Shikoba was out and about once more. After a quick trip to her sister's new pride in the mountains, she felt as though she had to move on. That was the reason she never settled down in a pride: there was the horizon always calling to her. Her wing markings made her think that in a past life she'd been a bird, always chasing the sun. She seemed to circle the area she was familiar with, though, passing by the snowy mountains every few months or so, so rather than following the sun, she this time put her back to it. She had no where it would take her, but she was more than willing to explore.

Meanwhile, Ufisadi was in a rare adventurous mood. His cubs were growing up so quickly and he loved them dearly, but sometimes he needed to get out and get some fresh air. He did just that today, heading out into the rouge lands that he once called home. He didn't miss the dry, cracked land at all, but the solitude he sometimes yearned for. His family was near and dear to him, but there was that urge for silence and indulging himself in...well. Himself. That he missed out on. Still, he knew he should be grateful for his time with his cubs. Soon they'd be all grown up and wouldn't need him anymore, and that was when he'd miss them most. Ugh...what a dilemma.

The two lions were so lost in thought that neither saw the other until they were nearly face to face. Shikoba stopped dead in her tracks, red eyes staring in shock at the lion before her. Ufisadi did the same, although his was more in confusion. The lion...lioness?...before him was rather shaggy and large, so it was hard to tell if she was female or male. There was a certain feminine shape to her face that clued him in, which he was thankful for.

"Ah, madam, I'm terribly so-"

But before he could finish his statement, the blue female had turned and fled. He blinked in surprise, staring at her retreating form. Shikoba stopped and peered behind her after she put a good bit of distance between herself and the strange lion, her heart beating rapidly. Where had he come from? How had he gotten so close without her realizing? This new land must be messing with her mind. Ah...shoot...he had been saying something to her, hadn't he? Wincing a bit, Shikoba slowly walked forward again, this time stopping within speaking distance.

"Sorry. You startled me."

"I figured as much," Ufisadi responded, still perplexed by the lioness. My, her voice was deep. And she was very skittish, even though she was as large as he was. Not that that was saying anything...he was smaller than most males he had come across. He wondered for a moment about the children he sired with that goddess, if they'd be made fun of for being so small even though their mother was immortal. Ah well.

Shikoba cleared her throat a bit, feeling rather awkward with how the male was staring at her. Gods, she always had to mess up meetings like this when she was caught by surprise, didn't she? Trying to put her best paw forward, she offered the male a small smile. Let's try again.

"I'm Shikoba. And I'm sorry if I've confused you. I don't do well with surprises," she explained quietly. Ufisadi gave a soft 'ah' as she spoke, finding his own manners through her breaking the ice.

"A lovely name. I'm Ufisadi," he said with a little bow of his head. "Forgive me for startling you. I'm afraid I was lost in my own little world, as happens rather often." He lifted his head with a little grin, finding understanding on the female's face. Good...she wasn't offended by his actions, then.

"Oh no, it's quite all right. I was rather rude in running away," Shikoba insisted. "I'm new to this area of the rouge lands, so I was a bit lost in thought myself. I'll have to be more aware of my surroundings...all my interactions usually aren't like this, I promise."

Ufisadi laughed which made Shikoba smile in return. Good...he didn't seem too upset.

"Good, then! We're both on the same page. If you need some rest, the pride I am a part of is quite welcoming to weary travelers," he offered the blue lioness, nodding back in the direction he had come from. "If you are in need of water, just keep going this way and you'll hit a river. On the other side is the Chokwe lands, which are friendly, if a bit militaristic. In a good way though," he added, knowing there were those prides that were very military-heavy and not very nice. "They don't mind any visitors so long as they behave themselves."

Shikoba nodded slightly, understanding completely. There didn't need to be any trouble makers in a pride that were just passing through, and in her opinion she was not a trouble maker. She also didn't think she needed to stay with the pride, although she wouldn't mind a drink at all. It was rather warm out today, although she was usually quite comfortable despite her large amounts of fur.

"Thank you," she said with a bob of her head, moving to head around the lion so they could continue on their separate ways. "If anyone asks, I'll tell them Ufisadi sent me," she added with a little grin. Ufisadi laughed again and nodded, sending the female off with a flick of his tail.

"Unless you stir up trouble, then tell them you've never met me!" he teased. Letting out a sigh of delight, he headed off in the rouge lands, a smile on his face. That had been fun! That was what he missed about the rouge lands, random meetings and fun interactions. Shikoba walked on with a smile, feeling quite similar to Ufisadi. This was the life for her.

WC: 1009