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Aaliyah'muna never ventured too far into the rogue lands, always making sure that she could get back to the safety her pride quickly. Yet there were days when she missed the warmth of the sun kissing on her fur coat which wasn't followed by a crisp breeze. Or to see an expanse of land that wasn't covered in powder white snow with chandeliers of ice. Today was one of those days, but she hadn't really gone far enough to see much difference in the environment though it was a few degrees warmer.

Feeling giddy, perhaps sun-kissed, Aaliyah began to pounce at invisible preys. Reminiscing of her long-gone family. She missed her siblings. She had never been the strongest, nearing much to being the weakest, and would always be the first to get pinned, but at least they had cared. Pushing the thoughts of the dead out of her mind, she continued to romp around like a cub blindly only to go sailing face first towards the cold hard ground.

The lioness sat up dazed and shook her head, frowning as a fuzzy figure appeared before her. It took a few seconds longer than it should have for Aaliyah to realize it was another lioness. Her expression became wary as she leaned away, uncertain of what her next move should be as this wasn't a lioness she had seen in this particular part of the rogue lands before.

I Lady Kiya I