Gonen was still shaking his head after meeting the rainbow maned lioness. She had been so odd, clearly disturbed and Gonen had no power to help her. It upset him more than it should. He didn't know her after all, he shouldn't care what happened to her but he couldn't help but feel some what defeated.

He settled himself well away from where the rainbow maned lioness and her burned tree. He walked into a river where he tried to wash away the memory.

Nebesa wasn't used to being away from home. She wasn't an adventurer like her sister, or strong like any of the other elite guards. She often pressed close to her sister, trembling at the sounds of the leaves rustling.

But today, today she was distracted. She's found a particularly good patch of herbs and she had to stay and collect some. It would add valuable salves to her collection, not that the pride had seen danger in a long while. Still, it had seen birth, and birthing a litter could be as dangerous as fighting a battle - she had told that to her sister at least. Still, she was particularly distracted until she heard a soft sound someone in the water.

Gonen ears began to wiggle around the top of his head, he was pretty sure he could hear someone near by. He sighed he really wasn't sure he wanted to meet anyone else today.

He kept his eyes peeled looking along the vegetation to see who might be out there. Should he call out and see who answered him? What if it was that awful rainbow lioness again.

It wasn't like him to be a coward, so finally he took a deep breath, "Hello who goes there." his voice was deep and could be mistook for intimidating but really he only fought to protect those he cared about.

Nebesa flinched at the sound of a deep voice. It had to belong to a male, and she, honestly, was terrified. She spent the majority of her life within the pride, never encountering males at all.

She normally let her sister deal with them, but her sister wasn't here. When Nebesa had stopped to pick herbs, her sister had wandered off, probably to explore or go back home. She doubted her sister thought she was still out in the roguelands.

"Um, I'm called Nebesa," she called back, "Who are you?" She felt the nerves in her chest, and she inched forward to try to glimpse the speaker.

I'm Gonen." he answered her quickly. He thought he could hear a hint of fear in the female voice that was calling back to him. He felt a little guilty for scaring the female.

He was scanning the shore line and he was pretty sure he could see glimpses of white and brown moving among the green foilage. She seemed small, there was no way that she was an adult lioness.

"I mean you no harm, I promise." he called to her hoping that she would come out. If she was scared maybe she was hurt, maybe he could successfuly help someone today.

Nebesa edged out of the line of the trees, but she was still wary. The male - Gonen - looked strange to her. Absolutely baffling, actually. He was so hairy, and she found it strange. She found herself thinking that she preferred the simple soft-tuft, or lack there of, of a lioness.

"What brings you here?" She asked, though her voice wavered as she tried to put on a brave face like Askari could. She was far from brave though, and she had no doubt he could run her off if he wanted to.

Gonen was happy to see the female break the tree line. "Why hello there its nice to see you." he said to the adolecent female.

"Nothing in particular brings me here but travels, my home pride is no more so now I have branched out on my own. I travel and help people where and when I can."

"How about you my little dear, what are you doing out here on your own." Already his instinctive protective nature was coming out.

She frowned a bit at him, shifting from paw to paw, a little unsure of what to do. She had never intended to meet a male. She fully expected to find a nice woman to settle down with. In fact, she had quite the crush on one of the guards!

But still, it had happened and she was quite baffled by the species - gender? What would she even call him. She couldn't quite find the word. "I'm collecting herbs," She told him honestly. "I guess I got a little distracted though," She muttered, shyly.

Gonen nodded as he came out of the water and made his way towards the female, he didn't want to frighten her away.

"If you are far from home I would suggest finding a den for the night. A young thing like you shouldn't be travelling along at night. There are some unsavourable things out here at night and I would hate for you to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time." he took a seat again not fair from the younger lioness.

"If you would like I will guard you for the evening. I of course would stay outside the den. Keep you safe for the night and then you can be on your way."

Uncertain, the small lioness looked up to the sky. A frown later and she turned her attention back to the male. "Alright," she agreed uncertainly. She didn't wholly trust the male, but she didn't have much of a choice.

"Only until morning though," she said. "And then we go our separate ways." She didn't have the best feeling about this but she sighed. No changing it now! She gave him a small smile. "Thank you."