The Hunter
Name: Quinn Benton
Nicknames: ~None~
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Category: Moon

The Weapon

Name: O'tep
Nicknames: None
Type of Weapon: Chakram
Former species of weapon: Sphinx
Gender: Female

Quinn tends to find herself into trouble often. She disregard's most rules placed on her and just does whatever she wants. She isn't that great with authority, but can behave when she feels something is worth her time. She gets bored fairly easily, and moves around to different things. She is hot headed and brutally honest. She isn't afraid of making others made and honestly think's it's kind of amusing. She is quick to jump into a brawl and normally is the one to make the first hit. She honestly is the type that would rather settle a problem through fighting over words. She is fiery and speaks her mind any chance that she gets. She is mostly sarcastic and mean, but she is also extremely intelligent. It is hard for her to gain respect for some one but once she does she is a little more relaxed around them and not as feisty. She's the type that would make fun of some one that she loves but as soon as some one else made fun of that person they could expect to get their butt kicked.

O'tep is just a b***h. She is mean, hard headed, and just normally in a bad mood. Although honestly, she is mostly quiet and doesn't say too much. Although she is quick to announce to Quinn when she feels as though Quinn is being stupid about something.

Why did your human character choose to become a Hunter? Quinn honestly grew up in a pretty big family in a pretty big home. She was the youngest child and was always getting into some kind of trouble. When she was a teenager she started to hang out with a more edgy group.This group got deep into saying that they were seeing stuff and breaking and entering to find ghosts in abandoned buildings. As the group got a little older they started to admit thy were just joking and 'how funny what they would do was'. Quinn was completely confused about this, she could always kind of see something there, or feel something. When she found out about the Deus she decided, why not? Another place to get into trouble.

Weapon Ability
The Chill | Sphinx's Blessing | Quinn isn't the only that's good at giving the cold shoulder. (But also Yin is bad at naming things)

Physical Description:

Eye Colour: Bright Blue
Hair Colour/Style: Short, undercut. Bright blue and purple fade from front to back.
See Pinterest Board for inspiration
Skin Colour: Slightly tan, not quite tan but not pale either.
Clothing Style/Colours: Punk/Slightly hip outfits.
Outfit based off of this Minus the beanie
Black shirt with This design on it (What can be seen under the scarf anyway)
Scarf style in a dark maroon
Bad-a** Bootie heals (Like in the first clothing outfit)
Dark stockings
Bad a** leather jacket
Freckles, lion accessories and bad a** dark make up Here
I'm bad at coats. I was thinking a longer coat with short flared sleeves worn over leather jacket. *O*

Extra: Weapon inspiration
Very short, About 4'11. Petite
References: (If you have art or design sketches for your character, include them here!)