Tarun was flying high in the sky above the desert. Looking down he could see a heard of anatalope going by and not far behind them a lion stalking. He smiled, he loved a birds eye view you got to see so much more from up here.

He landed in a tree to take a rest. He had no plans for the day, heck he had no plans for ever. No family, no mate, no compaign that he was tied to, Tarun had the whole world before him and frankly he loved it.

It wasn't often that Arazi left the side of her Lion. She was his eyes in the desert, and his ears. Especially with the other faction constantly on the move, she was nearly in a constant state of worry. She'd practically raised the lion, mother henning him until he got flustered.

He was sweet though, her boy. Today, though, she needed some freedom. She shook out her feathers and took to the sky. It was pretty common to see other avians in this area - most ofthem bonded to the Jahy lions. She didn't trust eagles quite so much, however.

But, who caught her eye today was not an eagle, but a hawk. "Good Day," she chirped to the other.

Tarun looked up as the pretty pastel colored avion landed beside him. He had never seen her before however he had never really been in this area before, today this is where the winds had let him.

"Why hello there." he greated her, he may enjoy the bachelor life but Tarun certainly would never turn a pretty birdy away.

"My name is Tarun. Who are you?" he resisted the urge to all her pretty lady, he had learned in the past that that didn't always go over well.

Deciding not to speak while in flight, the sand-colored hawk fluttered down and settled near the other. "I'm called Arazi," she introduced herself. "What brings you to the desert?" it wasn't really a choice place, but it was home for the hawk. There was always something to do - but she belonged to a pride - one that she was useful to. She had protections offered that many other hawks did.

Their faction was small, though, and she didn't recognize him at all.

"Today the winds brought me here today. I live the free life and go where everwhen ever." The freedom was unparralled and he couldn't imagine life any other way.

"I assume you live here in the area?" the female had clearly known that he wasn't from here which must mean that she was. That or she was a really good guesser.

"A traveller then," that was always exciting. Arazi had grown in the pride. Her mother had bonded with Bozkir's father before her. "I do live around here. There's only a small faction of hawks here at the moment, though I hope it changes soon," she gave a chirp of excitement. It could get quite hot though, and not all were suited to it!

"You must have te best stories from all over," she had always wanted to travel, and sometimes she ventured to the lands beyond the desert when she was feeling strong of wind, but she never made it far past that.

"Yes I suppose you would call me a traveller. Its a good life, I have been all over. Jungles, foresets, desert, ocean. I have seen it all." He was proud of how far he had travelled and all that he had seen. "I think my favorite are the coasts, they have the strongest winds there its fun to fly around."

"I've never known a faction of hawks, how many of you are there? What keeps you in this area? Do you like it?" Tarun may enjoy the life of freedom but that didn't mean he wasn't interested in how the other half lived.

She was quite impressed, and no doubt it showed in her posture. She was not an easily impressed hawk as it was. He was a strong flyer - he had to be to be a traveller, and he would make strong chicks as well.

"There's a few of us, though small in number. There's a faction of lions that offers us protection from dangers, and give us shelter and water," she thought fondly of her lion. "I was raised here - it's my home and I'm not sure I could travel very far. I'd miss this place to much," she sighed. It wasn't as if she didn't want to travel, either.

She got homesick easily, and last time she left, she'd perched on a lion and found herself flying as hard as she could to get back home after.

Tarun noted the other avions postrue and it gave him quite the sence of accomplishment. He was proud of all the places he had been and all he had seen, and he liked when others took notice of him.

"Well at least you all have protection. That is definitely important specialy in the desert like this you never know when your next meal might be. I don't know if I could tie myself to one place like that. But I do find it interesting for sure."

"I don't even remember the place I was born. Or my parents. For as long as I can remember I've been alone." Tarun told the female a hint of jealousy in his voice. Tarun didn't usually think too much about his past until others talked about theirs.

Arazi thought it was quite sad that the other bird didn't remember his past. Her mother was a lovely lady and she didn't want to think of a world without her. “It can be a nice place, but it can be dangerous as well,” she said cheerfully.

“You can always make a family of your own,” she suggested, though families often tied travellers down unless the whole family travelled. It was something though - a family. She didn’t know what she would do witout her own. “And of course, families of choice. I consider Bozkir a brother, though he is a lion himself.”
Tarun listened to waht the female was saying. She had a lot of valid points. "I guess I've never thought of it that way." he told her.

"Perhaps I may stay in this area a little longer I think I'd like to observe this family thing." he certainly had a lot to think about.