Name: Alea O'Byrne
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Hometown: Lavander Town, Knato
Appearance:Best Current Photo of Her.

Background: Alea had the most boring life prior to getting the letter inviting her to join Team Snagem. She was in charge of sitting behind the desk of the Pokémon Radio Tower that once had been Pokémon Tower. She literally was in charge of giving trainers and other people the radio card for the Knato Radio stations. She lived with her at the time fiancé in a little house and her life was really plain and boring. Until that night, it was very late one night and a storm had begun to roll over Lavender town. Thunder boomed and lighting flashed, the winds were howling and rain pelted against the entire town. Concerned about some people who had mentioned they would be working late in the Pokémon Radio Tower Alea left the house to just check on them with her fiancé. Upon entering one of the higher floors of the tower she discovered that something had smashed in one of the windows. Looking about alone seeing her fiancé had decided to lead a worker down to the first floor before joining her Alea soon discovered signs of someone having broken in. She had no idea why they would choose to break in seeing that as far as she knew there was really nothing of interest in the upper floors.

Walking around more she found herself face to face with a robber who was attempting to steal what he thought were valuable items (Which were nothing more than a lot of Knato Radio Cards) the robber attacked causing her fall down a flight of stairs shattering her knee. Just when all things looked bleak for her getting out of there something launched an attack. The robber was scared away and Alea was brought to the closest doctor for humans, Alea would recover however the fall had shattered the knee bone so badly that even after operation causes her to use a cane just for balance purposes. The Pokémon that rescue her was a Glameow that once belonged to a worker at the Radio Tower who abandoned it there. Alea decided to keep it, once back at work she started messing with her computer that had been acting up slightly and sort of accidently…hacked into something. She didn’t see what seeing she quickly got out of the area but soon it became something to do while she was bored at work. She never went anywhere illegal mind you she just sort of hacked into various places.

After three months of doing this she got the letter to join Team Snagem, her fiancé left her shortly after finding out about her hacking worried she was doing something illegal so in hopes that she could make a good life from this dialed the number….

Personality: Alea is the typical girl who has a pleasant personality, generally nice to talk to and very polite. She can be a bit of a nerd when it comes to how computers works and will talk about it nonstop until you stop her. She doesn’t talk much about her fiancé or her parents and will get annoyed of you trying to pry information out of her. She doesn’t tend to snap much but if you push her buttons too much then she might yell at you however she isn’t one to punch someone. Though if you do notice your bank account has drastically changed…that might have been her.

Mary the female Glameow


Snag Coins: 0
Tier: Tier Five, Rookie.