Name: Bakura "Reddington" Yamamoto

Nickname: "Baka"

Age: 16

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Personality: Shy, Cleanly, Secretive, and Nervous.

Bio: A man and a women met, had some fun, and made a mistake, or so they thought.

A young boy was born August 28, 1998, his name : Bakura Yamamoto, his time of birth : 7:23 PM, place of birth: Princess of Wales Hospital, his blood type : AB positive, his zodiac sign : Virgo.

His birth being out of wedlock, and having his father run off to Japan, much of his mother's side of the family looked down on young Bakura, and couldn't see him as more than a b*****d child that was never gonna achieve anything in this world of which he was born into, yet, his mother, a kind and compassionate woman, still looked at him with caring eyes, she never talked bad about his father, she only ever said he was a good man, but that he was only misunderstood.
She taught him to be strong.
She taught him to care.
To love.
To keep moving forward in the face of adversity.
To never give up, no matter how much pain you go through.

But, oh, the pain he must have felt when he found out his mother was keeping her cancer a secret.

The year he turned nine, his mother passed away, and left him on this earth with nothing more than a note, one of which he will not share the contents of. He spent the next two years living with his Aunt, whom would beat him on a whim for minor technicalities,and issues.
On his eleventh birthday he stole files on his father and money from his mother's side family during one their "family get togethers", forever casting himself from that deep hole in his life, into a deeper darker hole, a hole that he would soon share with his father, as he took the stolen money, and went to Japan to search for his father, providing the name, and last know whereabouts to officers who kindly escorted and delivered him. However, his dreams of finding the man his mother had always talked about shattered upon his arrival. Bakura was denied by his father in front of him, and to make matters worse, he had no other place to go.
Five savage years of living on and off the streets, working part-time jobs, and saving up, he finally had enough to pay for an advanced education, but sadly, not every story has a happy ending.

Bakura lost all his money to a father that abandoned him, after he paid for his father's debts by using savings, and then selling his own life away to the Yakuza. With his Father's debts paid, and his dreams shattered, Bakura is only a remnant of what he used to be.

Anything else relevant: Bakura has Sapphire blue hair, and eyes. This is thought to be because of him being born under the sign of Virgo.
Bakura has never been in a relationship, and tries to continue that.
Bakura cares too much, and the many people who he has told his story to all come to the same conclusion, that he is an idiot, hence the nickname "Baka".
It isn't uncommon to find him doing unmanly things while he is along such as cleaning, cooking, forbidding illicit relationships between unmarried couples, these things have gotten him beaten countless times, mostly to the edge of death, but he finds these worthwhile.
Bakura has no special powers, but he is pretty handy, and when he protects something, he will do anything in his power to protect it.
Bakura has a favorite quote: "The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." - Audrey Hepburn.
Bakura is a healthy young man, he has secret interests in women, but he refuses to admit it to himself, and especially to anyone that might be catching on to that fact.
Bakura wears a set of broken headphones, which he says "has sentimental value to me."


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