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Training wasn't easy. Huo Wuya was constantly doing his best, going through exercises and getting as much sparring practice as he could get without annoying his fellow guards too much. Suddenly his life had some sort of meaning, a goal; he had always known that his mother's pride was a warrior-based one, but his lack of red made him turn away from that idea. Regardless of how strong he was, he never wanted to be considered 'fireless' on the outside. Wandering for years meant that he had no goal in life, until he had come across Tianxia. It was hard to prove that he meant no ill will when he stumbled across it, but he had managed to secure himself a spot in the North. The bottom rank wasn't easy for an older lion like him to swallow, but hard work would let him work up the ranks; he just had to train to prove it.

Jing Xue watched him train, herself feeling a little anxious. She didn't really know why, though she wasn't a moron; how could she have a crush on him without even speaking to him? All of the huntresses liked to talk about getting married one day, all but the sour Lian Baozuo. Still, somehow she was the one that got pregnant? No one would call it a scandal, but it had all be so improbable that she would be the first in a long time to bear children in the north.

"Well, I suppose I should go hunt," the white and grey lioness mumbled to herself, slipping off through the thick vegetation. Hopefully a good ibex would settle her thoughts.

Huo Wuya knew that someone had been watching him, but he hadn't really looked at who. To be a skilled soldier would mean being aware of his surroundings, and attempting to strengthen his senses so he could tell where everyone else, friend or foe. It unsettled him a bit, but what was he to do? He knew that some of the huntresses were spying on the males, but that was for silly reasons. There were very few single females here, but those that were seemed keen on landing a 'big' prize. A soldier, or someone working up the ranks. That would give them more sway within social circles...but in a lot of ways he felt like staying single would benefit him more.

So he continued training, pushing his trite thoughts away for the moment.


"Oh, this is useless!" Jing Xue was not having a good hunting day, and so she had to throw the towel in. Lingchen had already left her, promises exchanged to talk later. She wandered over towards the training grounds, trying to decide if it was worth sneaking another peek. She felt so young and foolish, but she hadn't realized how lonely she felt until Lian Baozuo was swollen with pregnancy.

"What are you doing here?"

Jing Xue nearly jumped out of her fur, swiveling around to be confronted by the very face she had been trying to see.

"U-um...uh..." What was she to say? She struggled to gain control of her tongue, and Huo Wuya didn't look too amused.

"These are the training grounds. Only guards and soldiers are supposed to be here." His eyes narrowed as he looked down on her, a bit amused at how flustered she was. This may be a bit of fun.

"I know that," Jing Que huffed. "I was just looking for someone, but they're obviously not here." She really didn't want him to know that it was him she was looking for, since she wasn't sure if this was just a passing fancy or something more. It wasn't easy figuring out the balances or romance as well as political marriages. He didn't have any family here, though, as she didn't, so it was doubtful that he'd be forced into a marriage. Unless his commanders wanted something like that, to keep their roots planted in the North rather than transfer out to a different house.

"Sure, pretty lady," Huo Wuya said with a smirk, enticed by her attitude. Feisty, even if she could seem a bit shy. "What's his name? I'll be happy to pass along the word when I see him that someone was looking for him." Now she was cornered, and she'd have to give up something to him in order to get out of it. Soldiers were trained to be strong in mind as well as physical strength, and if Huo Wuya wanted to work his way up, he had to hone these skills.

"...." s**t. s**t s**t s**t. What was Jing Que supposed to say to that? She had been hoping to see Huo himself, but he had found her before she had been prepared to say anything. Now she was facing the dilemma of telling him the truth...or simply just running away. Running would look terrible, and he would never look to her as anything other than a coward. The North would be relentless like that, but strength was everything here.

She felt her face flush as she decided to just tell the truth. She looked to the side for a moment, feeling her lower jaw stiffen as she helplessly tried to think of a way out of this...but the truth was what it was.

"Fine. I was....looking for you..." she mumbled.

"Huh?" He could barely hear her, and he was suddenly suspicious. What game was she trying to play?

"I...was looking for you, ok!" she blurted out, still feeling flush from embarrassment. She was caught in more than one way, and she was feeling a mix of emotions. Mostly frustration at the moment.

"M-me?!" Huo Wuya wasn't expecting that reply, and so he felt a little dumbfounded. Confused...what?

He wanted to talk to her, but as soon as she saw his shocked face she had run off. The pride wasn't that big, so he'd be able to find her...but first he had to gather up his thoughts. He had never really thought about anything but moving one step forward, every day of his life. He had been taught to fight for his life, to stay strong and survive. That's all he what was all this business?

He didn't have anyone to talk to about this when he felt like he had gathered up his thoughts, he trotted off after her. He had so many questions to ask, and didn't want to wait around to see what she had to say.

(1,083 words)