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The trio had been lounging next to the lake for some time. The sun was completely hidden behind the branches of the large, lush trees that encircled the area, and any worry about what time of day it was, or how hot it was going to get, was completely lost as they reclined. The three companions, two lions and one leopard, had met a few hours ago, and the leopard had brought them into his little home, however temporary it might be for him, and they had all settled down and gotten into a rather comfortable friendship. It was not hard for the two lions, it seemed, as they were at home and easy to talk to, and showed no signs of aggression or false intention. For the leopard, trust was a little slower to come, but after the first hour passed and he had not been attacked or even shown a mean word or action, he, too, relaxed and did his best to fall into an easy, friendly conversation. They were a strange group, but they were bonding well, and each one preferred that to making enemies any day of the week. And any way, it was so nice and cool under the shade of the trees, next to the water of the small lake, that no one had the heart to ruin the moment.

“So, Angava and I have just been walking ever since we found one another,” Kiroja, the only female at the gathering, was saying. Dalki, the leopard, watched her calmly, nodding along with her story as Angava, the male lion, dozed lazily on his back a bit further up the bank. “He helped me out of that mud pit and even found me some water to clean off that awful, clinging, stinking mud from my beautiful fur. I knew he was a nice enough friend to have around after that, and sort of… well. I suppose I stuck to him, whether he wanted me there, or not.” She laughed easily and looked over at the lion in question, who had his eyes closed and his mouth open as he snored. The sight made her heave a sigh, and for a moment she reconsidered her stance on him entirely. Dalki laughed as he followed her look, though he got his own, curious expression as he regarded the female again. She caught his eye and knew what he was about to ask before he opened his mouth.

“Are you two together?” Dalki asked, pretending not to notice the look of disdain and warning she was giving him, “or are you just traveling together? It seems to me that spending that much time with someone, particularly of the other gender, might lead to some perfectly natural needs getting fulfilled.”

“Oh, you are a curious one, aren’t you?” Kiroja huffed, but she was not upset with him. Her eyes shimmered and she shook her head luxuriously, her mane moving as if of its own mind to fall back perfectly where it was meant to be settled when the movement stopped, “but no. We are not that sort of a… a pair. He keeps me safe.”

“Of course,” the leopard bowed his head in a nod, though he was not convinced by her little display. Maybe they had not done anything yet, but he could see that the duo were closer than they let on. Angava, for his part, seemed oblivious, but he was all too happy to keep company with Kiroja, and that was enough to tell Dalki that the investment might run a bit deeper than just friendship. But then again, what did he know? The leopard had always been alone, since growing old enough to leave his family, and he had never even taken a female for a short time, let alone as a mate or a more permanent companion. He had no idea what it was all meant to feel like and really had no room to judge these two. Maybe being alone for so long left him being a bit more romantic than even he was aware of. Maybe he did not just see them being together because it was there: maybe he just wanted it to be true because it was sweeter that way.

He did not think his training and his determination to be the best fighter and most capable adult really went hand in hand with being a hopeless romantic. He would have to keep an eye on himself.

“What about you, Dalki?” Kiroja asked, as if reading his thoughts. She did not need to do such a thing, though, to see that this leopard was not familiar with ladies or even much companionship of any kind. She did not think it was because he preferred males: there was a general air of innocence about him that seemed too defined to be ignored. He had a sweet air, despite his best efforts to appear like an ordered and responsible young warrior, and he spoke with a soft tongue that was not used to the usual trappings of being too familiar with someone. It was sweet, the questions he asked her, just about traveling with someone else, and having constant company. She felt like he was lonely, and if she and Angava were not always on the move, she would want to stay here with him. He would not come on their travels with them, though, as he was happy enough in his little den for now. Still, she wished he would go out and find someone to be around. He was a kind young leopard and she did not want to see that get wasted on being alone, or for him to become grumpy or jaded.

“What do you mean?” He asked, blinking at her bashfully. She smiled at him and shook her head slowly, not about to push him if it was something he did not want to talk about. He took a long pause, then took a breath and plunged into a response. “I guess I never really think about stuff like that, since there is no one around here and I have never… I mean. It just doesn’t come up. I focus on my training, and that usually keeps me focused enough to… not notice. You know. The rest of it.”

“Well, I think you would do well to find a mate, some day.”

“Oh yeah,” Dalki said, grinning at her teasingly, “I think you should, too. Though it might easier for you than for me.”

She made a face at him, sticking out her tongue and blowing a raspberry, but it was all jovial and she was smiling before she even finished. Angava grunted and rolled over with a heavy flop, his legs landing on the ground almost all at once as he blobbed onto his side. He looked over at the duo, catching Kiroja making her face at him, and looked very confused. With a heavy grunt of effort, he pushed himself to his feet and walked a few steps toward them before flopping down again, close enough to be in the conversation now. First, though, he let out a mighty yawn and shook out his mane, stretching a bit without getting up again. He smiled at them both, though he looked a little nervous. He was not sure if they were arguing or not, though the air was not tense. Something did feel a little strange, and they were both staring at him now, which put him even more on edge. He cleared his throat.

“Uh. Is something going on?” He asked, looking at Kiroja and then to Dalki. Kiroja pulled her tongue back into her mouth and Dalki just grinned, before both of them erupted into laughter. Angava sat there and blinked a few times before offering a timid smile and a chuckle, and then starting to laugh honestly. He was very confused, and knew that this laughter was likely at his expense somehow, but he was not too worried about it. At least everyone still seemed to be getting along, and really, that was all he cared about.

“You two doing okay over here? I thought for a second there was some kind of fight, and we would have to leave. Because uh… I don’t really want to go just yet. I’m really enjoying my nap.”

“We can see that,” Kiroja chirped, “but don’t worry. No one is going anywhere just yet, unless Dalki has grown tired of my badgering.”

“If Angava can handle it every day,” Dalki countered, “I can manage for a few more hours.”

“Well, that’s all good to head,” Angava said, rolling onto his back again. “I can’t remember the last time I laid in grass this comfortable and soft. And the fact that the heat can’t get in here? The water keeps everything so cool and moist… I just want to sleep all the time. I don’t know how you get anything done around here, Dalki. It’s like a little piece of my personal heaven.”

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you like. The both of you.”

Word Count: 1,519 in Word