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Moose: There was a loss of self that Eris was dealing with since the movement of her favorite napping tree. Since she held such disregard for familial attachments it came as a surprise to even her that she felt such heartbreak while looking at the poor, lost tree. It had been struck by lightning in the last storm to roll through the area, and it seems that by the time she made it made the cinders had died out, leaving nothing, but a husk in it's place. She sighed and turned her head to the side, pondering on where she would sleep now.

nessiaing: Gonen was on his own his pride had disbanded and after assuring the fact that his mom and sister were going to be just fine, the grey and black lion decided it was time to branch out on his own and see the world.

He had since been wondering on his own, with no defined plan or course of action. Hopefully he would make some friends along the way and maybe find a place to settle.

Moose: Touching the edges of the crisp tree husk, Eris prowled around the edges of the corpse, her bedazzled tail flicking into the stale wind. When the wind blew it was strong enough for the cinders to get in her eyes, but it was calm now, so the muggy hair burned her lungs. With a deep sigh she moved away from the area, keen on finding a new spot to call her own. It wouldn't be easy, as she knew others to be in the area, but she couldn't help to be optimistic.

nessiaing: Gonen spotted the vibrantly colored lioness ahead of him. He had never seen a lion with such colors before immediately he was intrigued. It had been such a long time since he had seen another soul and it was exciting to see someone else.

He noticed the burnt tree that she seemed to be studying. He wondered why one would be interested in a burnt up tree. Deciding the only way to find out he moved towards her. Careful not to move too fast as he didn't want to seem aggressive, Gonen was a protector at heart and would defend anyone but he didn't relish starting a fight.

Moose: When Eris turned her gaze towards the lion her crystalline blue eyes both softened and fractured all at once. She was blissfully happy to have found company to entertain her, and yet, there was a scent of madness about her that lent itself to disjointed talks when around others. As it stood, when she spoke, it was in a soft, lilting tone. "Are you he that would burn my tree? What fury did you bring out in the Gods that they would destroy my home?" At this she smiled and shook her head.

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nessiaing: Gonen paused when the female the female that he was approaching turned to talk to him. She spoke in what sounded like riddles, something that Gonen wasn't use to. He was very much speak his mind clear and to the point kind of male.

"I did not burn your, tree... I have never seen you or your tree before. Why would you think that I would harm your tree in such away?" He found it odd that someone would claim a tree as if it was a possession.

Moose: Eris laughed and shook her head. "What else am I to think when a lone male approaches a husk of a tree?" She grinned. "Do not look so put out; I'm sure you only meant to burn me instead." Returning back her tree, she picked through the wreckage, and gaveback with a blackened piece of wood in her paw. Eris looked at it longingly before offering it up to him. "For you, God Speaker. Give this back to your spirits and may they be appeased."

nessiaing: Gonen swallowed hard, this lioness clearly wasn't right in the head. He wasn't suree what he should do. Should he talk to her and try to help her or should he turn tail and get the heck out of here while he still could.

"I approached you because I saw you were out here alone, and I haven't seen another sould in a long time. And I assure you I would never burn you, I am a protector not a fighter." he told her slightly offended by her suggestions.

"To me it looks like the tree was struck by lightening." he told her noticing the pattern of the buring, "Have you had a storm in the area recently?"

Moose: The only one truly alone out here was him. If he had known that the vast majority of Eris' short life was spent alone simply because she liked it that way then he may have bolted. As it was she simply reveled in the chance to watch the male squirm. "How sweet it is, and how utterly naive, to believe that a lone lioness near a burnt tree has a soul." She said it with a childlike quality, and a fangy smile. "There have been storms, yes, a lot of them in fact. No doubt a message from the Gods to lost...'souls', " She chuckled, "like you to stay away from lions like me."

nessiaing: Gonen was at a loss for words, clearly this lioness was beyond any help that he could provide to her. It went against his very nature to not stick by someone and help them give them whatever he could to help get them further in his life. He had always taken care of his mother and sister, since his father was not in the picture and his brother had been exiled from the pride when they realized he was deaf. Gonen was the only male to take care of the females.

This female though was beyond his help, and it would seem that she didn't want his help either. She wasn't mean exactly but she made it clear that she wasn't interested in having a conversation with Gonen either. Sighing he simply turned away from her, there were no words to say. He just wanted to get as far a way as possible.

Moose: She couldn't have clearly identified when it was that she bored herself of his stuffy attitude, but if Eris were to guess it would have been when he gave her 'looks'. As if she were truly mad! Bah. Waving her paw of him she turned her attention back to the tree. She would wait here until the next storm and see if lightning did indeed strike twice in the same place, then make her move. Hopefully it would bring better company.