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Their newest travel companion, a leopardess named ‘Eva’ or Dolc’eva to use her full name, was a strange one. L’aiime would give her that much at least. The leopardess, while as playful and cheerful as Aynashi, had her moments of seriousness. The avian had caught her staring out into the landscape like her life had aged her brutally and she was contemplating the fate of the entire world. Suddenly, within a blink of an eye, she would be giggling and playing games with Aynashi.

It was a weird mix.

L’aiime was curious. The avian followed Dolc’eva as she went for a walk, but Eva smiled at her, and waved her closer.

You don’t have to follow at a distance,” Eva scolded gently. “Walk with me. Or I suppose you fly, but still,” she giggled lightly.

So what’s your story, dear?” Well there was little point beating around the bush, was there?

Eva glanced at the avian with a look of contemplation, a hint of wisdom lurking behind her usually playful eyes. “I’m a rogue, born and raised,” she started simply, her pace lesuirely but she didn’t quite meet L’aiime’s curious gaze. “I was raised by my daddy, he is a rogue and a rogue for life. I’ve been moving all my life. Never had a home, per say, though I have my father. He’s my home, I suppose, but we don’t cross paths that often anymore since I got older. Not that we don’t want to, but it’s just hard to find each other in the big wide world.”

You miss him,” L’aiime said simply, and Eva smiled, with a shrug.

He’s my dad, of course I do. Don’t you miss your parents?

They’re not of this world.”

Eva winced. Woops. “Sorry.”

”It’s fine, dear,” L’aiime said with a sad smile. “It’s what happens when you get older. You think they’ll last forever, but someday, they just…aren’t there anymore and you’re left on your own. Thankfully I have my own little makeshift family, but I do miss them. Quite a lot at times.”

That’s normal though,” Eva pointed out. She heaved a frustrated sigh. “I feel like I’m supposed to be doing something, y’know. I’m young, I’m free but I don’t know what to do. I just want to do something.”

So why don’t you?” L’aiime queried as they came to a stop.

I don’t know what to do.” Eva gave a sad smile. She was travelling the lands, trying to find something to entertain her, something to capture her attention. She knew that she could never be a pridal creature, that would bore her to tears. But without a pride, without a family, what did you do as an adult? Being an adult was boring, she decided with a huff.

That’s life, dear,” L’aiime pointed out gently. “The whole point is not knowing. What you have to do is find out.”

But how?” She groaned dramatically, showing her age for the first time since the conversation first began. L’aiime smiled motherly, landing on the leopardesses head and grooming her fur gently.

You try new things, you explore the world, you take your time doing it, and you’ll find it when you’re meant to.” She smiled. “Sometimes it takes years, other times it takes moments or just a second.” She sighed, a faint dreamy quality to the sigh. “Sometimes it’s all in one glance. Sometimes it’s a lifetime.”

Eva was quiet, staring at the surrounding landscape. “Maybe I should explore for a bit,” she said, cautiously, but she hesitated. “Would you come with me?” She asked, nervously.

L’aiime realised in that moment that Eva was, unlike Aynashi, terrified of her future. Aynashi barely had the common sense to be afraid for her future, rather she was just excited for something bigger to come along. Eva was afraid.

Of course, dear,” L’aiime soothed gently, and earned a smile from the leopardess for her efforts.

The duo, now a fair distance from their other companions, picked a random direction to set off, and walked slowly, soaking in the landscape. It was grassy, a few spattering of trees, but it was beautiful. Peaceful.

Eva sighed gently, a quiet sound but it seemed so loud in their environment. The silence fell again, and they continued to walk. However, the silence didn’t last long this time, a soft voice coming from a nearby direction. A laugh soon followed it, a feminine laugh that was joined in unison with a more masculine sound.

Eva came to a halt, waiting for the strangers to show themselves. L’aiime fluttered for a moment, before coming to rest on the back of the leopardess, waiting also. She wasn’t sure what Eva was doing, but she had a feeling that it was important to just let her do this.

The strangers came into view easily, standing out in the green environment. A pale male, almost pure white if not for a few pink highlights, followed by a female cheetah who was a brown colour. The pair paused, but both had welcoming smiles on their face.

Well hello there strangers!” The male called out cheerfully. “How are you this fine day?

We are well,” Eva responded, cautiously but offered a smile of her own.
Just out for a walk?” The female asked cheerfully. She was bouncy, and happy but she was not a young cheetah. Her figure was slim, but weight was carried at her belly, hinting that perhaps she had had cubs previously. Not a youth, certainly.

Yeah, just exploring, what about you two?” Eva explained.

I am just enjoying the beautiful day,” the male agreed. “How rude of us. My name is Dysi, and this is my friend Ghasia.” He motioned to the female with him, who smiled and flicked her tail in greeting.

I am Eva and this is L’aiime,” she completed the introductions, motioning to the avian who chirped out a greeting.

Are you two mates?” L’aiime cooed, curious at the duo. Both immediately laughed, and shook their heads.

No, no, I am a spoken-for man,” Dysi explained cheerfully. “My mate is at home, however I felt like stretching my legs, so I am afraid I rather strong-armed Ghasia into accompanying me.”

Ghasia smiled at Dysi, not looking all that distraught over being ‘forced’ to accompany him. “I am not spoken for, as he says, but nay, we are not mates. Merely friends who share a walk or two. I miss talking to people, now that my cubs have grown and left home.”

Not all of them,” Dysi corrected. “Ashki is still around.”

Ghasia frowned a little. “I almost wish he was gone.” She grew flustered quickly. “Oh that sounds so bad!” She rushed on, trying to explain. “I just mean that I wish he would have fun, live a little. He’s a young boy, and he’s just hanging around his old mother. It must be so boring for him!”
Eva flushed a little, realising that that was exactly what she wanted to do. Find her father and cling to him. “Maybe he’s just scared to be alone,” she suggested, unconsciously echoing her own fear.

Everyone’s alone at some point though,” Ghasia sighed. “Sometimes being alone is the best thing. It’s lonely, yes, but it means you get to know who you are, not who you are when you’re surrounded by people! It’s scary, yeah, but its scarier if you suddenly find yourself without support and realise that you never learnt to support yourself.”

Eva flinched a little. Dysi saw, and frowned. “Are you alright, Miss Eva?
Yeah, I’m ok,” she stammered. “I just realised that I have to get home. It was nice to meet you! I hope you two enjoy your walk!” She blurted out quickly before turning tail and moving quickly away. L’aiime fluttered off her back, hovering and letting the Leopard put some distance between them before glancing at the duo.

She’s young,” the avian explained gently. “Still trying to figure herself out.”

Both Dysi and Ghasia ‘ahh’ed in understanding. “I hope I didn’t upset her,” Ghasia fussed lightly.

Not at all, I think you told her exactly what she needed to hear,” L’aiime assured gently. “Thank you. Good day!” She smiled at the pair, and took flight after Eva.