Suchi was still high on life from her last encounter with Kaveh she dare say she was falling in love with that goofy purple Hyena. It was with that warm feeling that Suchi decided she was going to attempt a hunting trip. She was rarely successful but she was determined today would be a good day. A successful hunt was in her future, her mouth was already watering with the idea of meat hitting her pallet.

Now first thing first she had to find something to hunt.

Giada was sitting waiting for the half breed male to come back. She was actually wondering what he would be able to catch and kill on his own. She herself had taken down quite a lot of prey in her life. The biggest probably being an wildebeest, and she had done it all on her own. Hunting was Giada’s way of life.

She did her best to teach her young how to hunt before they went on their own ways. It wasn’t like she would want them to enter the world unprepared for the aspects of life that weren’t always easy.

Suchi has spoted her target a hare. Hares were her favorite and while they weren’t exactly large a hare was sually enough for her to eat. Keep her belly pretty full for a couple of days before she had to go out and hunt again. Suchi probably wouldn’t be a bad hunter if only she could keep all four of her paws underneath her.

It didn’t take much to cause Suchi to trip up, even small roots in the round were enough to send the hyena flying through the air. Today she was determined though she would catch her prey.

Giada noticed the black and green cheetah not too far in the distance. She was pretty sure it was trying to hunt but it was going about it all wrong. Her form was terrible and she was probably the least stealthy creature Giada had ever seen. Really it was quite painful for Giada to watch.

This is what is wrong with the world, she thought to herself. How creatures like this hyena managed to survive was really quite beyond her. Hunting was not as hard as this hyena was making it out to be. Giada wondered if she should step in and help. For now she decided to sit back and watch

Suchi was so close to catching the hare, she had managed to creep up on it. It was facing the other way and she was pretty sure it hadn’t heard her yet. She got down low and crept forward doing her best to not even really breath she didn’t want to give her position away, not yet.

Inch and inch she got closer her nose practically on the ground. She was only a few feet from the hare now just a little closer and she would pounce. She was just about ready when all of a sudden a sharp pain erupt from her nose, Suchi let out a giant welp and the hare went running. She looked around to find what had caused her nose to ache in such away and that’s when she spotted the rock protruding from the dirt, she was so focused on the hare that she hadn’t seen the rock and she had smacked her nose off it.

Giada could not stand to watch this for a minute longer. She marched over to the hyena that was now yelping and holding its nose. “What on earth is wrong with you? You have to be the most inept hunter I have ever seen in my life. It is beyond me how it is you have managed to survive this long at all, I can’t imagine you eat very often if ever. At least not due to your own hunting skills.” Giada yelled at the hyena.

Creatures like her were the bane of Giada’s existence. Giada trained hunters, and she had never seen someone as bad as this hyena. She was pretty sure she was beyond help.

Suchi just stared blankly at the yelling cheetah, Suchi wasn’t even sure where she had come from much less why she was yelling at her. Suchi hadn’t done anything to her. This was crazy. What she was to do now was beyond her. Should she answer the hyena or just walk away or yell back. This was the strangest encounter she had ever had.

“I’m sorry?” Suchi tried. She wasn’t sure if this was really what the cheetah wanted to hear but she had no idea what else to say or do.

Giada huffed, she was sorry... really where was that going to get her in life. “Sorry isn’t going to improve your hunting skills.” Giada sighed. She wasn’t sure where to start with this hyena but she could hardly walk away and say nothing. It wasn’t likely the hyena would likely never survive if Giada didn’t help her.

“Well what can I say, you need to calm down when you are hunting. Move slower and be more aware of your surroundings. I think you may also be better off if you stuck to prey that was already sleeping or injured. You don’t have a hope at catching something that is in good shape or healthy.” That was about all Giada could say to help her.

Suchi just stood there her eyes blank. Was the cheetah giving her hunting advice. This really was strange. Suchi swallowed and looked at the hyena again. “Thank you?” she answered or rather asked. It was beyond her what else to say.

Slowly Suchi turned and walked away. She would try the Cheetah’s advice it certainly couldn’t hurt to give it a shot. But she wasn’t really sure why the cheetah had decided to give her advice or why she had yelled most of it. Life certainly were strange.

Giada sighed and shook her head as she watched the hyena walk away. She slowly moved back to where she had been seated and waited for the half breed male to come back. She seriously hoped that he didn’t disappoint her the same way that hyena had. The world would be a better place if hunters were better. At least that was Giada’s opinion of the world.