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WHERE IT IS ALWAYS HALLOWEEN (and sometimes exams) 

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[Task] Play with Us (Lan/Shaboob/Zen)

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iStoleYurVamps rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:26 pm
The island was really, not where Lan wanted to be. A task sure, but why here? Dolls to be filled with FEAR- looking around them, then at her companions she sighed. She hadn’t played with dolls for…a hundred years at least? Maybe two? She’d grown out of them long ago. Even if they were for a task, to harvest FEAR, she felt it was bit childish. Human skulls would have been better.

She made note to ask if next time she could just use a human skull and her FEAR gathering vassal.
“Well ladies, it seems we have our work cut out for us here.” She tossed the doll in the air, catching it before giving it a gentle squeeze. “Maybe if we are lucky we can kill one or two but- for now looks like it’s just get the dolls to sponge up what we can.”

Katarina Everard
Seussi rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:44 pm
Shaheen, like Lan, had little to do with dolls anymore. In fact, the only thing doll like she ever remembered having were the animated dummies they used on war to teach young children how to become strategists in battle. Her parents would not have ever gifted her with anything so soft as a young child, though seeing the countless number of glass eyes staring back at her here, she could hardly call such things soft anymore.

More like creepy.

Her features remained stoic and unperturbed despite the unsettling way the dolls seemed to reach and stare, as golden eyes shifted towards Lan.

"This is a simple task, I think. It should not take more then a few minutes of our time." Hopefully, at least. There were other things she would much rather be doing then swapping out dolls on some dreary looking island.

Though the prospect of hunters showing up had some promise....

Katarina Everard


Ice-Cold Hunter

Katarina Everard rolled 1 4-sided dice: 3 Total: 3 (1-4)

Katarina Everard

Mythical Gem

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:15 pm
Zenobia glanced down at the dolls she was currently carrying, then over at her two companions before letting out a little sigh. These things were highly impractical, not to mention the eyes were giving her the creeps. Just a little. There had to have been better things to use as containers, such as... well... anything. It was tempting to consider making a suggestion for in the future. For the time being however, she just turned the little dolls so they were facing away from her.

"An encounter with anyone at this point would spice it up a bit. Not that this isn't work, but still..." she let the sentence just trail off, feeling a tad out of place amongst the elder horsemen but still wanting to say something.



whoo short tags, and we all got 3's XD
iStoleYurVamps rolled 1 100-sided dice: 89 Total: 89 (1-100)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:55 pm
As if the cosmos had aligned to sooth Lan’s annoyance and pride, it was her that came across the first signs of FEAR. A human at that- flesh and blood and alive to boot. Gold eyes went wide at this discover, excitement growing in the tiny noble. She’d been resigned to perhaps running across none but now? Gods bless her luck, she would not let this most opportune chance pass her by.

“Well well, what lucky does bring us when we so ask-“ She murmured, circling the human letting them sense her at the edges. Their devices were so cute- beeping and flashing when she drew near. One was even trying to pick up her voice. Adorable. “Maybe I will let you live.” She whispered into the voice, her voice crackling as the humans jumped, alarmed by the sudden faint sound. “Or maybe I can kill you.” Her hand ran across the human’s neck, nails going so far to leave harsh lines. The human screamed, frantically trying to escape. While they did so, Lan laughed.

“Hmm, I will let them live.” She grinned, hanging a doll to gather the FEAR. She laughed as she saw the human in the distance trip and fall, a stain growing on the side of their pant leg.
It all just made lan laugh harder. “Gods they really are the most pathetic aren’t they?”

Katarina Everard




Trash Husband

Seussi rolled 1 100-sided dice: 81 Total: 81 (1-100)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 4:24 pm
While Lan had found herself one, Shaheen had sensed another, perhaps a companion of the first. With a wide grin given to the other war horsemen who had joined them, a woman that Shaheen had not had time to get to know before now, and a finger pressed to her lips in a shushing motion, she flitted off, her wings opening behind her as she took to the air, finding herself purchase in a tree, hanging on to it's edge and rocking it back and forth as small branches began to break off and fall to the ground below.

The human, who had previously been staring down at some strange device in her hand, suddenly stopped in her tracks, breath catching in her throat as her eyes rose up to the swinging tree to find absolutely nothing.

With a small laugh, Shaheen jumped to another tree, focusing her Fear so that the human might hear the whooshing sound of oversized wings as they passed over head, casting a large and formidable shadow below. Grabbing on to another tree, she began to rock on it as well, before jumping to another, and another, a full circle of trees that began to rock and sway around the human, who had gone pale, and began to back up.

Shaheen flew overhead once more, and landed on the ground behind her, focusing her fear one more time, so that only the gold of her eyes showed from where she stood in the darkness. When the human turned, she came face to face with that set of eyes, and a with a wing extended, Shaheen brushed feathers against the skin of the humans face.

The screaming was delightful as the human turned tail and fled, and Shaheen cackled in her wake, stooping down to collect the dolls nearby who had begun to fill with Fear, replacing them with the empty containers she held in a sack tied around her waste.

This was going to be a cake walk.

+3 Fear containers

katarina everard
iStoleYurVamps rolled 1 100-sided dice: 85 Total: 85 (1-100)
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 6:03 pm
The forest had a way of growing on you- once you got used to it anyway. Sure the dolls were creepy, the humans were skittish already and killing them would just make a mess and the FEAR containers really could use a bit of improvement. Like for one, the current doll she hung had two eyes lopsided. That was hardly frightening, more it was sloppy and childish and pathetic. Still, it would get the job done provided Lan got the FEAR flowing.

And flow it would- The camera man from before was returning, though his pants, she noted, had been changed out and he had various lights attached to him. Didn’t he know that he might as well have hung a sign from his neck asking to be targeted? A nice big bright target, ‘hi I am already a coward, come and scare me more until I have a heart attack and die because I just want to have my life ended.’ Humans really were pathetic.

If the man was to be a glutton for punishment than Lan was happy to help him. It was simple. Just undo a fastening of his backpack to have the contents spill. Then when he was down- a harsh strike to his back- just as she’d done with her nails. The man fell utterly at her feet while he screamed in shock. Beautiful, it really was. But she didn’t want to bother with him any longer, and while she’d been willing to let him go before…. How easy it was to reach down and snap his neck. Just like a doll.

A doll that would forever hold his last terrified screams before his poor untimely demise. Such a tragic accident to. He really ought to have just stayed home.  




Trash Husband

Katarina Everard rolled 1 100-sided dice: 97 Total: 97 (1-100)

Katarina Everard

Mythical Gem

19,900 Points
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  • Ghost Hunter 250
PostPosted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:03 pm
Seemed that the island was just crawling with humans today, as Zen had only had a few moments to allow herself to enjoy the fun that the other two were having before spotting another wandering around with a camera snapping pictures. No sense in not taking advantage of the situation and doing a bit of scaring herself. Grinning a little, she darted off through the air, letting the tips of her fingers graze the human's shoulder as she passed by.

The reactions made her chuckle softly, watching the target go pale and quickly look around for anything that might have been near enough to touch them while she circled around for another pass. This time however Zen left a few marks across their cheek, not bothering to hide the laughter this time as they let out a bit of a scream. It had been some time since she'd enjoyed herself, especially with something that had seemed as mundane as switching out dolls. Seems that they had hit the jackpot today, with humans crawling all over, so at least there had been some entertainment.

"Hmm... think I'll let you live, for now. Stories usually bring in more of those stupid enough to check and see if it's 'real' or not." Zen mused, quickly swapping out the empty dolls with the full ones, holding out a bit more hope that the rest of them would be this easy to fill.

+3 FEAR  
Seussi rolled 1 100-sided dice: 97 Total: 97 (1-100)
PostPosted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:19 am
She took a moment to catch up on what the others were up to, happy to see that they were encountering the wayward humans and gathering Fear from them as well. It was not quite so satisfying as killing them might have been, all this scaring, but it was certainly doing the job of filling the empty doll containers that would be brought back to the tower.

Flitting off again with a wild grin, Shaheen caught sight of yet another human wandering around, this time with some helmet like gear on their head, with a built in light and some mechanical gizmo jutting out (a video camera, but she did not know this). Ready for a little bit more fun, she sauntered over, tilting her head this way and that as she jumped and flitted around the human, inspecting them, eyeing the equipment.....

With a tap of her finger against the camera, she began whispering softly into the air near the humans ear, concentrating her Fear so that all it might hear is nonsensical babble, much like the way the insanity whispered in her own mind. The camera's film would likely go static-y upon rewatch later, as she continued to tap it with the fingernail of her index finger, a smirk playing along her lips as she noticed the human's eyes beginning to widen.

Drawing her dagger, she suddenly lashed out at him, a slash against his cheek, a shallow wound that began to drip blood instantly, a ridiculously enticing sight that made her want more. The human cursed and stumbled back, turned, and began to flee, and she took steps as though to follow, before stopping, willing herself not to follow.

No, she was not here for that. Not today, at least.

Several more Fear containers had been filled, so she replaced those with empties, and moved on.

+3 Fear containers  


Ice-Cold Hunter

Katarina Everard rolled 1 100-sided dice: 10 Total: 10 (1-100)

Katarina Everard

Mythical Gem

19,900 Points
  • Conquerer of Familiars 350
  • Budding Witch 250
  • Ghost Hunter 250
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:31 am
roll two  
iStoleYurVamps rolled 1 100-sided dice: 80 Total: 80 (1-100)
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:13 am
Lan was a bit taken back at how well things were going. Not only were they harvesting such large amounts of FEAR but they also were getting to kill humans nearly left and right. It was like the gods had gone and gifted them a perfect girl’s task out- Full of all the things any pony could possibly ask for. Well… Having cute stallions serving them and bringing them drinks would have been nice too but then her mind shifted to Aeron and Lan quickly ended that particular train of thought, she had no real reason top keep thinking that way none at all.

A screaming doll filled with FEAR helped to grab her attention, knowing that it was harvest now or let it just be wasted.  




Trash Husband

iStoleYurVamps rolled 2 10-sided dice: 1, 6 Total: 7 (2-20)




Trash Husband

PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:17 am
A quick cute and the doll felt perfectly into Lan's hand.

"I think I have what I need, what of you girls?"

(Total FEAR: cool  
Seussi rolled 1 100-sided dice: 72 Total: 72 (1-100)
PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:28 pm
Making her way back towards where she had last seen the others, the air was suddenly pierced by an earth shattering, high pitched, absolutely grating scream that had Shaheen halting in her tracks, her head turning as she thought that perhaps yet another of these ridiculous humans was nearby.

But no, it was merely a doll, and one that was full to the brim with Fear, hanging from a tree from a thin rope noose that was tied around it's neck. Shaheen approached, while summoning her sword again.  


Ice-Cold Hunter

Seussi rolled 2 10-sided dice: 2, 4 Total: 6 (2-20)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 10:33 pm
She slashed at the rope then reached out to catch the doll in her arm before shoving it into the sack tied at her waist with all of the rest. Replacing the doll she cut down with a fresh one, she turned on her heel and headed towards where Lan waited, glancing around for wherever the other woman of war had gone off to.

"I have completed my task as well. Not a bad haul, all in all, I would say." A wide smile, and Shaheen began to make her way back towards the portal, content to wait there until the other woman had finished up as well.

Attack: 0 + 2 bonus mechanic for war = 2 damage

Fear collected: 8  
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