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Urza decided to seek out a second opinion. He had talked to one or two of the other snowflakes of the pride, but he still wasn't convinced that things were going to be okay. Of course, he couldn't help but worry. He almost lost a few members the last year it went into summer. While Natintrapa had told him not to worry, he did anyways and wanted to at least talk to all the snowflakes of the pride. If they all said the same thing, or close to the same thing he'd drop it and carry on with the summer snow games. It wasn't bad to be over cautious, right? He didn't think so.

He walked around the pride in search of all the seers he knew of. Of course, he wasn't sure if they were seers, he just trusted what they had told him. He never even took into consideration that any of them could be lying to him. His tail flicked and a frown was upon the king's face. He hadn't any luck seeing a snowflake since this morning. Had there really been only a few? He thought there had been another one.

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Daichi was going about his business when he noticed the king wondering about. It was the second time he saw him, and worry was upon his face. Perhaps there was somethhing wrong, and even though it really wasn't Daichi's place to know what, he decided to make his way to the male. Maybe he could help, though he hadn't felt or seen anything in his dreams as of late that might indicate an issue.

However, that wasn't something too abnormal. Daichi couldn't read his visions well. Sometimes they were of his own childhood, and sometimes he could only guess they were of his future. All in all, he wasn't sure HOW useful they were, but he did try. He really did. It meant a lot to the king and the pride to try to predict any issues that might happen. After the last years incident. Daichi hadn't been around for that one, but he had heard what happened.

It amazed him how well organized they were and how fast it had taken them to react to the disaster that happened. Half of him wished he had been there. He had seen part of it in a vision, and that was what brought him here. Sure, he wasn't sure how long ago it had happened, other than what those who have told him. His vision, however had been years old... They had happened far long ago, and ever since he had been looking for this place.

"Something wrong, your majesty?" He asked the king as he came into normal talking distance.

Urza was almost shocked that someone had said something, though the male was basically in front of him. Was he really that distracted? It took him a few more minutes to realize it was exactly who he was looking for! He knew he wasn't crazy. A soft smile crossed his face as he looked at the male before him. He had still not been use to being addressed as such, but that wasn't really something he cared about. "Ah! Daichi!" He said with a smile and a nod.

"I was looking for you." Surely the other's would have told him about his obsessive problem by now. He had asked a few quite a few times if they were sure about what they saw. Of course, he still had to make sure. It was his job. "I wanted a bit of a chat with you, if you don't mind." He felt himself a bit more at ease now. Had he not found the young lad, he would have felt like he was going crazy. He didn't want to go crazy just yet.

Safety, that was what mattered most!

Daichi raised a brow as he nodded at the other. "Yes, I don't mind." Of course he didn't. How could anyone refuse to talk to the lion that made this place happen? That'd be crazy. Daichi owed Urza his life, in more ways than he could ever tell anyone. He smiled at the male before speaking again.

"What do you need?" He asked curiously. He didn't know what all this was going to be, but he wasn't about to start assuming other then the fact it had to do with his gift. A gift he'd been cursed with since birth. Strangely enough, he never thought it a gift til know. At least it was far less than what some creatures went through. He couldn't imagine what it was like for him. He at least understood his powers, and had talked to a god about it once when he was a kid. They had helped him, but not as much as he would have liked.

"Something bothering you?"

Yes, something was. Urza, however, didn't want to be too blunt about it. "Well, I am just curious if you've seen anything that might indicate something that should be concerned." Of course, Snow flakes had their own set of rules that if they noticed something in a vision that could call upon harm to the pride, that they must report it. With that said, Urza still had to make sure. Lions forgot, he knew that, so it was best to ask when he thought it would help.

He gave the male a smile and tried to seem less worried. He was just being too cautious. It was like having your first litter of cubs, every little thing scared you and you had to make sure you were doing things to the paw. He was just treating his pride the same way. It hadn't been very long since he formed it, and to him was like a batch of cubs.

He didn't want to frighten anyone, at least, not unless there was reasoning for it.

Daichi shook his head. He wished he could help the king. "No, I would have reported it right away. " He had told King Urza everything when he first joined on how sometimes is visions were many years into the future. Or even in the past. He smiled at the king. "So far, there is nothing to worry about." He said wit a confident mater of fact sorta way. He was sure if there was anything of an issue, someone would have picked it up! There weren't many seers of the pride, however.

"If I see something, I will come to you first." He said trying to make sure the King was more at ease with the situation. He could only imagine how it had been when the last disaster had happened. He had only been around for smaller slides that had only ended up destroying some trees, nothing more.

Urza nodded and smiled. "You're right, I'm being silly." He said with a sigh and shook his head. "I'll let you be to whatever you were doing, Daichi." He decided it was best to leave it at that. He wasn't satisfied, but at least he could be a little bit more at ease. He couldn't ask for much more.

He dreaded the answer of anything else but things were fine. He wondered how his heir would handle the situation when the time came. He had been teaching the lad many things that he'd need to know when the time came. Of course, that was the only kid he really had time to spend with while they were all growing up.

With that, Urza turned back the way he had came and decided it was time to prepare for festivities. Nothing else was there to hold him from hosting them.