Batu was BORED. He had been wondering the rogue lands on his own, and he had nothing to do and no one to talk to and he waned more! He wanted someone to talk to to play with him. I would nice if he could find someone who was playful and fun and wanted to do something fun. Batu wasn't sure what the something would be though.

The large black and white lion sighed and took a seat up on a rock, he probably looked rediculous sitting up there but it was a good pearch.

Sunny was chipper. She had wandered a little further today, out of the borders of the pack lands. She was searching for something, though she didn't quite know what yet, but that didn't mean she wouldn't find it.

She bounced a bit, happy to be out of the lands, even though she found the lands she inhabited - she loved them, and the pack that inhabited it. She wanted to explore a bit though, so that's what she was doing. Her nose was close to the ground, eyes searching the ground below her.

Batu saw the wild dog coming his way her nose to the ground. He watched her closely for a while. He found dogs interesting. Never in his life had he felt a need to sniff anything that closely, he figured it must be a canine thing. Batu didn't actually know any wild dogs, or hyena's personally.

Her perked up a little as he studied the female wild dog, perhaps this was his person to meet, he had just been thinking about how bored he was. She was new, someone he had never met, a species he had never met this was perfect.

The black and white male began to get excited and he leapt down from his rock and landed infront of the female.

Sunny was startled by the sudden paws in front of her. She stumbled back with a small yelp. She blinked up at the large lion, confused. "Aaa-" she coughed frowning at the small near scream. "Ah, hello," she greeted, somewhat awkwardly. She had never really met a lion. She'd seen quite a few in passing, but never really spoke to one.

Now that she was quite close to one, she was a bit intimidated.

Batu was unaware that he could be intimidating at all and had a rather large goofy grin on his face. "Hi!" he replied to here in a chipper and somewhat high pitched voice. "My name is Batu." he told her without even taking a breath.

He eyed her up and down she didn't seem scary and he was bigger than her so why would he be scared of her he decided. "You're a wild dog, I dont know any wild dogs." he told her with a nod. He was excited to have found her and started walking circles around her studying how she was and wasn't different from a lion.

Relief blossomed from her chest and she grinned. “Oh, well.” She said. “I’ve never met a lion either,” she told him. She breathed in his scent for a second. The most interesting find she had so far at least!

“My name is Nesunkus - Sunny if you like!” she told him. “Everyone I know calls me Sunny,” she never really went by her full name. She quite liked both of her names though, she thought they were fun. “Are you from around here?” She asked.

Batu stopped circuling the female wild dog to listen to what she had to say, he didn't have the best attention span so multitasking wasn't the best idea for him. "It is nice to meet you Sunny." he liked her name it was bright, chipper.

"Around here?" he said looking around them, "No I am not from around here, I'm not from anywhere reallly. I lived in a pride for awhile, but now its gone." he wasn't sad that his pride was gone it was just a fact of life, he had moved on. He would always be able to move on.

"What about you do you live around here?" he asked her. He hadn't noticed any dwelings in the area but he wasn't the most observant of males either.

"Oh, close by," she said. "Closer to the base of the mountain, actually!" You could still see the mountain from here, after all, and it was in clear view of the lion, though she still gestured towards is a bit. "A small pack, right now. It's not the most inhabitable, so we're trying to open trade routes," she mentioned. Perhaps he would know somewhere or something that would help with that.

If he didn't, well that was okay too. "So you travel a lot then?"

Batu eyed the mountains they were a fair ways in the distance, he had considered travelling towards them, he thought they would be fun to explore. He imaged there would be caves and caverns all sorts of places to stick his nose.

"Yes I suppose I travel a lot but I don't often pay much attention to where I've been. "I suppose I should be getting on my way, got to find somewhere to sleep before the sun sets. It was really nice meeting you Sunny, my first ever wild dog."

Sunny bounced a bit, grinning. "I suppose I should head back home as well," she said with some sadness. She was a bit sad to see the lion go, her first ever lion encounter! "It was nice to meet you too, Batu!" She said with cheer, however.

Now, though, she couldn't wait to get back home and tell Lorcan about this encounter. She wasn't sure if he'd be too thrilled, but oh gosh, she met a lion! "Maybe I'll see you again!" she chirped and pranced off back towards home, glancing back one more time to look at the lion before speeding home to tell her story.