Kohi snarled viciously as her brother applied a bandage of leaves to her stomach. “That hurts.” She informed him.

Sundai wore his usual expression of calmness with a bit of concern. “I think death would hurt more.” He joked back at her comment, although hints of seriousness were contained in his tone. He waited a few seconds, for Kohi to calm down and then continued to pressed the leaf he had recently applied a healing slave to into Kohi’s wound. She cringed.

“Stop it!” She clawed at her brother’s face, although had little energy to give him even the faintest of a scratch. He only smiled at her arguments.

In truth Sundai was enjoying her torment. “I told you it was a bad idea.” Was like sweet, sweet victory hanging in bold letters. Kohi couldn’t say he didn’t warn her because he had. And Kohi couldn’t say that Sundai wasn’t brave enough to save her, or in her words “a stupid, good for nothing coward!” because he indeed had gone and swooped in to her rescue.

All in all, he was heavily amused at his sister’s displeasure. She was rarely in such a mood; with all her antsy teenager mindset it was rare to get a true heart-to-heart moment in. Even rarer, to see her admit defeat. Kohi thought she was queen of the world sometimes, even the gods couldn’t strike her down where she stood.

Well, maybe not gods… But boulders certainly could. “Tell me again how you thought this would end well?” He cooed in hopes she’d respond.

“You suck.” She spat at his face, Sundai merely wiped away the saliva with a brush of his paw.

“Yes, but I am a helpful doctor.” He sung to her merrily.

“A useless doctor is more like it. What doctor hurts his patient?!” She snarled again.

“The successful kind.” He smugly informed her again. “I’m only a trainee doctor, not very good. But even I know what medicine is best for healing… Scratches.” He giggled at the minor wounds and how much she was growling about them. They weren’t even that bad, he had endured far worse in previous days.

“Shut up!” She pawed at him again. “I thought you didn’t care, wise guy.” She sat back and allowed herself to relax as Sundai concluded he was done with giving her treatment.

“I never said I didn’t care.” He told his sister. “I just said I wasn’t going to get involved.” He turned to drag a shell that he had found, and then filled with fresh water near him. He wasn’t expecting to be spat in the face for a second time when he turned back.

“Well that worked sooooo well for you, didn’t it!” Kohi grinned, and felt that she had succeeded even when all the facts stated she had not compare to Sundai. She won the game of “who is the best” between her sibling and herself with that single comment alone.

Sundai was annoyed but said nothing, he merely dragged the shell even closer and used his other paw to rub out the spit from his eye. “You’re gross.” He told Kohi in disgust. She seemed pleased knowing this.
“At least I’m not stupid.” She gave him a teeth grin.

“You are, since you almost got crushed.” Sundai reminded her. “Now drink.” He pointed to the shell that he had moved close to his sister and the nest that she had made herself in the tree were both leopards were perched.

Kohi bent down to drink from the shell, unsuspecting of Sundai who gently knocked it upwards and allowed water to splash in her face. “GAHHhhhguu!” She coughed and spit out his name as a growl. Her brother was fallen over on his back in laughter. “SUNDAI!!”

He couldn’t resist, it was the most amusing thing to tease Kohi. She reacted so hostile and it was such a perfect reaction. Even the collection of bugs that Sundai often found didn’t react in such a way. It was like playing with a harmless garden snake who had its fangs removed. “Ha, ha!” He still laughed, and only when his sister pounced on him and continuously shouted to stop did he give in. “Alright, I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” He apologized again.

Sundai reached for another shell, this one filled with food. “Here, eat something, it’ll make you feel better.” He told her willingly and again shove this one in her viewing range. Kohi was quick to keep an eye on her brother as she ate the small morsel he had collected for her. To her pleasure he seemed content with only one of his tricks and stretched out along the branch in waiting for her to finish. “Do you want more?” He asked.

“If you mean food, then yes.” She still seemed to be upset, but was more in a playful mood thanks to her brothers antics. “Go get me more.” She commanded him, shooing him away in such a manner one might do to a fly.

“As you wish.” He bowed to her as if she was royalty. “Princess Kohinoor.” She nearly kicked him out of the tree for that one.

“Just go.” She sighed and turned away from her lighter furred brother before she really did cause him to fall. It would be regrettable if her brother, and currently temporary protector was to fall down to the earth in a dramatic fashion. Should he injure himself that would be a pretty big problem, since Kohi had no clue how to help.

“I’ll be back.” Sundai told his sister and didn’t look back before setting off to find where he had hidden the carcass of food. Kohi was a brat, but she was also family so that meant he felt a little bit responsible. Speaking of, his thoughts drifted as he hoped from one branch to the next… How were the rest of his sisters doing? Should he visit them? Nah… Sundai brushed that idea away. Unlike Kohi he doubted they acted like spoiled brats. They’d be fineeee.

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