The elemental floated about her room gathering books from every corner and placing them in a pile by the door. There was a time when she would wonder why she couldn't take out more books before bring the old ones backs. She knew the answer now as she stared at her belly high stack. For the love of Jack! How did she read this much in a week or two and why couldn't the creeple behind the desk in the library just let her take out more books and just bring back a few at a time. Why were they making her bring back every book now before she may have another.

"Ugh how did I get them all here in the first place...I swear they are multiplying." Which wouldn't really be a bad thing she thought, so long as the stories where new. The real reason she had so many was because she would go back after the librarian changed shifts and take out more. They got wise to this tho. She knew this was a punishment when she asked for help to getting them back there and they just laughed at her.

Emily flung her dorm room door open and carefully push/shimmied the books out the doorway and into the hall, then turned around to closed it behind her and make sure it was locked. With a loud sigh she bent down and picked the wobbly stack up, it came up to just under her nose. Yep...this was going to be a fun float back to the library, she thought as she turned the first corner.

Oh hia! It's a thing!