nessiaing: Pya had been alone for a long time. The lion was starting to get older now and he was regretting that he had yet to settle down and start a family. He also didn't thrive in social situations, so meeting someone wasn't going to be the easiest for him.

The large lion huffed and sat his rump on the ground. How was it that he was going to go about finding somewhere to settle much less a female to make a family. He wanted a family he always had. He smiled at the image of little one running around his feet a smile grew on his lips. He loved kids, not only if he could have his own.

Sabra: It had been a while since she had been around her family. Houri's restlessness though had driven the lioness out on a mission. Anyone who the warrior could find worthwhile would be challenged and she would find her days full of duels and adventure. Still though it was getting harder and harder to find any rogues that were interesting enough. Only rumors of a pride of rough warriors kept her going now.

Her determination to find a band of these "vikings" was strong as she loved the idea of a challenge. See if they can take me back! She growled softly at the idea of someone trying to bend her to his will. Swatting away at a clump of tall grass the lioness shook her head. No she could defeat that challenge and walk freely in that pride without any one to tie her down. It was after all in her blood to be free and fierece.

Still is strangely quiet out here... Sighing Houri nearly gave up until a sight caught her attention. Was that someone out there? "Hey, hey you!" Rushing forward she swerved to a halt to study the lion. He seemed...nothing like the image she had been hoping for, "Nevermind." Huffing Houri sat on the ground and stared him over, " perchance know anything about some stormborn fools?"

nessiaing: Pya looked up when he heard someone calling out. He saw the golden colored lioness coming his way she seemed to mean business. Oh dear he thought. He wasn’t in the mood for a confrontation. He was a big lion and could certainly pull his own weight in a battle but he didn’t relish a fight. He was a grumpy lion who for the most part liked to be left alone, but for the idea of cubs and he knew the truth of the matter was he would never get cubs being alone.

He ignored the fact that the female didn’t introduce herself and instead responded to her question, “No I know of no stromborns.” He told her thinking to himself that it was a strange thing to call one’s self. “Though perhaps you need to give more details beyond a silly name.” He told her in a gruff no non-sense voice. He didn’t mean to be grumpy unfortunately this was just his baseline.

Sabra: Houri frowned at his denial, "I'll take your word then." She sighed while she pawed at the ground thoughtfully, "I can't help if that's their name." The lioness retorted sharply, "I didn't naame them. Apparently they're famous around here for being a sea pride that fights. They take what they want and live how they want."

She shrugged, "I'm tired of wandering so I was hoping you would know some. If not I have nothing to do here..." STanding she stretched before looking over at him slowly, "Unless you fight? I do enjoy a challenge...though finding these lions would be best right now."

nessiaing: “No I don’t fight unless I have to” Pya said with a sigh, he didn’t see a point to fighting unless one’s life was in danger or perhaps if they needed something and had to take it. Now that he had heard more about the pride he had an idea of where they could find them. The sea wasn’t too far from where they were now.

“I don’t know of the pride specifically but I do know where you can find the sea.” He added his voice was flat, he wasn’t looking for her approval but if he could help her he would. He sighed a little he had hope when the female first walked up that by some miracle she would be the one that he settled down with. But that hope was looking less and less likely now.

Sabra: Someone who didn't fight unless they had too? Houri huffed lightly at the idea, "Not a good way to prove yourself in my opinion." With her large family full of different species and version of warriors the lioness had taken pride in sharpening her claws. She made certain to keep those she loved protected and safe against the dark. That's why this pride full of rough warriors appealed to her. Not only was it a challenge, but a new way to grow even stronger.

She was nearly ready to leave since the male had nothing to offer her, but once he spoke up again she froze. "You do?" Turning around she gazed at him with gleaming eyes. Nothing blood thirsty or dangerous, but innocent and energetic like a cub's full of hope. Flushing she sat back down on her paws and tried to calm the purr in her voice, "I mean...if that's true then. Care to help me out then?"

She frowned, "Though don't feel pressured into anything. Since you seemed to enjoy just sitting here doing nothing~" Taking a few steps away she looked around, "So which direction is the sea?"

nessiaing: Although fighting didn't appeal to him the pride that she described did, it seemed that they may have a similar attitudes as him and he was all for being around others that weren't cheery and chirping all of the time. It was frankly exhausting to be around others that were happy all the time.

"I would not do something simply because I felt pressure." Pya replied very matter of factly. "I will come with you but not because I feel obliged to, but because I want to know more about this pride." he said.

"The sea is that away. I am coming with you." he said. The female didn't exactly seem the warmest of individuals but he didn't have a problem travelling with someone who wasn't very talkative or warm.

Sabra: Houri's ears flicked back, "I'm glad then that you have something going on then." Her gaze flickered back towards him, "Are you suddenly interested in them?" She tilted her head. A lion who didn't like fighting unless he had too, but was gruff as a sore...did he really know what he was saying? Maybe the guy was a bit crazy...her luck finding the one crazy rogue out here.

The lioness huffed, "You seem so happy to have a companion now. Do you really want to come with me or do you prefer to grump your way through the roguelands alone?" Her tail swished behind her as she looked in the direction of the sea. So close...a breath of happiness lit up in her. Even with the gruff lion at her side not much could take her down. She just hoped he was telling the truth about the pride.

"You sure this is the right direction though? I might have to maul you if you're wrong." She said it sweetly, yet not so sweetly at the same time. He better not be raising her hopes for nothing!

nessiaing: "As long as you don't suddenly become overly chipper I am happy to travel with you. There is no point in us travelling alone if we are both going the same place." he told her. In time he might warm up but he didn't like opening her his heart up too early.

He turned his back on her and started walking towards the sea, "Come on then." he called over his shoulder, "If we walk fast we can make it there in just over a day."

Sabra: Houri had to stiffle a laugh, "Oh don't mind me then~" The lioness rolled her eyes behind him, "I'll try my hardest to be gloomy and not to laugh. Don't want happiness to ruin your day~" Shaking her head the lioness tossed her mane from her gaze as she followed quietly behind him.

Not like she was one for mischeif and overly playfullness, but the sudden urge to break the silence was strong. Soo, sooo strong. At least it would only take them a day or so to make it there. The thought sent her heart soaring. Even with grump paws there the lioness could soon be near the pride she had been looking for.

How could she not be happy with a new adventure right over the horizon after all?