Name: Annalise Evangeline Daae
Nicknames: Prefers Anha, Her father calls her 'Pet'
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Faction: Monster
Race: Werewolf / Lupe Garou

Natural Ability: x• Shapeshifting: A werewolf can turn into either their full wolf form of bipedal wolf form compete with hand-

like paws. A werewolf can speak in any of their forms thanks to FEAR. When a werewolf is outside Halloweentown, they can only shapeshift under a fullmoon. They also lose the power to speak in their wolf-form until they return to Halloweentown.

(Copied from the guide)

Personality: Anha is very quiet. Not that she doesn't have opinions she just prefers not to share them with everyone around her. Socially she's very stunted whereas she gets along with her packmates it's hard for her to make friends outside of her breeding. And she's looking for her life partner in most males she meets so that's a bit of a turn off for the guys. She has a controlling sadistic side that she gets from her mother, and a rational poetic side she gets from her father both of which can seem to appear simultaneously.

She loves humans. Or at least the IDEA of them. She wonders what it would be like to have no control of your life. To not be able to shape and control the people beneath you to push you higher. She seems to think being a human is like being a baby bird. Your helpless and at the mercy of everything around you.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Anha wanted to come to Amityville to learn more about humans. She knows some not a massive amount but she finds their weakness and fragility to be intreaguing. She often wonders how it would feel to not be constantly in control of herself and her life. (She sees humans as creatures who's lives are decided by the forces around them not necesarilly by their own will) Her parent's agreed to send her because they believe it will bring out the inner leader in their daughter and teach her things that will make her invaluble as a Wolf.

FEAR Ability:

(Please bear with me and give me a hand with this one when it's critiqued ><' I do not understand this part AT ALL and i've read and reread the info Q.Q))

Fear Category - Offensive
"Listen to my mesmer"
Anna begins to hum under her breath and speak softly to her opponent. It's meant as a distraction to lull them into a trance and if it works she'll dip down and make a hard attack at their underbelly.

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Oceanic when at rest / Shimmering Gold rimmed with red when angered or turning
Hair Colour/Style: Dark Red and long falling down her back to her haunches as a human / White as a wolf with gold design.
Skin Colour: Pale
Clothing Style/Colours: When she's out and about Anna dresses in Dark denim jeans and a red tanktop with a leather jacket The jeans can be exchanged for a pleated skirt if needed. She generally dresses in darker colors. (She saw a werewolf in a movie once do this) however when she's at home or in her room she likes to dress like a gypsy or in bright flowing colors (She feels more comfortable and at home in clothes like that. If she does change her style it's only slightly and everything she wears is very well fitting and well tailored she gets her flair for the unique from her mother.
Extra: Her Parents are Astrid and Adrian. I can't really think of anything else not covered. She doesn't like using her ears/tail/fangs outside of being a wolf. So she'd have to be dared or bribed to do so.
References: N/A atm ><'