing throws forth several lotus blades, cutting like knives.

Double Duty - Double Take (T2) - He Jing loads an extra arrow into her bow and fires..

Floral Restoration - The Pulse (T1) - He Jing focuses her FEAR into healing herself gradually over the next few rounds.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour/Style: Black, ornate styling
Skin Colour: Pale
Clothing Style/Colours: East Orient Influence
Extra: He Jing has two small horns on her head, pale in color and curved inwards.
References: See left