Moose: A bright yellow lioness might not have been the smartest choice for scouting out particular plants in the rogue lands, but here she was. Sunshine wouldn't have known the art of subtlty if it came up and bit her in the rump. Some of her Alchemist friends had asked for ingreidients for the Mummer's Ball and who was she to say no? Oh, she had complained, mind you. She was busy too! Costumes didn't just make themselves! Grumbling under her breath the lioness combed around the grasses and briars, plucking out little plants here and there to stuff in the center of an old cloth satchel.

nessiaing: Bik was on her way to a pack she had heard about. The pale white and green wild dog had been on her own long enough and it was time that she found a home to settle into. She hopped that shortly after she found a home she would also find a mate and have some pups. Over the last little while her biological clock had been ticking louder and louder.

She had stopped on her journey to pck some berries. The female wild dog wasn't very good at hunting and when she was on her own she tended to survive on plants alone.

Moose: Sunshine hadn't really paid attention to the other creatures in the area since they didn't concern her in the least. She hadn't cared, really, until one was so close to her she was forced to at least look at it. A wild dog? Here? There wasn't any sense to her in this thing being so close to a pride full of theiving lions, but here she was. "You're braver than I would be, considering how close you are to a lions den." She called out snidely. The lioness cocked her hip to the side, watching the wild dog at work.

nessiaing: Bik was use to being around others, and she knew that the ground she was picking for berreis was fertile for many other herbs and plants as well. So when she first saw the brightly colored lioness she didn't think much of. For the most part in the rogue lands if you didn't bug them they wouldn't bug you.

When the lioness called out to her Bik jumped a little bit, she hadn't expected anyone to talk to her. She turned slowly trying to see if the lioness might be a threat.

"I didn't know I was close to anyone elses home." Bik answered simply looking around she was trying to place where this den might be. "Am I in danger here?"

Moose: Sunshine shook out her long mane with a little grin. "Nah, not really. Unless you have something valuable on you the most that will happen is you'll be chased off if you get too close. Right now, your safe." There was a sway in her step as she approached the wild dog, carrying her satchel in her maw before sitting it down at her paws. "Just don't go West, alright? Save yourself some trouble." Looking around, Sunshine found herself running out of options, so she asked the stranger, "I'm looking for a plant that can cause...hallucinations. You wouldn't happen to know which one that would be? Or, which ones?"

nessiaing: Bik listened careful to what the lioness told her. She was heading east anyways so she wasn't too worried. And she deffinitely didn't have any valuable unless you counted berries.

Bik found the request for a plant to cause hallucinations as odd, she was sure her face showed as much too. She decided better of questioning it though. "There are quite a few, flowers mostly. In this area you are lookng for either a bright pink one with long skinny pettles and white and yellow certer or you could go the white ones, also long skinny pettles and yellow centre. They are both pretty effective."

Bik started scanning the land infront of her to see if she saw any flowers right off the bat.

Moose: If it hadn't been a part of her lifestyle Sunshine might have thought it strange as well, and she was prepared for whatever questions the other female had to throw her way. She was more than grateful when none came at her. "White or pink, with skinny petals and a yellow center..." Sunshine walked around the area, branching off for a little bit to see if she could spot any. It took a little work, since she was only going off a description, but finally she came across a white flower. Calling out, "Like this one?" She would wait to confirm her guess before picking it, and be extra careful at that. She had no desire to fall prey to it's tactics before getting it back to the pride. All she needed was hallucinations.

nessiaing: Bik made her way over the yellow lioness, she studdied the white flower checking it from all angles, she didn't want to send the lioness off with the wrong thing. "Yes yes thats the one. Becareful picking it now, you don't want to get any of the juices on you." She looked at the lioness wondering if she would be skilled enough to do it and not poison herself in the mean time.

Moose: "Would you...mind picking it then? I'm a little wary of this thing now." Sunshine looked at it as if it had been a snake instead of a simple flower. She could give it a shot, but honestly, if this wild dog could do it better than she could then she would be happier with those results. "Only if you want to, of course."

nessiaing: Bik didn't mind at all, she was use to picking the flowers and not getting any juices from them. "No problem" she said cheerfully. "Though Im going to dig them up instead of just picking then you'll have the whole plant."

Bik made quick workd of getting the flowers our fo the earth. She got about half a dozen out and used a piece of scrap fabric she had to bundle them. She pushed them over to the lioness. "Will that be enough for you?" she asked.

Moose: Sunshine stepped back to give the other plenty of room to work. It was amazing, really, that she knew so much about plants, but then again, just because it wasn't her area of expertise didn't mean it wasn't someone elses. "That's fine with me. Just so long as I have the plant I'm fine with a little dirt." Her friends would be very pleased with her work, which meant she might be able to work in a discount for later. As the other worked on getting her the flowers she needed Sunshine finished her grazing for the other plants and within no time she had not only her bundle but the others as well. "That's wonderful! Thank you, you've been such a help." She smiled and bent down to grab her wares. Sunshine gave the other a respectful nod and padded off towards her home.