Eilley has been alone for as long as she could remember and she relished in it. She knew a lot of others who would go on and on about being lonely and sad. Not Eilley though she was happy as could be.

That wasn't to say if she ran into someone she wouldn't enjoy their company. She was a little strong opinioned though and that caused others not to always liker her so much.

Nebesa was a bit cheerful that day. Her sister had praised her salves and she was puffed up and proud of herself. But, she could always do better! They may have worked for minor scrapes that her Elite Guard sister accumulated during training, but as they aged, they would need stronger salves, of course, so the little lioness left the safety of the pride's lands once again.

She didn't like going alone, but her sister didn't want to come, having been offered a patrol opportunity. Still, she could go alone - she would be fine! She hoped so, anyhow...

Eilley had settled herself at the base of a tree. The pink lioness had been staying in this area for the last little while, she had met a male that had caught her interest. Something had never thought would happen.

Eilley had never depened on anyone in her life, having been alone since she was just a little thing. Scanning the forrest around her she wondered what she was getting herself into.

The white lioness made her way through a small bed of flowers before spotting a pink figure near a tree. She froze for a moment. Was it going to be every time she left the pride that she would encounter another? She was anxious - strangers often didn’t come this way, but she ran into one every time she left the lands!

But, upon taking a better look, she discovered the feminine nature of the shape and her body near relaxed with the prospect. She was still shy, but she could always say hello.

"Good day!" She greeted cheerfully. Perhaps the day would turn out okay anyhow! Maybe she would make a new friend today.

Eilley looked up when she head a small feminine voice. She was surprised to see a white and brown lioness standing not to far away. Perhaps she had been deeper in thought than she had realized. She made a mental note to be more aware, day dreaming was no good for anyone.

"Hello there." she greeted the younger lioness warmly. She eyed the white lioness trying to size her up a little but.

"My name is Eilley, who are you?" she asked the younger lioness. She was interested in knowing where this young lioness came from.

Nebesa bounced a bit on her toes. "I'm called Nebesa," She said brightly. She liked meeting new lionesses. They weren't as scary as lions, after all, and the pink lioness appeared friendly enough.

"Are you just passing through?" She asked curiously. She could always be a female joining the pride - it wouldn't be far fetched, but neither were passers-by.

"Nice to meet you Nebesa" she said. She liked the way the name sounded. The young lioness seemed quite firendly and Eilley felt her mood lightening a little. Usually she didn't like younger lions and the way they depended on their parents but this lioness was pleasant enough.

"I have been staying in the area, but I've only been here a short time." Eilley answered. "What about you?" she asked the young one. Interested in her story, was she a freedloader like so many others her age, or was she self sufficient.

"I live in a pride not far from here," she told the lioness. " work as a healer, though I've still got some training..." She admitted. She would always be improving. A High healer from another pride was going to come along for a training session soon as well, so she would get even better! They had received word from a messenger not long ago.

The adolescent bounced on her toes. A traveller, then. She was excited - she always loved stories of far off places and some of the story tellers and guards had grand stories of places she doubted they dreamed up themselves.

"Are you a traveller then?" She asked, excited. She hoped the other female had a story for her, though she would try to hide disappointment if the other did not wish to share. After all, she did not wish to pry.

"A pride in this area huh." Eilley responded she generally avoided areas where large numbers of lions lived together. She lived a solo life and didn't understand these large groups gathering.

"I'm not sure you could call me a traveller, I guess I have moved around a bit, but never explored. I tend to avoid other." she told the adolescent female.

In fact this interaction was already wearing on Eilley's limited social skills. "I should be gettng on, got to find a den for the night." she told the younger lioness before getting up and walking away. "It was nice to meet you Nebesa" she called over her shoulder.

Nebesa sighed in disappointment. Perhaps the lioness simply did not want to share a story, or perhaps she wasn't lying at all. She was excited at the story, but not everyone could weave stories as seemlessly as storytellers could.

"Oh... Alright," Nebesa was crushed! But that was okay. She had hoped for a new friend, but she didn't think the lioness wanted to be hers. That was okay though! "Maybe I'll see you around," she said as the lioness walked away.

She watched the lioness go, rocking on her toes for a moment before heading back towards the pride to lay with Askari - at least she could have one story. With that, she bounced off to find her sister.