Kohi starred outside of the cave she was calling home temporarily. “Hmm.” She moaned while her crimson eyes gazed upon the wet leaves and charred ash. “It’s still sort of wet outside, what should we do?” She turned around and watched as a mostly white leopard; with black whirls pooling around his back, snored peacefully without a care.

“Hey.” Kohi fought for his attention. Her sparkling coat twinkling with small amounts of sun as the rays found her back amongst the dark. “HEY!” She yelled angrily.

The peach colored eyes of her brother opened and Kohi looked at him with distaste. She was more than unimpressed with his attitude about the whole situation. “I asked you a question.” She told him with a bitter tone hinted under her eager breathes. The last thing the leopardess wanted was for one of the bloodletters to find her hiding within the cult’s ruins. Less than a week ago they were a growing colony, a successful pride that barely had begun to flourish.

Now they were gone, lightning, fire, and rainfall all mixed into one dreadful night sought to ruin them. Kohi was fine with this though, as she was not your typical member. In fact she was barely anything to them. Simply a slave who was waiting for the day she’d be executed. Had it not been for that leader Kalanova or something like that, she would have died the very day those blood obsessed members had captured her. Instead Kohi and her big mouth telling everyone of her lightbringer status had saved her. Somehow. Maybe it was just luck that had brought her salvation. Luck and a very power hunger leopard sympathizing with her cause.

“What should we do?” She repeated herself for the sake of her brother who had not yet responded. “The rain is light, we can probably get away now if we ran.”

“It’s over Kohi, stop worrying.” Her brother yawned. There was no reason in his mind for her to continue fretting over something that wasn’t going to come back. Hadn’t some of those powerful bloodletters gotten killed or injured or something? Maybe he simply imagined that, either way Kohi needed to stop freaking out.

“I will not ‘stop worrying’ Sundai.” She growled at him while pacing around the small cave. “Do you know what it’s like to live with a claw under your throat?! What if they find me? Then what?”

“Then I’ll beat them up for you.” Her brother yawned. He was by no means the athletic sort, so how he was to manage such a thing was a puzzle in itself. Kohi snorted at his sarcasm.

“Yes, because you are sooooo strong.” She rolled her eyes, and stopped pacing to sit and face her sleepy brother. “Really, we could maybe manage to escape now.”

“We could have escaped yesterday if you’d agree to it.” Sundai replied.

“Honestly…. You’re so hard to agree with.”

“That’s just because you don’t agree with anything.” Sundai couldn’t help it that his sister was a spoiled brat. Though ever since she had been captured she had been better about it she still acted like a freaking princess. Sundai could not begin to try and understand why as he didn’t care enough to do so. In that black and grey leopard’s mind Kohi was just spoiled, a brat and selfish. Those words weren’t farfetched from what she actually acted like truthfully. But to Kohi she had a good reason to do so. Sundai did not even bother hearing those reasons out. So maybe he was the brat in the relationship.

“That’s not true, I can be perfectly agreeable.”

“Yeah, when it’s something in your favor.” He stood and allowed his tail to sway lazily behind him. “Do you want me to go and scout out a safe path?” Maybe then they could finally leave and go their separate ways. Kohi had found Sundai by chance, and now? NOW?! She refused to let him leave. Since he did honestly care about his sisters the male was easily conned into keeping her company.

To be plain and simple he thought she was dead. It was a nice surprise to see she was not. Especially considering how bratty she sometimes acted.

“Yes, please. Go find a way out of this disaster!” She waved him off and retreated further into the depths of the cave in her paranoia. Sundai simply turned a blind eye to her and her behavior.

“If I say it’s safe, will you believe me this time?” He asked her calmly. One had to be calm around Kohi or risk being anger easily.

At his question she turned her attention to Sundai and gave him a certain look that spoke volumes. “Of course, now go and make sure it’s as safe as you think it is.” She commanded him to leave.

“Tch. Yes princess.” Sundai turned and with a gaze of unimpressed silence he watched the forest move and sway. “It looks safe already-“

“Just go!” Kohi growled.

“Right, right, I’m leaving. Cool your fur.”

Kohi sighed and turned her bright eyes to watch as her brother left, ensuring he kept true to his word by doing so. “Really now.” She sighed to herself. “You’re unbelievable Sundai, unbelievable.” She shook her head while thinking such thoughts aloud.

“You’re such a brat Kohi.” Sundai also was muttering to himself while skipping over a tree trunk that had fallen long ago. “Nobody else in our family acts like this, why do you have to?” He bitterly snuffed. Dad, mom and his three other sisters… They all didn’t act just like Kohi did. They weren’t brats and they didn’t act like they owned the place. This brought curiosity to Sundai’s mind. He was rare to dwell on long subjects but this one captivated his interests. Maybe because it was a topic that related to him in a way. It related to him, his siblings and his parents. Just where and why did Kohi learn to act like that anyways? When did she start becoming such a brat?

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