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Reply [IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]
[PRP - West] Still Going

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Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:20 pm
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It had been weeks since Biti had gone off to spy on the Mwezi'Johari on behalf of the usurped princess, and Zhōng Tiào was finally becoming overwhelmed with worry. Though she and Zhōng Chao had survived their fight and made it all the way to the Tianxia, they had absolutely no other information about the state of their former home and their families. Early in their journey, it had simply not been worth the risk to send Biti back when they needed his eyes near them.

Were her brothers and sisters OK, or had Shangyue gone after them as well? What about her daughters? Or was it Shangyue himself that she ought to worry about- what if he only got as far as attacking them in his plan, had he perhaps been defeated? What would they do if he had?

More and more, these questions circled round and round in her mind as nights passed with no sign of Biti's return. And then, one quiet night, through the darkness she heard something familiar. The shrill cry of a very small bird that was good at getting attention-- and with only a hurried explanation from the little fellow, she was rushing away from the busier areas of the House to where Meshach and his companions had been left, still in the dark about who exactly they were waiting to see.

Once they were in the Tianxia, things progressed quite smoothly. Few knew the full story behind Chao and Tiao's return to the West House and those who did knew Biti had been trusted with some errand back in the Mwezi'Johari. Any who were suspicious didn't get to Tiao before Biti did, and both privately suspected their first stop was more likely the Lord and Lady anyway.

Biti flew ahead of Tiao to prepare Meshach, who still didn't have any idea what was coming. Once they were safely in the Tianxia, the bird had considered giving up the secret but he had settled on leaving it to be a surprise. And he was well aware of Tiao's preference for her proper name now.

When he reached the area the former Mwezi'Johari lions had been left in, he headed start for Meshach.

"Are you ready?" he cried, "Come with me!"
PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2014 7:12 pm
Thank you for the start.

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He had had plenty of time to mull and fret on the trek here. In fact the journey had been so long he'd managed to resign himself to just about anything. The bird, their guide, had been remarkably closed-beak about just who exactly he was seeing. His most logical conclusion is someone with the Tianxia wanted a full report on what had happened. Maybe information on the alliance the two prides once had. The bare facts he could give, but Meshach had no idea if his nephew planned to keep his alliances or not. He would have to caution any anyone wanting to keep an alliance with the new king.

Now they were here. He would be meeting with whoever had sent Biti out. Meshach took a deep breath and steeled himself. He would have to face the horrors that had happened within his pride again. Biti called for him to follow and the scarred lion dutifully walked after him. When his eyes landed on the familiar pelt that he thought he'd never see again he froze in his tracks. A surge of emotions swelled up inside him. Surprise, joy, fear, and more he couldn't describe threatened to overwhelm him.

"Selene!" Meshach shouted and raced up to the lioness. He stopped short of actually touching her. His eyes filled with confusion and disbelief. Never again would he have believed he would see her alive. Then a horrible thought struck him. The Great Lion had called him from the land of the living. He was dead. It had to be. Selene was dead, but here she was. So logically he was dead too. Which meant he wouldn't be able to save the pride after all. When had it happened? On the trek with the bird? Before?




Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 10:35 am
By the time she saw Meshach, her eyes were already full of tears. Even through the tears and darkness, she could see that he had been injured- he had so many more scars than when she had last seen him, and they all looked fresh. Not unlike the scars that Fuu now wore.

At that moment, Tiao was grateful that her injuries were not so visible-- though her run to meet him had made her persisting limp more obvious than usual. And, unlike usual, she didn't even flinch to hear her common name.


Biti led the way in a hurry but there wasn't far to go, Selene moved quickly. When the lions rushed up to each other, Biti shot up into the air to give them a little privacy-- but he circled around, smiling.

When her brother stopped short, she pushed forward and nuzzled against him, burying her face in his mane and trying not to imagine what horror had earned him those scars-- but it was hard to ignore. She had never intended to see her family again, their survival was a secret they wanted to keep from Shangyue and the fewer that new, the better.. but Biti had brought him back here and she was glad. Reluctantly, she drew back again so she could look him in the eyes.

"What happened to you? What- what happened?"

She had so many questions, but knowing he must have just as many slowed her down.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 12, 2014 8:49 pm

Meshach couldn't believe it. She was right in front of his eyes and he still almost couldn't believe she was there. But his senses weren't lying to him. He heard her call his name. Her scent, so familiar, filled his nostrils. Without hesitation she rubbed up against him and he relaxed. Confident that this was his sister. The tears in her eyes brought joyful tears to his.

He had noted the limp as she ran, but otherwise appeared to be alright. Meshach returned her affections and purred deep in his chest. It ended far too quickly, but they had more time later. He looked back into her eyes as the bitterness swelled up inside him. "Our nephew happened sister."

"Come let us sit down and talk." Meshach waited for her to lead where she'd be comfortable. This was the indirect reason Biti had brought him here after all. They needed to go what was going on in the pride currently. "How much do you know?" Inside he was dying to hear how she'd escaped and what had happened.




Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 3:38 pm
Tiao smiled sadly at his response, her grief over the whole situation fighting to kill the joy she felt at seeing her brother. She let herself move her eyes away from him when he said they should sit down and talk, considering where they had run into each other and ultimately deciding they would be just fine exactly where they were. With a quick glance up to the sky, she sat herself down where she was.

How much do you know?

Once seated, she looked down at her paws as she considered this question. What did she really know about what happened? She knew that her son was responsible for her parents' deaths, that he had tried to kill her and Chao as well.. now it seemed Meshach had been attacked as well, and it seemed unlikely that Biti would have brought him here if he had won.

"I know that Shangyue wanted to be king so badly that he was willing to kill for it, that his dark friend should never have been trusted," she said, "We managed to escape death but for that, we had to flee. And we couldn't stop or look back. After we got here and began to heal, I sent Biti back to find out what happened.. and he brought you here."

Whatever Biti had found out was still a mystery, but it was almost certain that Meshach would know better than the shrill avian anyway.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 3:44 am

He was mildly surprised when she didn't seem inclined to move. Well she knew this place better than he did. Meshach settled himself, taking a moment longer than he normally did to prepare for their talk. He doubted this would be pleasant for either of them. Doubly so for Selene. He frowned to himself. Hadn't that bird mentioned another name? It'd totally slipped his mind the moment he saw his sister. He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Biti mentioned another name, but I'm afraid it's slipped my mind." Meshach admitted sheepishly. He'd never really paid much attention to the pomp of royal rank since he never thought he'd take the throne.

The male nodded slowly. "He made some of the lions of the slave rank into a new rank. The royal guards. They are loyal to him. At his coronation, Andama and I tried to make the pride see that having a murderer as ruler would only bring the Great Lion's wrath. A few stood with us, but more of his royal guards stood with him. It was destined to be a short battle. Andama had her cubs to think of. I.... and I was driven off by his guards." Meshach sighed. "I had hoped a chance to do something might arise so I lingered on the boundaries where I was joined by a lioness and eventually her sister. That's where Biti found us."




Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:07 pm
Tiao blinked at the remark, not quite understanding what Meshach was saying or what Biti might have told her so she simply smiled and shrugged.

"If you mean my name, I mostly go by the name Tiao here," she said, "And Fuu's proper name is Chao."

Her smile didn't last very long as, finally, Tiao got her answers about what had happened in the Mwezi'Johari when she and her mate had been chased away. Each statement caused a fresh twist in her stomach as she tried to take it all in: New ranks, presumably taking advantage of the slaves. A rebellion by her younger siblings, with nobody standing by them. The reminder that Andama had new cubs, that despite that she had been willing to take a stand. And Meshach leaving the pride and only being joined by two others.

"I am so sorry," she said, sounding truly grieved, "I keep trying to think of something, any sign that Shangyue might have given, any way we might have known what was to come. I'm his mother, and it was my job to teach him.. and I was blind to everything."

Even now, she couldn't see where they had gone wrong.

"And now he's gotten what he wants, then? He's a King?"

It sounded like a question but she really already knew the answer. What motherly feelings she still had for Shangyue was almost relieved he was still alive, but from the disgust she felt over his actions, and the love she felt for her homeland, she was horrified that he had been successful in taking the throne and having enough support to keep it.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:18 pm

Meshach muttered the unusual names to himself several times trying to fix them in his mind. "I will do my best to remember them sister," he grinned and gave a sheepish grin. It would be hard but he would put his best paw forward.

He purred and licked her neck soothingly. "So am I. Sometimes evil is very cunning. I do not think there was any way, save the Great Lion, that anyone could have known." He gazed at her with sympathy in his eyes. As Shangyue's mother the betrayal probably came as a double blow.

A look across his face as the question left a foul taste in his mouth. "Aye." Meshach glanced away in his own guilt. He could have tried harder. Fought harder. Something. Maybe if he'd spent time with his nephew this wouldn't have happened. These thoughts kept tearing at him, though he knew there was no way that he could be sure such an action would have changed anything.




Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 2:42 pm
Frowning, Tiao glanced up at the sky and let a silence fall between them. She was happy that he was alive and well, though sorry for his situation- and now that her initial surprise at having a visitor was wearing off, she was slowly realizing what it meant to have him there now.

"I don't intend to return," she said suddenly, looking back down from the sky to her brother, "Chao and I already decided that. Shangyue doesn't know we survived, I'm sure he thought.. at least, Chao is very lucky. We both are."

She had never imagined having to explain their decision, certainly not to someone who might have some expectation from them to return, to rescue the pride and undo the horrible deeds of their son. But she could not be swayed, and as sad as her voice was, it was evident in the way she spoke that she was firmly decided.

"The throne is now four generations past the last monarch to rule well into old age," she said somberly, "Shangyue is the fifth since then. And, by his own actions, he has guaranteed that it will continue like this. I have run out of faith that it could have been peaceful, that I could have ruled long or well, even if I did return."

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:36 pm

The silence was eerie and soothing at the same time. He blinked in surprise at her sudden statement. For a moment he said nothing. His eyes deep in thought before looking back at her. "I did not come here to ask you to," he replied softly. "I hadn't even known you both were alive." In a sense he could understand where she was coming from. They probably had a good life here. He held nothing against his sister for wanted to remain in a place where the king and family wasn't trying to kill them.

"I could only wish your faith in the Great Lion had not been shattered so." He bowed his head slightly. "I must return Tiao. I feel it is my duty to put to right what was made wrong." Even as she felt firm in her choice not to return, he so felt compelled to. Perhaps it was guilt that his family had produced this monstrosity or it might be something else. Meshach couldn't tell exactly why he felt so sure that he must do something. "You would have done the best you could sister. I promise to do whatever I can for the pride."




Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:01 pm
Truthfully, Tiao wasn't expecting Meshach to be so understanding. Why would he? He had never been close to the throne himself, and in fact his rank was never guaranteed simply because he was a male. And, of course, he had made his stand, failed, and still felt compelled to stay nearby. His view was certainly different. Still, a fresh rush of worry overcame her as he asserted that he was going to do something about it. That her brother might kill her son, or that her son might kill her brother next, was a horrible thought.

"Don't become king, Meshach."

Her voice was shaking and she looked startled almost immediately, surprised at the words that came from her. Her fears ran deeper than even she realized, she seemed certain that the monarchy was now doomed.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean that," she said, "Just be careful. If he truly has enough support to keep the throne, picking up the pieces when Shangyue's rule comes to an end is not going to be an easy task. Whoever succeeds him needs to be ready for that."

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 4:20 pm

Her sudden comment startled him enough that skin along his back twitched. He gave a weak laugh and shook his head. "Never fear. I honestly do not desire the throne. My only goal is to see Shangyue removed from power for the murderer he is. If the new king should let me return to the pride I shall be happy." He sighed and shook his head. Deep inside he was afraid that after having unseated his murdering nephew that the pride would want or demand he take the throne. He'd never been trained to rule, and had always been at peace with that fact. Now it could be an option and he was frightened.

"I will. It is my hope the Great Lion will give me a sign when the time is right. I..ah.. Have a way to avoid it should that be suggested actually. There's this lioness I like, but she's of low rank. One of the ones that came with me actually." He glanced at her to see how she would take the news.




Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:35 pm
His words ought to have reassured her but she wasn't convinced at first, if he were to rescue the pride from Shangyue's claws then it would almost certainly be an issue he faced. Rule was not democratic, chances were good that the throne would stay in the family.. but there was also the chance it would fall to some other high class member of the pride.

She was silent until he hinted that he had fallen in love with a lioness of a lower rank-- and she looked at him carefully, more curious than surprised. Then, very suddenly, she felt a wave of relief. Though she would not say it again, she was relieved he would be kept off that dangerous throne. Unfortunately, it was immediately followed with shame.

"I'm happy for you," she said finally, managing a smile, "Can I meet her? And the other lioness you brought! You should all stay here a while, rest and be safe for now."

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:46 pm
Sorry for the delay. Wrap up?

He gave a happy purr. "Of course sister. I wouldn't have brought them if I'd wanted to hide her." Meshach teased just a bit. The other reason he hadn't left them was the chance they could be found. There was no way he could tell what Shangyue would do with them.

"I do not think I should stay for too long," Meshach said cautiously. "We would be grateful to accept your hospitality while we recover for the journey back though." He glanced at his feet then back at her. "I am glad you have found a home you can enjoy." The purple male gave her a compassionate look. It had been hard believing she was dead, but he couldn't imagine how much harder for her knowing she had death hanging over her head should she stay.




Magical Apprentice

PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:21 pm
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Circling above the reunion, Biti was the first to spot a figure approaching them-- and he wasn't terribly surprised by who it was. With a chirp (much quieter than usual for him!) he circled down and landed on the shoulder of a confused looking Zhong Chao.

Chao had heard what was going on and immediately had headed off in the direction that Tiao had gone, but he wasn't able to keep up or track her very well and so had taken his time catching up. When he got close enough that Biti spotted and joined him, he was finally close enough to see what the fuss was about. He was relieved to see Meshach was alive and well enough to travel, though it was apparent that he had been in a fight.

Tiao leaned into her brother, and lingered there quietly even though it had seemed they were settled on getting him and his companions into the pride for a short stay. She wished he would stay here, where they could be safer. Her doubt of how they could possibly fight back and stay alive was strong. But something else was slowly fighting back inside her, sitting there with her determined little brother. Maybe he couldn't do it, but maybe he could. If someone was willing to fight then there was hope.

"OK," she said, finally straightening up and getting to her feet-- and finally noticing that her mate had joined them. With a sigh, she glanced from Chao to Meshach and smiled, "Let's go get your friends and we'll take you to the Lord and Lady. They know what happened, though you'll find most of the house doesn't really know the details. I'm sure they'll welcome you."

Chao kept his distance until his eyes met Tiao's, then he slowly walked over to join them. He didn't say anything, though he smield at Meshach. He didn't want to interrupt, but he was happy to join them from here.

(( Don't mind Fuu, it just made sense to bring him in xD No reply necessary, yaaay staying in the Tianxia! ))
[IC] Tianxia Lands [IC]

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