So, this hole Mafia thing... How does it work?
Well, you see it all starts with a contract. You make a deal with Blood and he will get s**t done. Want a sibling killed? Done. Want to know if your mate is cheating? One of his spies will find out. Want protection? Heck, you have it. Want something swiping for you? Piece of cake. Want a date to trick your family into believing you are straight when you are clearly NOT? Every Soquili in the herd plays a role and has a use, there is no free loaders in the Mafia, if you want a share of the goods you are going to have to work for it. So what are they paid in? Anything of value really, you can pay for their services in anything from treasure, to knowledge to your children, as long as what you are handing over is valuable in some way. The profits are then split up and everyone is granted an equal cut.
So they are... bad guys?
Yes, completely. Don't get me wrong, not everyone has the stomach for murder and torture, but they are not good guys by any stretch of the imagination. They commit crimes; they might do it out of need, out of greed or out of nurture but the fact is at the end of the day this is the Mafia. How pure of heart can you really be?
Are any breeds welcome?
Yes, completely. Blood does not see race, he just sees potential.
So what do I gain?
Protection. Profit and the most Despicable Band of Brothers anyone could ever wish for.
Can girls join!?
Yes, yes and more yes. Blood loves the ladies! What would his Mafia be without some FemFetals?
So how does mating come into it?
You don't need a lifemate or anything, be you gay, straight, head over heels in love or have partaked in a fling. Family is Family, once a Hatter always a Hatter. Bring your kids, bring your life Blood will surly find a way to put them to work. Or you know, you can leave them at the door, he does not really care aslong as everyone is doing their job.
Faceless: Welcome to the family buddy, you are scum. You are what they call a Faceless, one without a role or a purpose. You were probably captured, enslaved, kidnapped or sold to the herd. So what do you do? Well what people tell you to do, Blood does not care if his boys knock you around or if they hurt your feelings. If you put a hoof out of line you will be in a ditch somewhere and nobody will even bat an eyelid. So how do you escape this life? Well you can run away (but we will find you). You can marry or breed with a Herd Member (that will elevate your status). Or you can prove your worth by doing contracts for Blood. Life is not easy for you right now, but there is a way out if you are patient enough.
Bloods Groupies: Want to be one of Bloods lovers, live like a Princess? Well if you do not mind sharing your mate with other women then a life of luxury can be yours. Blood is a very passionate and romantic guy, he will treat all his girls well and make sure they never go without. You are treated like royalty by everyone in the herd and protected by it's many body guards, just know that if you are involved in activities with any other male and found out, then well its the ditch for you! --- Just a note I do want Blood to life-mate one day, these are not breeding plots! However that does not make his girls Faceless, they will become hand maidens and nannies to his future wife and her children. Sure you are not top dog anymore but it could be worse.
Body Guards: So you take care of Blood and his Girls. You are his generals, his second in commands, his most trusted friends. I am looking for FOUR body guards who will be known as General Heart, General Club, General Diamond and General Spade. So General Spade will be in charge of the sweepers and the spies, your men collect information, destroy evidence and hide the bodies. General Diamond will be in charge of the thieves and all the accounting. General Club, your men are the assassins and the thugs. General Heart, well you are in charge of the herds,,,, dancers and escorts. Just know meetings will happen fairy regularly.
Escorts: Now clean your mind with soap. I am not on about whoring here, I am on about a legitimate service here. You give Blood your preferences and your desires, be it a travelling companion, a date for an event or just someone to spend some time with. What you two decide goes down is up to you, he is just giving you the chance to engage with some pretty girls and handsome boys. They can sing, they can dance and they will make you feel like the most special little snowflake of them all, just know it comes at a price. If you damage one of them that price will just happen to be your head.
Thugs / Thieves / Murderers / Spies :: Do I really need to explain these roles? I will ofcourse go into more detail later but I am pretty sure you can guess what you will be doing! | D