
Levigis took a deep breath. This was it. This was her time to go on an adventure. She was leaving behind her family, including her twin brother. The two of them were inseparable. But the call for adventure was too strong for her to ignore. She had already said her goodbyes to her brother. She held a strong face, trying to hold back tears. No one had ever seen her cry. She wasn't going to change that. Not today, not during her adventure and not when she got back.

She wasn't bringing much on her adventure, believing she could just gather up supplies as she went.

If she wanted to she could just go right now. Float onward like a leaf in the wind. However there was still the matter of her wanting to get her father's permission first.

It really wasn't her asking for permission. It was more of an informing him what was going on. She knew her father well enough. He wanted her to join the pirates, but she had never done so. She stuck with the rest of her family in the rogue lands and would just occasionally go see him. He had another litter in the pride. His mate Hotza was fine with her and her siblings, it just always seemed weird.

Aureo would be okay with her going on an adventure. She was sure of it. Even if he wasn't, it wouldn't matter. She would still go.

She paused as she approached their meeting spot. He wasn't there. She let out a sigh of relief. “Guess I'll just wait for a bit.” she said quietly.

“Father is going to be a bit.”

Levigis turned around to see her half-brother Acacius. She gave him a snarl which he just shrugged off. “What are you doing here?”

“Father said that you needed to talk to him. He sent me ahead because he got caught up in a hunt.” Acacius said coolly. He was a good head taller then her. She remembered when they were cubs she was larger then he was. In her eyes he was still the same bratty, know it all lion. He was always trying to prove that he was the best.

But he wasn't. She was.

“So what are you going to tell him? That you're planning on joining up with the pirates? He'll be pleased to hear that.” Acacius said as he sat down next to Levigis. He brushed his fur after he talked. There were things he needed to talk to his father about as well. Where the pink lioness might be wanting to join the pirates, Acacius wanted nothing more then to leave them.

He wasn't very old when he realized that he didn't really fit in as well as he should. His father was all about enjoying everything, where he wanted to make the most out of life. And to do that he needed to become stronger.

There was only so much he could do though.

He eyed his half-sister. She would make Aureo proud. That's all she ever wanted. She hated being around him and his siblings because they were part of the pride she so desperately wanted to be in but never had the courage to join. If he had been in her situation he would have gotten as far as he could from the pride.

Levigis snarled angrily at her brother. As if he could figure her out like that. “I'm leaving. I'm going on a grand adventure.” She declared with a smirk. “I am going to see lands that you have only dreamed about.” She was sure that would get him. They were always competitive. This wasn't an exception.

At first he was stunned. It was an odd choice for her to make. It was similar to his own, though he didn't indulge on the flair she added. He stood up and stepped closer to her. “Well then sister, we should travel together. I have been tossing around the idea of leaving. What better timing then now.” He said in his oh so serious tone, though with a playful grin.

She wouldn't accept that. She would be furious about traveling with him. And even more so if they traveled at the same time. It would mean she didn't get to leave first.

Before she could say anything, in interjected. “Of course I guess I could go now... I don't need to wait for father's approval to leave the pride.”

He looked down at her, with visible rage on her face.

“Look buddy, we can travel together for a bit. I don't care. But there is no way I will let you be the first to leave. This is my adventure. So don't ruin it.” She tried keeping her voice at a manageable level, but she could feel her rage rising. Since she was little she always had a hard time keeping her temper in check. Acacius was the one who could say anything to start her temper. There were times he didn't even mean to piss her off.

“Alright Levigis. We will head out together. I don't plan on sticking around you for long. Just for a couple days. We can go our separate ways.” He said. It might end up being better for both of them. Something to remind them why they are going on their adventure. He couldn't think of a better motivation then his half-sister to get him to go far away from the pride.

He wasn't lying, she thought as she stared at him. She then gave him a nod of approval. “We'll meet up then tomorrow.” She paused and looked up at her half-brother. “Are you going to tell dad?” She hadn't even thought about that possibility. Aureo wouldn't be losing just one of them, but two. She had many siblings, some she would never meet. Aureo had always been close to the cubs he fathered, even the ones who were not apart of his pride.

She knew how he would take her leaving. But Acacius? That was a whole other issue. He was determined, ambitious. She knew he had what it would take to become a pirate captain. In her mind, she always imagined the two of them would be rival captains. But now that wouldn't happen. They might not return to the pride. Their rivalry might die with this adventure.

It was something she didn't even realize she would miss.

“After we separate, we might not see each other again.” She spoke in a different, much quieter voice. “I might not see father, or my mother. Or any of our siblings.” It was something she had thought about for a brief moment.

Acacius listened as she talked. He wasn't really a family guy. Lots of siblings, lots of half-siblings. He looked at his half-sister. Out of his siblings, he guessed he was closest to her. They weren't friendly to each other. Most of the time they just fought or argued. But at least they had a connection. “I'm not going to tell Aureo. It will just upset him more. Unlike you I do not need his permission to leave.”

“You think he'll talk you into staying.” She said.

And she was right. Acacius looked away. All of them were taught the importance of family, even if he thought it was all rubbish. He had a duty to his family and he was sure Aureo would remind him of that. “I'll see you tomorrow. Do me a favor and don't mention me to father.” He said, getting up and walking away from her.

He needed to get his things gathered up for tomorrow.

(WC: 1,280)