Anger was such a dominating emotion that it was nearly Titus' default setting. He didn't even take the time to wait for his headache to subside before he lumbered out to his car drawing his keys from his pocket and fiddling with the key fob. The entire time he was cursing and muttering about a certain feline demoness and the utter nerve she had of bringing up the fact that he didn't have a ghoulfriend or rather couldn't get one and keep one when she didn't have one to speak of for herself.

Well, HA he said. HA! Titus could so get a ghoulfriend, Riyo. He just didn't want one.

"Damn these keys." In the midst of fumbling with the key fob, trying to focus on the buttons, Titus managed to lose his grip and drop the whole thing to the ground. He was still having a hard time seeing straight and it wasn't completely his mood to blame. Drinking had been a terrible terrible idea and it was just one more thing that was making him irritated beyond belief.

Picking his keys up off the ground Titus groaned from the aches and pains he felt as he shifted back to a standing position. Not to mention his pounding headache was making spots blossom in his vision. The night was getting better and better.

He gave the key fob another go and when he couldn't seem to get it to work the demon sorted through the keys in an agonizingly slow pace, keeping them held up toward his face until he finally zeroed in on the right one. With the key selected he moved toward his car in a stagger and tried to unlock the car that way but only managed to scratch the paint as he missed the key hole entirely.

"Merde!" At that point he gave up, taking a deep breath and pocketing his keys. Maybe a walk would do him good though his legs protested greatly at that thought. He shifted a few times in place, trying to motivate himself to go before he finally took his first step on a very long walk back to school. It wasn't the most graceful of walks but the nightmare demon managed to keep a steady pace, his long legs eating up ground as they took him through town.

While he walked he went back through the events that had happened at his Uncle's home, frustrated with the outcome. He cursed again, stringing together a few select words in French here and there to really put his feelings behind it but it did little to make him feel better emotionally or physically.

After a good thirty minutes of walking Titus realized he still had a long way to go. The school was at least another thirty minutes away if not more and his legs felt like overdone spaghetti noodles. Not even al dente but the noodles cooked to the point they become soggy and fall apart. Grumbling with ever growing irritation he decided it was best just to fly. He didn't have too far to go and it would get him back to school a lot faster than the manner he was getting there now.

Straightening from the semi slouched position he didn't even realize he had fallen into Titus stretched his wings for a bit before he took off. His climb into the sky had been fairly smooth but keeping a steady flying pattern seemed to be the real trick. The smoky, inky substance that made up his wings fluttered irregularly as he directed himself toward the academy faltering here and there making him drop two or three feet before gaining altitude again.

It was probably the most difficult time he had flying in his known existence but thankfully the demon dorms were in sight. He had only to keep at it for a little longer and he would be there with his last remaining task being to drag his a** up three flights of stairs to his dorm.

Too bad fate had other ideas.

Just as Titus entered campus his wings fluttered, faded, and gave out entirely. He hadn't realized he was as worn out as he was but he certainly knew now. With wide eyes Titus looked back over his shoulder in a disbelieving manner clawing at the air in a cartoonish fashion like it would help keep him from falling. "Putain!"

Then with all the grace one would expect from a rock falling from the heavens Titus fell in a diagonal track, flailing and screaming as he tried to regain some sort of momentum. When that failed to work he simply braced for impact and landed with a loud crash, whining metal and breaking glass. The initial impact had landed him head first into the roof of a car but he flipped over from the momentum and landed on the hood with force.

The hood had caved in with the impact and weight of his body and the roof had a fairly sizeable dent along with a broken window on the passenger side. Groaning he tried to move but found that laying where he was a bit longer was probably a better idea. Between the battle from earlier in the day, drinking, and now the crash landing the nightmare demon was in no state to do much more than groan about his existence and wish the fall had done him in. He had landed rather awkwardly on his side, he knew he was going to be bruised and there was something wet along his face but he didn't bother to check what it was.

The demon wasn't sure how much time had really passed but evidently he had managed to capture someone’s attention as he found someone looming beside the car looking down at his face. He couldn't really make out who it was, their figure was so blurred and their voice was nothing more than a murmur.

What?” Titus hissed.

The mumbling started again but soon cleared up into something semi-audible as the ringing in the demon’s ears faded. “-in a heap of trouble.” The tone was certainly angry but that was the least of Titus' concerns.

I have no idea what you just said.” Titus groaned bringing a hand up to touch his head feeling like his brain was still heavily packed in cotton. Landing face first into the car really hadn’t helped.

The figure growled with frustration and grabbed for Titus’ arm and hauled him to his feet. The nightmare demon winced in pain, hissing as he was forced into a standing position. Everything hurt and now that he was standing his world began to spin. “s**t…

“I’ll take you to the nurse first but then you have somewhere else to go to sort this mess out.” Titus didn’t have the strength to argue as the figure led him toward school. He wasn’t so sure seeing the nurse was going to be that great of an idea nor was he sure where he was going to go after that. All he knew was that he hoped beyond all hope that his father didn’t get wind of this.