Ever sense Camilla watched Mayaa make her way straight through the crowded Creeptaria with ease one time when it should have been difficult like a obstacle course the Dormouse ghoul had occationally been taking off her pin and shrinking to her smallest size on her way to and fro class

It was a great way to test and train her reflexes as she had to dodge feet, wings, and claws plus she sometimes had to run from the occational predatory student but she enjoyed the work out it gave her inbetween class and viewed it as a exciting adventure! Well today was one such day where on her way back to her Dorm from class she had taken her pin off and was dodging and skittering through the halls! She was in fine fettle today and was thoroughly enjoying her run but suddenly stops as she hears a faint distent sound... Her stopping however very nearly got het stepped on and she had to book it just to dodge the approaching foot!

Quickly she ducked into a nearly empty hall so she could rest a bit and make sense of the sound Camilla's ears twitched this way and that as she tried to pinpoint where the sound was coming from it was a curious sound that for some reason grabbed her attention like few other things did and she didn't know why... This made the Dormouse ghoul very curious and she had to find the source!

Finally she got the direction it was coming from down and was off racing through the halls following the sound! As she got closer the Dormouse ghoul realized it wasn't just a sound it was music! Beautiful music! It sent shivers through her and practically demanded her attention making her desire to find the player ever stronger! Finally Camilla came to a door leading outside and dove through just as a person opened it making her way out once there she stopped for a second trying to further pinpoint the sound

Once pinpointed she was off again on her way to the Reaper Gardens when she got there it quickly became apparent she wasn't the only mouse drawn by the flute music... "Other mice? Curious..." she whispers to herself before heading in the music was loud and clear now sending shivers through her as she got closer... finally at long last she reached the back of the garden where a pale skined, ginger haired Reaper boil in a white coat sat on a stone bench playing a flute when Camilla saw him she stands up on two feet then spreads her arms wide in a of course gesture "Oooo! A Pied Piper! No wonder that music appealed to me so much!" she says excitedly though sense she was currently only a few inches tall her voice might not have carried over the flute music

hanging gallow
I hope the Reaper Gardens aren't to dirty for him...

Edit 1: Hi I'm just requoting you because I'm wondering if you want to do this rp or if I should let it go