Kunle and Bik were walking the pack lands. If anyone was looking at the two of them they would know instantly they were in love, specially in the early stages of love when the sun, moon and stairs all seemed the shine brighter.

The two had been talking about getting married making it that more official. They had already told Kunle's aunt Ziwa, the packs alpha, that they were mates but the two wanted more. Today they were walking around the pack's lands tlaking about how they might do things.

The trouble was, neither of them had ever been to a wedding or knew how to plan one.

Airle had met at the river that morning, as they had since far before they had started their courtship. Damu had been slow to figure out that the General was sweet on him - after all, who would fancy a blind dog? He didn't think anyone would. The pair sat closely together, Damu leaning heavily against his mate.

But he wanted to do something today.

"We should go for a walk - I haven't really been social lately," Damu mused quietly. Airle knew his mate had bouts of depression when he would hide in the den all day and night - refusing most entry, but today was a Good Day, and that's was what they would do.

Damu was gently nudged up with a hum of agreement from Airle. "A walk sounds nice."

Bik and Kunle had settled themselves under a great tree. "We could do it here?" Kunle suggested he liked how big the tree was, and it would certainly be big enough to hold all the other wild dogs that would want to come to their ceremony.

Picking the location seemed to be the least of their worries though. They also had to figre out who they invited, who spoke, who would conduct the service, what they would eat? There were so many questions.

A lot of creatures didn't bother to hold an official ceremony. They were still faithful to their mates, but it was just a promise between them, instead of making the promise infront of all their friends and family. Kunle really liked the idea of having all of his family their to celebrate with him and Bik becase she had never had a family before kind of liked the idea of being surrounded by her new family on an important day.

"I think the tree is nice too" Bik told Kunle as she nuzzled into his side. She was just as excited as him but she was a lot more reserved then he was.

It was Damu who heard the talking first - the sentences were short, but his ears flicked in that direction before his nose followed. His blind eyes searching out a shape he'd never be able to see. "Airle," Damu nudged his mate, making a quiet sound to lead them in that direction.

"Watch your step, there's a rock righ- there we go," he continued murmuring soft directions until the pair reached the other.

"Hello!" greeted Damu. He was mostly glad that he was out and about again, and one of the dogs smelled extremely familiar, though he couldn't quite place it.
Bik and Kunle both looked up at the same time. Bik smiled at the male duo, she had seen them around the pack lands quite a bit, though she tended to see the brown male more often.

"Good day to you both" she greated them warmly. Bik was more than happy to make more friends in the pack. So far shereally only had Kunle.

Kunle studied the two wild dogs for a moment before he recognized Damu, it had been a long time since he had seen him. "Damu" he said kindly, he rose to his feet to go to the wild dogs side, and offered him a warm nuzzle. "It is good to see you cousin"

Kunle hadn't seen Damu since he had joined the new pack and he felt bad he hadn't spoken to him sooner.

Damu recognized that voice. It was so familiar... And then it hit him. "Kunle?" he asked in a whisper. He could remember how red Kunle's coat was, a bright shock of color against the muted earth. He wished he could see that color again...

He gave his cousin a small nuzzle in turn. Airle gave the pair of cousin's a fond smile. He'd have never guessed, really, but he school his head slightly. "What are the pair of you doing about?" he asked.

It was habit, asking about things. He was a guard after all, a knight. He wanted to make sure his family was safe, though this had nothing to do with safety. He was a curious dog after all.

Kunle smiled glad that his cousin had someone to protect him. The brown wild dog seemed to be very protective of Damu and that was what Damu needed now, and extra set of eyes on him. Of course he would alwas be safe in the pack lands, but Kunle liked the idea that Damu had someone close to him on top of that.

Kunle moved back to Bik who had sat up from her laying position and he insured to sit so that their bodies were touching.

"We were planning our wedding." Bik answered and then she laughed "Well maybe planning is too strong of a word, we were lakinga bout our wedding and musing about all the things that we have to figure out... turns out we are hopelessly lost."

Bik liked the two male wild dogs and was a lot less intimidated by them then she was by Ziwa and her chattier side was coming out.

"Oh, a wedding!" Damu was suddenly even more cheerful. "Airle and I will be having our wedding soon as well," The gold and red dog leaned against his mate, pleased. "What've you got planned?" Damu, before he had gone blind, absolutely loved shiny things and decorations. It had been why he sat by the water so much, and why he sat by the pack's river.

He missed the sight of the world - he really did. Airle gave a soft chuckle. They'd gotten most of their wedding planned out, and were nearly to the ceremony as it was. He knew it could take ages to plan completely, but he loved weddings. There had been a small one for a pair of klipspsringers as he recalled, that he'd helped finding things for.

"Well I must admit we have just about nothing planned. We don't know where to start." Bik told them somewhat embarressed.

Kunle was less embarressed and saw instead a great opportunity. "Perhaps dear cousin if we come to your wedding it will shed all sorts of light on what we need to do, and then maybe you'll even enjoy helping your inept cousin figure it out." Kuble always excited and about to find the brighter side of things thought this might be there perfect way to get closer to Damu and help him have more to do.

He turned and looked at Bik a graint grin on his face, "Actually lets be honest you wont be helping me you will be helping Bik here."

Bik offered Kunle a smile back she knew what he was trying to do, he wanted her to have more firends and he was setting it up so that her and Damu could ge closer. "I'd love that" Bik responded. "I can't wait to see what the two of you have planned"

Damu gave a small smile. "Weddings here are wonderful," he murmured. He wished he could see it in its full beauty, but it was magical enough without his sight that he just couldn't help but be excited. It wasn't that common that mates or companions in the prides Wed - most just staying close to raise a family and continue their bloodlines.

"It'll be soon - I can't wait to show you both," he said cheerfully. He turned his attentions to Bik, giving her a small laugh. "And I'll definitely help plan yours, if you like!" It was always exciting.

"We should continue our walk," Airle smiled. "We'll leave you pair to plan how you like before Damu plans the whole thing without your input," he gave a small laugh, nudging his mate who could only give a small laugh in turn.

"I'll talk to the pair of you later," he agreed, leaving with his mate to finish their walk.