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Larmina was out in the rogue lands in order to get material for her jewelry. It had never been her dream to be a crafter, yet she found she had the skills for the task. She could create lovely jewelry for her fellow pride members. To a point, she enjoyed doing her craft, she just wish she was good enough to do something more. She had always wanted to become a thief, but she lacked the grace that was needed.

It wasn't too terrible though. Some days she had a little pity party for herself, other days she would just practice. She knew that no matter how much she practiced, she would never be able to be a thief. However, it helped get her mind off the fact.

As she walked in the plains, she saw a couple larger rocks sticking out above the grass. With a grin on her face, she jumped onto the shortest rock. This would make some excellent practice, she thought as she carefully jumped to the next rock. She was able to jump to the next rock without faltering. Then she prepared to jump to the next rock.