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(Altered slightly so it wouldn't be all over the place)

Wally's original goal had been to get to class and learn something. That became somewhat more difficult when he took the wrong turn somewhere in the school, and couldn't find the room number that had been given to him. He kept walking, hoping he would loop around to where he began or find a door out, but this part of the school seemed to be like a maze, and he was well and truly lost.

He stopped to look around and try to orient himself, but a sound caught his ear. It was like a steady drip, drip, drip on metal that had him heading down another long, dark hallway out of curiosity. At the end, a staircase sat.

It was disgusting. Wally leaned over the railing, going out of his way not to touch anything, and looked way down at the slime, ick coated stairs. They went on for a long time, and gross looking minis skittered to and fro across them.

Something began to slip from his pocket, and when he looked down to see what it was it jerked his scare phone completely out of his pocket. He watched in horror as it tumbled down into the dark, and landed on the stairs with a sick squelch.

"Noooo..." he whined. "I was supposed to go to class!"

He huffed with a pout. He couldn't just leave his phone down there. He needed that. What if someone had an emergency and needed a hero?

He steeled himself and took one step onto the stairs. His flipflop sank into the goo and he winced. "Ick, ick, ick, ick," he cried out with every step. Each time it was harder to lift his flip flop off the stair.

He took it slow and almost slipped a few times, and right as he made it to where his phone fell, something in the ceiling above rumbled. It took a second, but he recognized it as the sound of a toilet flushing. The walls seemed to shake and then the ceiling dripped faster, until he was soaked with disgusting water. At least, he hoped desperately it was just water. It could be much worse than that.

He gagged and bent to pick up his phone. He needed to get out of here, and fast. Unfortunately, the phone had other ideas. It clung to the stairs, or the stairs clung to it, but either way they stuck together as Wally pulled. A long string of goo connected the two, until it snapped and Wally was sent rolling down the last couple steps and onto relatively cleaner tile floor.

He righted himself and pressed the little button to bring the phone to life. It was sticky and smelled nauseating, but it still worked. Thank jack.

He stood and went to go find a shower or something, but something caught his eye. Stuck to the bottom stair was a small bag. Either someone hadn't known they'd dropped it, or they didn't care enough to come close enough to the stairs and retrieve it. Wally was already disgusting, though, so he worked it free with a satisfied grunt.

Inside was a pile of silver seeds, more than Wally could count at a glance. Maybe his day hadn't been so unlucky after all! He checked all around to see if the seeds had an owner, but when it became clear that they were very much abandoned, he decided it was the stairs paying him back for the trouble.

With this much money, he could buy a computer! Or maybe he'd settle for just replacing his phone. He lifted the disgusting device and nodded. Yep. New phone.