Ena was spending the morning in the clearing, soaking up the few rays that greeted the forest floor at this early time. She stretched her longer slender legs this way and that, anklets tinkling against the grass gently. Ena knew that some others had joined some of the groups, or "houses" as they had decided to call them, and she had not found anyone like herself just yet, but she knew she would. She was yet to meet them but hoped eagerly she would. Starting a pack was proving to be harder than she thought, but still very exciting, and though they wanted to boost their numbers so they could have a large and social group - she also wanted to make sure those individuals were trustworthy.

It had taken Elly a while to get used to life away from the ocean. It was odd - but in a good way. The pack, however, was small - smaller than she thought a pack should be, but she could feel it would grow. She could see new faces even now, joining in their numbers.

But that wasn't what she was wandering about for. Her Love, Kumo, was on duty - he took his role as a protector very seriously, as he should, but it often left Elly feeling quite lonely. She took the pack in stride and totted off to seek company .

Aha! There was one. Being in such a small pack and constantly being away from the clearing still on her pilgrimage of sorts, meant that Ena hadn't really spent too much time there to tell the truth. When she saw the new female she hopped up onto her legs quickly, feathers swishing around her limbs. Even when slightly rushed her walk was still graceful and fluid like a dance. She approached the female with a smile and nodded her head. "Hello, you must be new?" She said kindly.

Elly, of course, was pleasently surprised by the lady that came up - she recognized her, if only through the sibling resemblence of the leader. "Fairly new, I would say," Elly agreed, with a smile. "My name's Po'ele, though Elly will do just fine," The ocean-born wild dog was a calm girl - she had to be, for being an artisan. Things often didn't come so easily when her paws were... well, paws.

"It's nice to meet you, Miss," she said politely. She didn't know the other female's name, though it would never hurt to be polite - especially to the sibling of her own leader.

"Elly." It was a lovely name, and it sounded... different, somehow. "It's really nice to meet you Elly!" She said enthusiastically. Ena had been full of enthusiasm lately, and found it put her in a fabulous mood no matter what happened throughout the day. "I am Ena, I'm the leader of the Air house" Bobbing her head again, she looked around. "Did you come with someone?" She vaguely remembered her brother saying he had enlisted a couple into the pack, but she wasn't sure.

Air house! Of course. It would make sense with all the feathers, Elly decided. "Oh yes! I gave with my mate, Kumolipo. He's in the metal house, as a guard," she informed the Air Leader. They spent every moment they could together and Kumo was quite the charmer.

"Kumolipo." She repeated, and a mate too, that sounded pretty serious. Ena wondered what fate had in store for her regarding mates and pups and such like. She didn't want to try to hard to make it happen and probably wouldn't go out looking for it. Whatever would happen would happen and hopefully she would end up happy. In honesty she did want a family, but as much to build pack numbers as for her own enjoyment of being a mother. Ena didn't have much experience with the young, but with mates came pups, and pups in a pride were a wonderful thing to behold. She did not beat around the bush in saying so either. "Mates! That is wonderful. Perhaps you will be the first to bring new life to the pack." It was a bold statement yes, as perhaps it was not the couples intention to do so, but Ena said it with excitement.

Elly flushed brightly. "I hope so!" she agreed. She longed for pups and they were a long time coming. Unfortunately, Elly wasn't as fertile as she hoped to be and no pups had graced her as of yet.

She hoped with the security of the pack that her body would allow for pups to grow within her, and she held a lot of hope. "It would be a grand thing, to see this pack grow."

Ena was glad that her bold statement did not offend Elly, and the female seemed very excitable about the idea. She flushed herself too when Elly expressed an interest in the pack growing. This is what they needed, friendly, nice dogs who would keep things running smoothly. She hoped they would not be graced with any bad characters but perhaps there was danger in a group of any size. It was a thought she pushed to the back of her mind - it was not needed at this moment. "It would be nice to meet your mate.." she mumered softly. She really ought to get to know everyone as well as she could.

Elly bounced on her toes, excited. She loved talking about her mate. "He's on patrol right now, but perhaps you can meet him soon!" She said happily. She gave a kind smile, "He's really protective," She sighed - sometimes it could be a tad bit overbearing, buta small nudge would make him let up a bit.

At least she knew she was safe...

"Do you have a mate, Miss Ena?" Elly asked. It was kind of a - well, probably poor choice of words, but it was something she wasn't good at. She hadn't grown up around other dogs - or even any other species! She had gown alone with only her eccentric mother as a role model.

Patrol?" She smiled gently. "He must be in the Metal house, then!" They had spent a long time coming up with various ranks and names for their houses, and had finally agreed on them. She liked it, it was something different to things that she had heard before. "Protective is a good thing." She said simply. It was a good thing both for Elly and for the pack, of course.

"I don't have a mate, not yet... We will see what time brings." She smiled at Elly fondly. "It was lovely to meet you Elly, and I will meet your mate soon I'm sure, but I must continue my searches.. The air house is rather lonely at the moment." By lonely she meant it had one member... of course.

She gave a small smile at the Air House leader. "Of course," she gave a small nod, stepped away a bit. "I didn't mean to keep you!" Though it hand't been for a long time, Elly felt a tad embarassed for rambling about her mate and really not much else. "We look forward to it."