Gonen dragged himself out of the den that he had found the night before. It had been meant for the female that he had found the day before. He was suppose to guard it keep her safe make sure nothing entered.... That was until the night got cold, and he found himself shivering outside the den. So against his better judgement he slinked his way into the den.

Now in the sunshine of the morning he felt ashamed, he was pretty sure he had overstepped the boundries that should have been in place, and now he had to face the female he had meant to protect.

Nebesa wasnt quite sure what happened that night. It had gotten cold, and she remembered the male slinking in some time during the night. Things happened that she wasn't quite sure she wanted to happen, but most of her said no. She was curious, though, always trying things once. She stretched out her body, yawning widely. It was morning now, so it would probably be best for her to get up for the day.

She huffed, not wanting to get up quite yet. She wanted a lazy morning, but she was sure her sister was frantic by now. Normally she stayed in a den with her sister over night, always taking comfort in the warmth of another body next to her, but last night was quite different.

She huffed one last time and pulled herself to leave the den. "Morning."

Gonen swallowed hard when the female came out of the den behind him. He wasn't sure what to do but when she greeted him he realized that now it was too late to take off running. He wasn't much of a hero, or at least he didn't feel like it right now.

He turned slowly a sheepish look on his face. "Good morning, Nebesa" he said his voice was warm but ashamed. "How are you doing?" he asked his voice filled with guilt.

Nebesa gave the male a confused look, frowning at him. He was acting strangely, guilty maybe? She huffed again. Perhaps she should just go home. Even though she just woke up she wanted to go back to sleep. She yawned, shrugging her shoulders. "I slept decently," She answered honestly. "But last night..." She didn't want to continue and simply shook her head.

"What about you?" She asked. It felt... strange, awkward? Being around him, and she found herself shifting from paw to paw, somewhat anxious. She shook her head again, this was just not a situation she had ever been in.

Gonen noticed her anxious movements and decided he should swallow his pride for now, he needed her to feel comfortable it was the very least he could do. "I slept well." he admitted, in truth he had. "I've never shared a den with anyone other than my mom and sister... it was nice."

He wasn't sure that she felt the same way about the experience but Gonen did find he liked the younger female. "I admit it was much warmer once I came into the den, I was freezing my tail off out in the cold." he told her a laugh in his voice. "The stars were nice though."

"I haven't either," she admitted. She slept mostly with her sister now in a den, though not quite away from their mother. The pair slept in odd increments occasionally of course. Still, Nebesa had to mention. "You're the first male I've ever met, of course. Not many come through this way," And before now, she had never been outside the pride.

Males were usually turned away by guards pretty quickly...

"It was getting a little cold inside the den as well." She shifted again, unsure. She hadn't intended to stay past waking up. This conversation was hopefully reaching its end. In fact, her sister might kill her or him or both of them, and not only was this conversation a struggle, but she was nervous about returning home as well.

You've never met any males?" he asked kind of astonished. He realized he hadn't asked her many questions about herself before they had gone to into the den and he certainly hadn't asked her any after. He started to feel a little like a slime ball again.

"How? I mean surely you had a father or some brothers? Maybe an uncle?" He of course had never known his own father and his brother was removed from the pride due to being deaf but still Gonen had known many lions of both genders.

"Sure I do!" She shook her head. Didn't he know anything? "When someone in the pride wants children, they leave to find a male, and return pregnant. All the boys are taken from the pride when they're weened and given to their fathers or..." well, she thought back on what she'd been told. She never expected to leave the pride though, or explain this information so she never quite paid complete attention. "Sometimes they were given to prides other prides to raise."

She shook her head, shrugging. That's just how its always been! "I never knew my father or brothers, but I have a sister too!" She told the other. "She's a guard, you know. She's really strong."

Nebesa herself was quite meek in comparison, though they were both a bit adventurous. She didn't intend the words as a threat, however, but she enjoyed bragging about her sister.

Gonen began to wonder if perhaps he was one of the poor males that were sought out just to breed with. He began to feel uncomfortable all over again. He swallowed hard looking at the female that he ahd though to be so innocent only moment before.

"Well I uh I suppose I should let you get home." Something about the way her pride opperated had made Gonen feel both sad and uncomfortable. He had hoped for love after last night and now he realized that was never something he would get from this lioness. Though maybe he didn't have to feel so bad about not being a good hero, he was still a hero.

Nebesa almost gave a relieved sigh. "Um, see you around then," she agreed. She probably wouldn't see him again though. She didn't think she would leave the pride for quite a bit. Or at least only approach women-folk. Men were strange, and she didn't quite understand them.

Still, she made a hasty retreat, making her way back towards the land. She hoped her sister wasn't on duty as she moved along the borders back secreting away back into the pride.