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It was good to be home. The outposts were a welcome sight, as was the river that ran through it. In the distance she could see the Sacred Tree that the Syntyi Puuhun held dear to their heart. A smile crept onto the doe's face as she looked towards the large body that she knew to be her herd. It had been too long since her hooves had touched the soft grass or the wind blown over her fur. With her tail flicking to keep flies off of her, the waterbuck began to make her way back towards the center of the herd.

The matriarch had returned.

Airion was a relatively new member of the herd. He was known for his immense size, towering even over Stommerd, who was arguably the largest waterbuck within the herd aside from him. Of course no one knew why Airion was so large; why, it was because he was a god of course! Perhaps someday the herd would know, but for now there was no reason to reveal himself. Maybe he should at least tell Lumi, a young doe who had already bore him three calves.

The blue-tinted buck wandered the borders of the center of the herd, brushing through the taller grass. There was no reason for the herd to wander that far to keep it down. Both of his ears swivelled forward as he heard the familiar sound of hooves on dirt. His head turned towards the sound and was greeted with the sight of a doe walking by herself. No, that was wrong. There were two other males walking behind her and a bird circling overhead. Their horns were large and they were only slightly smaller than Stommerd. Of course he was curious now.

"Hello there!" He called out, sky-tinted hooves taking him closer to the doe and her companions.

The two guards that trailed behind her immediately took action and rushed in front of the matriarch, their head lowered and their horns pointed towards the god. Behind them, laughter could be heard.

"It's alright boys, I don't think he'll do me any harm." They were of course on edge since they had been three waterbucks walking through the rogue lands for quite some time. "You can lower your guard. We're home. Go see to your families." Njia suggested, giving one of them a gentle nudge. Reluctantly and obviously looking as though they wanted to say something against it, the two left, walking back towards the main herd.

"Now," The doe turned her head back to Airion, a brow raised as she circled the huge waterbuck. "I don't think I've seen you before and I usually know everyone in my herd. Who are you?"

"I'm just a new member."

"A new member? I see Stommerd actually let someone new in. Usually I'm the one that has to convince him to allow new blood. So, what's your name?"

He watched her, curious of her interrogation of who he was, though based on how the two bucks had acted, she had to be important. She knew Stommerd and talked of him in such a familiar manner too. "My name is Airion, Lumi speaks of me often so you might have heard the name come up in conversation." Of course giving his name wouldn't hurt. After all, no one in the herd knew who he really was.

Airion was a name she did not know but Lumi most certainly was. She was one of the few healers the herd had and thus immensely important in Njia's eyes. She paused her circle, standing slightly to his right as she stared him down. "And what is Lumi to you?" She asked quietly, unsure of how this waterbuck was connected to one of her dear friends.

"Why, she's my mate and mother of my three children." He stated rather proudly, giving her a gentle smile.

His sentence took the matriarch by surprise. HIS MATE?! That would most certainly be something to ask Lumi about later. She wanted to know all of the details! And the mother of three children. Had she really been gone that long? Njia's ears sank slightly at the realization that she had left Stommerd well over a year ago, maybe even longer. Did he think she was dead? Had he moved on from her?

"So how long have you been in my herd, Airion?" She asked politely. Stommerd could wait a little while longer. Here was a buck that was somewhat of a mystery to her and there was just about him. "Where did you come from? Do you have any other family?"

More questions. Airion sighed. "I haven't been a member long. A little less than a year now I think." Time sure did fly living among this herd. Maybe it was Lumi's excited nature that helped keep things interesting and new. Or maybe it was the three children they shared that did. Regardless, it sure hadn't felt like it had been a year. "I do have family. I have two brothers and three sisters. My mother lives in the Pridelands and I'm...I'm not sure where my father is." It had been a long time since he had seen any of his family aside his mother, who seemed to have matured and aged since the time be had seen her last.

"The Pridelands you say? Well you may get to see her soon. The herd is set to migrate through the Pridelands, among other places." Njia stated proudly. She had done it, to a small degree, but she had remade the Syntyi Puuhun's migration route. While many of it was unknown territory and open land, there was some lands that they were welcome, even protected in.

"Oh?" He hadn't been expecting that kind of answer. Oh dear...hopefully his mother didn't spot him among the herd and out him without realizing the herd didn't know that he was actually a lion. "That would be lovely. It's been some time since I've seen her." By some time, he meant only a month. One of the perks of being a god was being able to teleport. It made keeping in contact with Zimran much easier.

"Indeed. I would like to meet her when we arrive there." Njia smiled, holding her head high. It was likely time to report to Stommerd of her success, however small it was. "If you'd excuse me Airion, I need to see Stommerd about why I was away."

The god nodded. "Let me escort you then. There have been whispers among the does that a hyena has been spotted. I would hate for something to happen to you so soon after you've come back."

There was no turning down such an offer and she was tired anyways. Her senses were in turn dulled and maybe it had been a stupid idea to send her guards away. "Fine, you can accompany me." She replied, her pink eyes watching as the mostly white male approached her side. Together they made them way into the herd to find Stommerd.

[word count: 1179]