Name: Jinrai Yushushima

Nickname: "Jin"

Age: 17

Race: Human

Master or Mistress: Master

Orientation: Straight

Bio: A boy, heir to a grand fortune, needs only to pass a test of epic proportion to reach his goal.

Name: Jinrai Yushushima, Time of Birth: 2:33 AM, Place of Birth: Chibu Rosai Hospital, Nagoya Japan, Date of Birth: July 2, 1997, Blood Type: O Negative, Zodiac Sign: Cancer.

Jin is a strange boy, for you see, at the young age of four he developed a deep Phobia of Females, despite living with three sisters, two maids, and his mother. As Jin grew up, he could only find solace in books and video games, but he not limited to those. At the age of 11, Jin asked his Mother about his Father, she said that he was a very affluent man being the president of a large company and all, but she broke a bookshelf while talking about him, so he decided to never ask about him again. Jin never really knew his father, due to him being the president of a large company most likely, but Jin blamed his father for his terrible luck with women, he even blames his father for his shortcomings, like his baby face and his weak physique.

At the age of fifteen,
Jin's mother, sisters, and the maids left him, and a strange man came in, and took him away. This man turned out to be his father. Jin was nothing like his father, he was so scrawny, and feminine, and his father looked so big, and masculine. He learned so much in just one day! Like that he was heir to the presidents position, that he would inheirit tons of money, and that he no longer has to live with females. But there was a stipulation to all of this, he had to undergo training, and a series of tests to become the president. Jin gladly accepted this stipulation, and his tests began!

Two years from the day that he was taken in by his father, he was a well trained in being the president, still a baby-faced weak guy, but he was smart, and somewhat fast! His father told him on his seventeenth birthday that he had but one test to go, he was to "..get over that ridiculous phobia you have! Your final test is to live with a women for four years! If you can, then I shall believe you truely have changed. You must find a women on your own, with your own strength, and affluence! Now go!" Jin immediately thought of a solution..
A Slave! She wouldn't touch him unless ordered to, and he had the money to buy one! Hah what could possibly go wrong?

Anything else relevant: Jinrai is never confused for a girl in name, but he has been confused for a female in person by many people, including but not limited to his sisters, mother, and many of his male friends.
Jinrai probably has a phobia of females due to his sisters constantly torturing him while he a small child, nothing too bad, just some sisterly love, right? .. right?
Jinrai is straight, but he has a problem with females, so he ususally becomes overly attatched to female characters in books, and games.
Jinrai can cook, and clean very well.
Jin's favorite type of food is sweet.
Jinrai has a nasty habbit of crying when he has nowhere else to turn. He was lucky enough to never let his father find that out.
Jinrai has been in a relatioship before, with a 2D girl, when he was thirteen through fourteen, but at fifteen, he realized that it was a bit creepy.
Jinrai is innocent, only because he can't stand females, so he never really had any interest in learning about them.
Jinrai is incredibly smart, only because he lacks any muscles, so he is need of constant protection from threats. Such as assassins, mercenaries, his sisters, and all the different types of pains.
Jinrai's most embaressing moment was in his first year of middle school, he walked into the wrong dressing room for PE, and he didn't get in trouble because he was mistaken for a female.
Most of Jinrai's problems have originated from that one word, Females.
Don't let Jinrai fool you, he is insecure about himself, and he needs someone to be there for him, even if he has fooled himself into believing he doesn't. He needs love.
No matter how cruel and unusual Jinrai is, he doesn't ever mean what he says, he merely uses what he says to intimidate, and deceive those around him.

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