The Hunter

Name: Ryelle Neberrian
Nicknames: Ry, Ellie
Gender: Female
Age: 20

Category: Life Trainee


Know-It All - If you ask a question within earshot of Ry it doesn't matter if you were talking to her or not. She'll pause to see if the person you did ask answers and, if they don't, you can bet she will hop in on it. Unfortunately if she doesn't quite know something she'll bull through it and hope that her bluff of confidence is enough to make you think she knows what she's talking about. It doesn't always end well.

Foul-Mouthed - Ellie looks like a proper lady and speaks like a sailor. It's unclear if anyone has ever bothered to tell her that those are 'bad words' but she uses them with abandon.

Perfectionist - Part of the reason that Ryelle can bullshit with such confidence is because she spends quite a bit of time working on it. Really, she spends quite a bit of time working on everything or, at least, whatever is taking up her focus at that point in time. Ry is driven to always put her best foot forward, to always be at the top of her game, and to never do work that isn't her very best. Anything sub-par or not meeting her own, personal expectations, results usually in a good deal of anger and/or depression.

Tsundere - She didn't like you anyway! While no one can argue that she wasn't properly socialized (her manners can be impeccable) there was never much time for Ryelle to make steady friends. Moving around from place to place as a child, much like an Army brat, it didn't give her a whole lot of time to figure out how to interact past surface acquaintance. She wants friends but isn't sure how to get them, resulting in someone who flounders awkwardly, triggers her perfectionist anger/depression (depending on the moment/person) and ends up isolating herself.
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Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Ambery-brown
Hair Colour/Style: [x]
Skin Colour: [x]
Clothing Style/Colours: Pretty fancy, lots of elegance, upper-class, upper-crust, proper. Classic lolita. Megane.
Extra: Petite, pear-shaped, and absolutely tsundere.
References: NOT YET.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter? The chance to learn something new has always been fairly irresistible to Ryelle. Most of her life has been lived in one library or another and going on frequent trips with her family to all corners of the globe. One of her mothers (yes, she has two moms) traveled for work and brought the family along every time. When approached by Deus as a job opportunity that allowed her the ability to learn new things and travel, she signed up immediately.

Hindsight is 20/20.

The Weapon

Name: Menion
Nicknames: Men (So Ryelle can roll her eyes, exasperatedly say MEN! and nobody knows if she is talking about her weapon or actual men.)
Type of Weapon: Big two-handed sword only instead of reds/browns there's blues/grays/black.
Former species of weapon: Dragon
Gender: Male


Aggressive - Menion wants to go out and tear things apart when he is unhappy which, admittedly, is fairly often. In a battle situation it is unlikely that Ryelle would be hearing anything from her weapon except tear them apart. There are a few situations where he will admit that fighting and tearing is not always the best solution but those are few and far-between. Ryelle asks him to count on her bluffing skills but it's just not as satisfying.

Intelligent - Part of the reason the bond exists between these two is because they are both intelligent, curious individuals. Menion does not especially regret becoming a weapon for he has always enjoyed his hunters as he found them, but he does keenly miss the freedom of wings. Ryelle's travels of past and hopefully future are a common bond between them and he helps feed her insatiable curiosity with stories of his past. He is not a slavering beast and would resent anyone considering him such.

Possessive - When Men decides that something is his, it is his. Paired with his intelligence and aggression it makes it very dangerous to challenge that assertion. Ryelle, for example, is his. Not in a romantic sense but in the simple sense that she belongs to him and is his possession. There are quite a few delusions about how he allows her to fight with him, how he allows her to do things and make choices, when the reality is he couldn't stop her if she went against what he wanted.

Loyal - Tying all of this together is Menion's absolute sense of loyalty that, once earned, is hard to lose. It is, of course, difficult to earn but utterly worth it. He does not understand betrayal, does not understand how it works, and sees betrayers as worse than liars and thieves.

Weapon Ability:
[Trainee] - Blue and black flames spiral and wreathe Ryelle's sword as she drives it into her opponent using the Charge type of FEAR attack.