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Moose: Rahim felt naked without his lovely leopon mate at his side. He saw the sunset in her crimson eyes, and the fresh summer grass in her pelt. The lion was more complete now than he had ever been with her, and yet it was because of her that he was alone now. Tugging his white shawl about his shoulders, the blue lion gulped and tried to stand a little straighter. Pads stand tall. That’s what his father had always taught him, and yet, where was he now? The U’W had fallen so times had changed. As a male he didn’t have to be strong if he didn’t want to. More often than not Khurshed was the brawn in their little ‘family’, but there was only so much she could do on her own.
Taking a deep breath he walked around the base of a large tree, tail swaying nervously behind him.

nessiaing: Cefni was an early moring riser, she enjoyed getting up while there was still mist on the horizon. She didn't have anything to do today, nor anyone to see. Cefni was quite use to being alone. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy company she just never found a place that she fit in, or others that she wanted to commit to.

Stretching Cefni pounced up onto a low tree branch and settled herself. She liked being in trees it gave her a better vantage point.

Moose: There had been a certain grace that his father had around females that had been passed down from the infamous womanizer himself, Achal. His grandfather had been nothing, but kind to his banu though Rahim knew there was something more to it than that. He was sure he had lucked into his mating, as Khurshed had been blessfully kind in giving him a chance, and with this new task he felt in over his head.
Twisting his head around, his golden eyes sifted through lush vegetation to find the form of a leopard in a tree. The lion had known he wasn’t alone, but there was a mixed reaction upon seeing her. What do I do now? Would she…would she even talk to him once she knew? Or would she try to hurt him? Rahim stood on the ground, his face twisted in a frown, staring up at her while he tried to figure out what to say.

nessiaing: Cefni could see the lion in the distance. Not to far away. She cocked her head to the side and studied him. He didn't look threatening, he actually appeared worried or nervous.

Deciding that it appeared he clearly needed a caring ear to listen to them Cefni called out "Hello there, can I help you?" she asked. She was soft spoken and gentle in the way she spoke. She considered jumping down from thre tree but decided instead to wait up in the tree till she knew for sure what the lion wanted. Sometimes looks could be deceiving.

Moose: Inhaling sharply, Rahim found his throat closing up as if it were stung by fire ants. He shifted on his paws and considered walking away entirely when he saw an image of Khurshed in his mind. It was all he needed to walk slowly, cautiously, closer to the leopardess.
“Hello,” He started meekly and coughed into his paw. “Do you mind if I ask you a question? I don’t want to impose if you’re busy, but it would be a big help.”
So maybe she wouldn’t be “the one”, but even if she wasn’t this leopardess might have more knowledge about how to get to that point than he did. Rahim wasn’t too proud to ask, either!

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nessiaing: Cefni listened but stayed in her tree, this lion was certainly an odd duck. "Okay I would be happy to help you if I can." She wasn't sure how much help she could be, she was directionally challenged and didn't know anyone else in the area.

"Are you lost?" she asked him. She offered him a kind smile. She might not be able to give him directions but she could be kind to him

Moose: “Well, not exactly.” Rahim took another deep breath and looked up at her in the tree. “My mate is a leopon, and I love her more than the stars love the moon. She is the very air I breath, and what sun can shine brighter than she?” Even as he spoke he lost track of his purpose, so wrapped up in his love was he. “However, she wishes to become a mother.” That phrase hung heavy for him.
“In order for this to happen I would have to lay with another, as she is unable to bear cubs of her own, but I…” Rahim sighed, and hung his head. “I don’t think I can. It feels wrong to me. Even if she wishes for it to happen, I just…to be honest I was supposed to find a female to romance out here, but then I saw you and I…lost my nerve, I suppose.”

nessiaing: Cefni's heart swelled, the way this male described his mate, and how much he loved her she had never heard someone speak that way. He clearly was totally and utterly deep in love with his mate.

Cefni was even sadder when she heard that the female wasn't able to bear her own cubs. Cefni hadn't had the urge to have her own cubs yet, she hadn't met the right guy yet. And now that she had met this male the bar was set much much higher.

"I could help you?" she asked. It was an honest offer, but it came out as a question. The male was clearly uncomfortable and she would feel bad if he had to go around asking other females.

Moose: Rahim shook his head. As much as his eyes had lit up at the offer, it quickly died. “I can’t ask that of you. It..It’s just too much.” He shook his head again, and looked up at her with a soft smile. “There are so many cubs left orphaned, so maybe we’ll be lucky and find one to raise? We’re both still young.”
But they wouldn’t be forever, and it hurt. It hurt so much to have that offer on the table and have to turn it away. “Cubs are a special thing, miss. I don’t think I can take that away from you.” He had thought about it a lot. What if she felt the kicking and stirring, then wanted to keep them? Rahim didn’t think he would be able to survive that. “Besides, you barely know me, and I could be lying about my mate.”

nessiaing: A little giggle escaped Cefni’s lips. It hadn’t occurred to her that he could be lying to her. “No no the way you speak it is too sincere you couldn’t be lying.” She told him an honest smile on her face. “Plus you aren’t taking anything from me I would be giving you and your mate a wonderful gift” That was honestly how Cefni saw it, she hated the idea of a female not being able to be a mother, and this male seemed so unbelievably nice.

“But you have a point, I don’t know you or your mate... we can change that though, take me to her. Let me meet who I am giving this great gift to.” She didn’t think that the male would lie to her at all, but she was interested in meeting the female that this male loved so dearly.

Moose:Rahim's demeanor brightened considerably. He was still nervous about the entire situation, but he would do this, for Khurshed. "If what you say is are a blessed soul indeed." The lion dared not hope, but neither could he hide the bounce in his paws. Moving away from the base of the tree, he made sure to give he the space she would need to climb down comfortably. "She's not too far away so you won't have to walk long." Leading the way, he started back towards the grove that he had left Khurshed in.