This is where I will have all information for the ebil Faelani girls. The only ways to get these girls are from doing Extra Life, donating to me for Extra Life, helping me out of an emergency, blessings from demis who bless ebil alignment, and from breedings with these girls. Good Faelani should never have an ebil Faelani from breedings, regardless of the other parent. Ebil Faelani from breedings are only possible if the Faelani mother is 'ebil'.

The Extra Life girls are here from one of two plots. Good Faelani who were with an ebil one(this plot is the one exception to my rule) or an ebil Faelani who was shunned out of the herds.

These girls and breeding girls will not be shunned unless they behave truly ebil and/or are violent. They instead will be granted leniency due to them not choosing their parents. They will have their own herd, Nightshade. If a second herd is needed due to size then one will be made.

I will be leading Nightshade and will have a herd thread in the rp forum at some point.

The only ebil girls at this time are through me, Love Renewed. Certists don't be afraid to double check with me if someone posts a cert for an ebil girl.