Ena had spent most of her time socializing with the others in the pack, which included her siblings but also some newcomers. Although her pilgrimage had been quite unsuccessful, they had managed to come up with a hierarchy of sorts and seven different groups to which newly joining members might be persuaded. She sat on a rock, pondering how she could come up with members for her beloved house. As it turned out, a lot of dogs were not interested in dancing or performance of any kind. Ena resisted pouting though, and put faith in what was going to happen, she knew it would grow eventually. Debating going for a walk or perhaps another search, she pulled herself up from the rock and began to walk.

Yejide had done as her siblings had and gone off in search of those wild dogs with like-minded ideas. She had found a few and returned with them, although there were none for her own house. She didn't mind, though, knowing that there would be plenty to join her ranks to defend their budding pack. She already had a pawful, anyway, so it wasn't as if she'd be defending it alone. The fire in her heart told her she'd do it alone if need be, though. Nothing would come to harm her family!She trotted through the tall grass towards the area her siblings frequently would meet at to discuss their further plans. They nearly had enough to start up a true pack, even though some houses lacked members. It was all right, there would be more to come soon. She spotted her sister Ena trotting along as well and broke into a run to catch up with her.

"Sister!" she called out to get her attention. "Ena...how was your search?"

Ena's head whipped up at the sound of her sisters voice, and she cracked a smile. "Yejide!" She called out in response cheerfully. Whilst Ena was gentle and spiritual, her sister had a fiery nature that she sometimes envied. Ena had passion whilst dancing, but Yejide seemed to harbour a passion and protective nature in all aspects of life. It was only fitting that her sister would lead the fire house, after all. Though they had hoped for no conflict, they also knew the importance of having defense, and that was what Yejide was to do as a leader. 

"Not good in truth sister, how goes yours?"

Yejide paused once she reached her sister's side, surveying the swirled wild dog with a critical eye. Along with her passion for protecting, she was always careful to inspect her siblings for injury. Those that harmed her family would pay dearly for their deeds.

"I found a few for our siblings but none for me," she said, swishing her tail in mild disapproval. "But I have a pawful already, so I'm not terribly concerned." She pressed her ears back for a moment once she was done making sure Ena was fine, a mild look of relief passing over her face. "You'll find a few to lead soon as well. Once we get this up and running they'll come in droves, I'm sure."

Ena watched her sister look her over and smiled, she wanted to say "I'm fine!" But guessed it might annoy her sister so instead left her to her protective quirk. It was nice to have someone looking over you, much like Elly and her mate. She was still to meet him, but had already heard that he was a vigilant guard. She doubted they needed to be guarded so much as a small group, but his dedication was still very impressive. She nodded at her sister. "I think so too, I think big things are in store for us." They didn't have much a childhood, in honesty. Their mother was seen less often than was considered "normal" for a parent, but this did allow them freedom and more independence. They had also become quite closely knit and depending on each other, something that was a requirment for a pack. "Have you thought much about your practice in relation to soldiers or what you're going to do?" Each leader of his/her house was pretty much in charge of whatever went on, and the siblings as a whole voted on more wide pack matters, or thats what they would do in the future, anyway.

Yej gave a little 'mm' in reply. They had been through quite a bit already together and she knew they were a strong group of wild dogs: diversity made for a harmonious life. They all had their strengths and weaknesses and balanced each other out. 

"A bit," she admitted. "I want to see what I have to work with before I set anything in stone, though. See their personalities, their drive. I don't want members if they're not ready to put their lives on the line for their pack members." She wouldn't ask of them any more than she wouldn't give herself, but she expected all of those who worked under her to be as committed as she was.

"I know we don't anticipate violence, but should it come, I don't want anyone getting cold paws," she muttered quietly.

"I understand." In truth, Ena didn't understand completely, but she understood her sisters nature enough to know how she must feel about it. Ena wasn't one for violence and was glad that defensive measures were left up to Yejide. They would of course voice their opinion if needed. Ena thought that perhaps the fire house would be one of the smallest, most creatures did not want to offer themselves up for danger. "Sometimes it can be hard to find others to fight for a cause, especially when they may not know us so well. We can't ask strangers to die for us, can we?" She mused quietly whilst she looked at her sister - her face had become rather serious, but still soft.

"Hard, certainly," Yej said with a nod. "But I prefer quality over quantity. We'll be their family, they'll have relatives in other houses. There will be more to fight and protect than just us. I'm confident I'll find a good number to train," she added, giving her sister a hint of a smile. "And if they're too soft, I'll send them to you for a nuzzle. I'm sure you'll make them feel much better."

Ena let out a snort - which was rather unlike her, but her sister had a way with words that tickled her sometimes. "Okay, Yejide, whatever you say." She said jokingly. "Remember you'll have hunters and huntresses too though, those that don't want to fight but who are as fiery as yourself." Maybe Yejide would train those up too, it wouldn't surprise her.

"Yes, yes, I know," Yej said with a wave of her paw. "In a perfect world they'll all be ready to fight at a moment's notice. But I'll work with what I can." First she wanted some elite wild dogs that would help her train others up. Then she could accept less vigorous animals into her house. 

"But it's not a perfect world. So I'll take what the gods decide to give me," she said with a roll of her eyes. "Hopefully they won't be too cruel and send spineless pups."

"I know you're just looking out for everyone Yej. I'm sure the gods will give you the greatness you deserve." She chirped. Despite the roughness of their past, quite a few of the siblings had ended up having more faith than was expected. "And whilst you keep on fighting, I'll keep on dancing!"

Yej had to laugh at her sister's reply. Yes, she was certainly the more free-spirited of the two of them, and she couldn't fault her for it. It was what made them such a strong group of wild dogs, a group that she hoped lots of others would come to join and enjoy.

"Right," she said, a fond tone in her voice. "You keep dancing. Perhaps if I try that will scary any would-be attackers away. They'd all think we were ill." She certainly wasn't talented in the area of dance, but it couldn't be said that she never tired. They were family, after all, and she'd do anything to get her sister to smile. ((End))
