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[PRP] What is this feeling? (Satomei & Ruu)

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:56 am
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A few days had passed since the attack, their pace had been slow as they moved now, a bit more cautious than they had previously been. Satomei had been fussy as well, fussing over Ruu like he had sustained mortal wounds, but she had been scared - she still was scared. What if someone else came along, took him away from her? She was terrified. She wasn't sure what she would do without Ruu. Somewhere along the line of raising their (separate) cubs, spending time together, and being her best friend, he had become something so much more to her.

Did he feel the same? Oh Mkodi she had no idea. What if he just liked her as a friend? What would she do? She couldn't risk their friendship on some whim of an idea of a happily ever after. It might kill her to drive him away.

She was walking slowly, her pace matching Ruu's beside her, but her tail was, by it's own volition almost, gently curling around his tail as they walked, reassuring her that he was still there, he was still with her.

It made her feel better, though her secret feelings were eating her up inside slowly.

...Satomei is as oblivious as ever.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:52 am
Their adventure with the lion had raised a great deal of protectiveness in Ruu. It wasn't that he hadn't already felt strongly about keeping Satomei safe, but now he kept up an active, wary watch for any sort of threat. He'd even chirped a threat at a half-grown elephant at one point, even though it was half a mile away. He simply could not deal with the idea of losing her. Little did he know how much their thoughts mirrored each other!

What he did know, however, was that something was bothering her. She seemed subdued, which for such a sunny girl was a notable difference from the norm. He came to the conclusion that it was fear for her safety that kept her quiet and clingy. Not that he minded her closeness, but he dearly wanted to return her peace of mind. Thus he finally spoke up as his tail twined with hers.

"I know it was scary," he began quietly, flicking a sideways look at her, ears expressive and earnest, "but I won't ever let someone take you away. I promise. I'll always be here to protect you." He purred lovingly, glad for the little things he could do with all his heart and not scare her away. He twined his tail closer with hers and rubbed his cheek against hers.

Velveteen Angel


Blessed Friend

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2014 5:46 pm

Satomei startled slightly as he began talking, thankful that he had chosen to speak softly, for loud noises startled her quite a bit at the moment. She glanced towards him with soft eyes as he spoke, listening to him intently.

She clung to him, her tail coiling tightly with his and she kept her cheek pressed against his. She stayed silent for a moment, before whispering to him,

"but who will protect you? I won't have you injured for me, but I don't know if I can protect you. If I lost you...Ruu, I don't know what I would do if I lost you." She didn't know what to do now, just tried to nuzzle closer to him, terrified of opening her eyes and finding that he was gone, or that he was repelled by her words.

She couldn't lose him.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 4:01 pm
He reveled in her closeness and let his mind take in her words. So far they had survived on their own, but she had a valid point. Perhaps it was time for change. "So we both agree we need to be sure each other is protected and looked after," he said slowly. One part of his mind and heart wanted to blurt out what could logically come next in that line of thought, but he kept a careful lid on that. Much as he wanted her to be his mate, even he had to admit it really wouldn't change or improve their situation any. No, there was another solution.

"What do you think of possibly joining a coalition? Or a pride?" He cocked his head at her inquisitively, eyes bright with the possibility. "I've never been part of one before, though I know you have. Would it be worth it, do you think?" He added as an almost after-thought, "The group would have to welcome all kinds of species, of course." It was said matter-of-factly, as Ruu would not stand for anyone giving his dearest trouble for not being pure-bred. "Perhaps we could start asking others about nearby groups?"

Velveteen Angel


Blessed Friend

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:57 pm

She nodded, still pressed closed to him. "It's all I want for you to be safe," she whispered softly, unable to resist staying close to him for as long as posisble. Her heart was racing furiously and she felt warm, but she didn't think about it too deeply. She just knew that she liked being this close to him.

When he suggested a pride, she thought deeply about her past. The Kuroi had been good to her, but that was because she had been related to the Boss; if she had been a regular hybrid there, they would have treated her horribly. Absolutely horribly. She was hesitant to join another pride, but not all prides were like the Kuroi...

"A pride might be wise," she agreed quietly. "But we would have to be careful. I don't know of many who treat my kind well." Sometimes she forgot she was a hybrid. She hadn't grow up around her leopard father, surrounded by cheetahs, sometimes she simply thought she was a cheetah. "They may accept all kinds, but I would like that all kinds be treated equal as well," she admitted.

"But I think...finding a home, a pride, together would be really nice..."

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 5:58 pm
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He felt like a heel having listened in on what clearly was a private conversation, but the couple had strolled up on him as he rested in a shallow gully. He hadn't been hiding, but it just so happened that the grass was tall enough to hide him. However, their conversation was so clearly an opening for him, he couldn't pass the opportunity by, even if it did mean a little embarrassment.

He cleared his throat and stood up, taking pains to rustle about as he moved so as not to startle the two. As soon as he saw them, he understood at least one part of their conversation. The female was a delicate, dainty hybrid, quite lovely to behold. He couldn't blame the male for the sudden and piercing look of wariness and guarded suspicion. He had quite a prize to protect!

"Pardon me for overhearing you both," he began apologetically, folding his ears contritely. "But I might have the answer to the search for a pride that you have just begun." He bowed his head respectfully to the female and added, "I can even assure you that all ranks and all species are treated alike."

The fur down Ruu's back stood instantly on end when someone suddenly jumped up out of the grass not ten feet from them. He swept his whiskers back and bared his fangs, though his fierce expression softened when he recognized the form as a fellow cheetah. Even so, it was a male cheetah, and he was very clearly admiring Satomei as he spoke. Ruu very nearly missed what the other male had to say, in fact. He was too focused on protecting his precious companion from the roving eyes of this... wait, he wasn't a rogue? Ruu cast Satomei a questioning look, ears expressive in their hope and uncertainty.  


Blessed Friend

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:04 pm

Satomei startled quite visibly when the stranger appeared from the grasses, unable to resist moving closer, almost hiding behind Ruu for a moment. She only relaxed when the male started talking, and his words intrigued her. She didn't notice the appreciation in his gaze; she barely understood that Ruu found her lovely to look at, let alone understand that maybe a stranger would find her appealing as well. She was not the most observant leotah, but that was probably for the best.

She focused on his words instead. She exchanged a hopeful glance with Ruu, before asking her questions.

"What is the pride?" She asked curiously, "What is it like? Is it peaceful?" She didn't want to be in another pride that was focused on war; she wanted somewhere quiet and lovely. Somewhere they could start a life together.

Maybe a family?

She wasn't sure where that thought had come from, but her heart skipped a beat at the idea. Little cheetahs and leotahs with Ruu's eyes...well, that was an appealing thought.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:09 pm
Jala was in his element now! This was exactly why he became a crier... well, apart from all the fun he had running about the roguelands. In his opinion, there couldn't be two nicer individuals to invite to join the pride. He beamed at them equally, no longer spending extra time admiring the pale female. "My pride is Sikukuu! It is known for its celebrations and for focusing on the seasons. I'm part of the Kaskazi clan, who celebrate things during the summer!" He was actually out during the Vuli's time, but generally speaking everyone did whatever whenever. There had been little clan division for as long as he'd been part of the pride.

"We are very much peaceful. We have one warrior rank, but their goal is to keep peace during the festivities. Every moon there is a new party with a different focus. Every season has its own large festival as well!" He practically pranced in place as he described his home. "Everyone is welcome to these celebrations, whether they are in the pride or not, so you could go and see if you like it any time you wish. We are very open to rogues of all kinds."

He settled back down onto his haunches, gazing at the two in turn with warmth and openness. "Our pride is about joy and celebration, about friends being family, about trading freely and sharing freely." He truly loved his pride, and it glowed in every expression, gesture, and word.

Ruu listened more attentively now as the other cheetah answered Satomei's questions with gusto. He was truthfully impressed with the passion this stranger felt for his homeland. As he went on and on, he glanced again at his beloved, this time with speculation. This sounded.. almost too good to be true. Could they find a home in such an ideal place? He paused, frowning in thought suddenly. Perhaps that was it. It had something wrong with it, a hitch that hadn't been mentioned yet. He wracked his brain before asking, nearly demanding, "It isn't located in a freezing mountain pass or anything, is it?" It was all he could think of that would ruin the pretty picture being painted.

He wasn't bothered by the laugh that greeted his question, and relaxed a little when he was assured that no, it was not somewhere inhospitable. "Are there many families there?" he hazarded next, not daring to flick a look at the lovely female at his side. What if... what if she didn't... no, now was not the time to be fretting over that sort of thing. Time enough for that later. First, if this truly was as good as it sounded... they just might have found a home!  


Blessed Friend

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:15 pm

Satomei found herself bouncing on her paws slightly in excitement as she listed to the male speak, her eyes wide and glowing with hope that had not been there before. The attack had terrified her and this pride, well it sounded amazing and just the kind of place they could settle down. The fact that there was a warrior rank did not bother her, because it was designed for safety not for attack.

It would make her more nervous if the pride didn't have a defence rank.

"Oh it sounds lovely!" She gasped in excitement but Ruu's questions were good ones. "Is it nearby?" The landscape they were in was pleasant but if it was high in the mountains and freezing...well, that was a bit much.

She much preferred warmer climates and her fur was too thin for the cold.

"Is there a test or something we need to pass before we would be allowed to join?" She couldn't help but ask. She knew some prides had like an initiation that you had to pass before you could be a full member; some of them violent, some less so. She wasn't sure if she would pass a test set to her at the moment, she wanted somewhere they could be happy, not tested.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:01 pm
Jala was nothing but pleased with their reactions and questions. He'd been asked more bizarre things by folks he'd recruited in the past. Not all of them had chosen to even go to the pride, much less stay as a member. He had a feeling about this couple, though. They looked like they could use a place of sanctuary, which is exactly what Sikukuu could provide them.

"No, it isn't in an especially cold or hot place," he replied with a smile. "Yes, we have many families of all species." It was one of the wonderful things about the pride, that made it feel homey and happy. "We have no joining format at all. You just come, declare which clan you are joining, and it's a welcome home!" He answered the important question of distance and direction last. "It isn't too very far, and I would be happy to give you directions if you would like." His ears were pricked forward and he was leaning towards them slightly, eager for that singular moment when their choice was made.

Ruushan had a small thrill run up his spine to see how excited and happy Satomei was getting at the prospect of this pride. Even though becoming part of any sort of large, stationary group had never been in his plans for himself, he would give up every dream and hope he had in order to make her happy. Joining this pride seemed appealing on its own, but the fact that she seemed so drawn to it and hopeful sweetened the prospect greatly.

He took a deep breath, gazing at Satomei to assure himself of how she felt. "Yes, we would definitely like directions to your Sikukuu," he answered the other male. His heart was thumping loudly in his chest because he sensed that this step, this huge leap into their future, was the precursor to his dearest hope of all. "I think it's everything we could have asked for." Though he spoke to the red cheetah, he had eyes only for his beloved leotah.  


Blessed Friend

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:14 pm

Satomei was amazed, it all sounded...amazing. Too good to be true. They had to see it for themselves, see if it was really all that amazing.

"I can't wait to see it," Satomei said softly, her eyes staring off into the distance, as if imagining the beautiful place she was thinking it to be. It would be happy and full of life, and people would be welcoming and no one would be talked down upon. It would be safe; she could raise a family there and never have to worry about dangers in the night.

She would be able to sleep peacefully, knowing no one would try to hurt her, or Ruu. She would be safe, finally.

"Thank you," she said to the stranger. "Thank you for this.Seriously, you have no idea what this means... My name is Satomei and this is Ruu." She introduced, realising that they had missed that step but wanting to extend her gratitude to him. "Will we see you in the pride as well?" He knew so much about it, did he live there too?

It would be nice to see a familiar face every once in a while.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:37 pm
Jala beamed at the pretty female, but was wisely keeping his gaze benevolent and not appreciative. He had caught on quickly that this girl was spoken for. "Pleased to meet the both of you! I am Jala, crier of Sikukuu. I go around the roguelands and tell folks about the pride and its current celebration." He rose to his paws, clearly readying to move along. "I do tend to spend a lot of time out here, but I definitely come back for the monthly celebrations, so I'm sure we'll see each other around!"

He gave simple directions to them that would lead them onto the pride's territory. "You two will fit in wonderfully, I have no doubts at all," he told them sincerely. "I think you'll really like it there, and will find it the home you've always wanted but never realized existed." With a wave of his tail, he called a goodbye and went bounding off in a random direction, away from the pride and the direction he was sending his new friends. He would be certain to look for them next time he was home. It was always nice to re-meet those he'd sent Sikukuu's way.

Ruu paid close attention to the directions, mapping it out in his mind so that he would remember. With easy traveling, it would only take them three or four days to get there, so they really weren't far off at all from its borders. He threw a brilliant smile Satomei's way, then thanked the other cheetah before he could dart off. My, but that fellow was eager! He watched the red pelt fade into the distance, then turned to his beautiful lady.

"Well, it seems we may have found by luck," he said with a tight chest. "A home, not far away, and a new friend." He swallowed, wondering when he'd get the courage and the proper place to propose to her what he really wanted, beyond just a safe place to rest. "Shall we go see if it lives up to the pretty picture he painted for us?" With a cheek rub and a soft purr, he oriented himself with the sun and set out at an easy pace. It was time to go find their home.  


Blessed Friend

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 9:43 pm

Satomei was feeling almost overwhelmed by her desire to see the pride, shocked at how much she honestly wanted a home. She always knew that she would want one, but the pride just sounded perfect.

She smiled and waved farewell to Jala, "thank you again!" she called after him as he began to leave, repeating the directions that he had given them over and over again in her head, trying to make them stick. She would hate to get lost on the way! Now that they had found the place, she didn't want to lose it now!

She glanced at Ruu as he spoke and smiled, a bright beaming smile that lit up her face. Her heart was racing, and she rose to her paws to follow him. She gently brushed up against him as they walked together.

"Honestly, Ruu, I can't wait to see what the future holds now, she confessed to him as they moved towards the sun.

- f i n -  
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