Raj streched, she had been hanging around the edge of Moyo's pride for a couple of days. She wasn't really sure what she was still doing here it was't exactly in her nature.

She liked the male though, not in a loving kind of way more like a friendship kind of way. It was strange for Raj she had never had a friend before and certainly would have never thought she'd be friends with a male.

Moyo, of course, had duties to attend to. He would leave for long stretches during the day while Raj slept, returning at night when he was exhausted. He wasn't snippy though, like other exhausted lions were - he was a far more pliant creature when he was tired.

Probably because he didn't hesitate to unleash his anger on those who had angered him, and even those who hadn't - like poor Verktygs. It would take that lion a while to build up the muscles in his shoulder again. Moyo had torn them something fierce in their last spar.

He stretched, yawning, and headed to the edges of the pride. He was sure he would get followed out here eventually, but today was not that day.

Raj sat waiting for Moyo. They had certainly gotten a routine down pat. She wondered if others in his pride would start asking questions wondering where he left at night. She wasn't sure if the members of his pride were like her and nocturnal or if they were daywalkers.

It wasn't long till she heard the tell tale sounds of Moyo making his way to her. She felt happy that was coming, an emotion that she was not overly comfortable with. She wasn't sure sticking around much longer was a good idea. She knew she could keep herself from growing attached to him but could she gaurantee the same for him. Raj didn't want any attatchments

It didn't take long for him to find Raj. It was familiar now - normal. He didn't remember feeling this laid back around anyone that hadn't been Liana, and that girl was practically his sister. So it was... odd, and he was quite conflicted. She smelled good enough to eat, and he was so sure she would taste like heaven on his tongue.

But he didn't want to eat her, and it was odd.

Just odd. He gave her an easy smile as he approached. "'Evening," he greeted easily.

"Moyo" Raj greated him. It was nice to seem him. Raj could understand why some would choose to live in a pride and have others they were familiar around them all the time. For her it was a nice little treat, however it wasn't a long term soloution for her. She should get moving before she got to comfortable.

"Tell me about your day today?" Raj wasn't ready to tell Moyo that she was going to leave, and hearing stories about his pride was kind of nice in an odd way.

the red striped lion settled next to Raj with a small huff. "It was different," he mentioned. Different was a good word for it. He suspected Liana was getting antsy to have children of her own and was snapping a lot more, but that wasn't really something he spoke about to the lioness.

"I had a small spar with one of the others," he said, thinking of Verktygs. "He's a strong fellow, but he's got a lot of war wounds." The tan lion was one of his normal sparring partners. The other had seen far more battle, but they were still pretty evenly matched. "I'm not sure if he'll walk correctly again," he winced.

"And a few lions entered from the east to swear fealty..." He wasn't a good story teller by a long stretch...

the red striped lion settled next to Raj with a small huff. "It was different," he mentioned. Different was a good word for it. He suspected Liana was getting antsy to have children of her own and was snapping a lot more, but that wasn't really something he spoke about to the lioness.

"I had a small spar with one of the others," he said, thinking of Verktygs. "He's a strong fellow, but he's got a lot of war wounds." The tan lion was one of his normal sparring partners. The other had seen far more battle, but they were still pretty evenly matched. "I'm not sure if he'll walk correctly again," he winced.

"And a few lions entered from the east to swear fealty..." He wasn't a good story teller by a long stretch...

"Leaving?" he asked. He hadn't even expected her to stay after the first day, if he was truthful. But even so, the fact that she was leaving now that he had grown fond of her was quite saddening. He frowned.

"I... I understand..." He said softly. It wasn't something he wanted to though. He didnt want her to go. He wanted to bring her back to Liana and ask her to stay and swear fealty. He wasn't often fond of others, but it could hit hard.

"Are you leaving tonight?" He asked, taking a deep breath to let the emotions wash back down. It wasn't like he would never see her again - perhaps he wouldn't, unless the Gods wished for it, after all.

Raj felt the wave of emotion hit her, good god what was wrong with her this never happened. "No tonight I will stay with you... I'll leave when you go back to your pride."

She felt it was the least she could do for his hospitality. He had been very accomidating. Perhaps she would see him again, she had enjoyed his company way more then she had thought she could have ever liked anyone.

Raj moved closed to the large stiped male intending to cuddle him, something that should have made her cringe but she was looking forward to it. "I'm sorry" she whispered as she moved into his side and lay down.

He gave her a small smile, nuzzling back into her side when she pressed against him. He hated that he was so tired and could not properly enjoy the last bits of her company. "Perhaps we'll meet again someday," he said, almost in a hopeful murmur. Perhaps, but the future wasnt t be known by mortals - not really. Only the shamans in the pride would know for sure and sometimes not even then.

For now, though, they could simply enjoy one another's company until Raj left in the morning.